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"Your mother was madly in love with Yu Kong. She was even ready to sacrifice her career as perfumer for him. She worked day and night to become a disciple of Master Qiao, but for him she abandoned her dreams. As you know Li and Yu family have been nemesis for generations. I objected her relationship with Yu Kong, but as the saying goes love is blind she was blinded in his love to see his true colors. Although she was accepted into Yu family, they treated her miserably. I wanted to bring her to my side again but due to my pride and ego I ignored her when she needed me the most." Grandpa Li sighed looking at a distance remembering Li An Shu.

"I dodn't know what happened exactly. Yu Daquan is too cunning, afraid his reputation might get ruined due to that incident he blocked all the information....I couldn't even get to know how my daughter died.....I went to bring you back here but Yu Daquan didn't let me get your custody. Yu Kong married Xu Liang right after months so I lost my rights to plead for your custody." Grandpa Li looked Anna with teary eyes.

Anna finally understood why she wasn't taken away by Grandpa Li. This was a huge misunderstanding. Yu Han was kept in dark all along.

Grandpa walked towards wooden divider. Unknowingly Anna followed him. Behind the wooden divider hung a portrait. The lady in the portrait was as graceful and elegant as a queen. She was gorgeous, her smile was contagious and her bright big brown eyes held warmth which can soothe anyone.

Grandpa Li looked at the portrait with so much of unsaid emotions.

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Anna couldn't take her eyes off from the portrait. It was Li An Shu's, although Anna has seen her photos before but this particular portrait was giving her a different vibe. A unknown pain stung in her heart.

"I knew your life won't be better with Xu Liang and Yu Kong. I asked Li Shen to follow you. He got admitted in the same school as yours. You two clicked along really well dispite our stained relationship. He reported everything about you to me. I tried to protect you in the dark." Grandpa Li looked Li Shen with pride.

Anna was stunned, she always thought Li Shen became close Yu Han as a good brother and a friend but never thought he was working on someone's order. Was it all fake?

Anna felt a stinging pain in her heart thinking about it. The more she thought about it the more painful it became. A pain of betrayal.

With a drop in her expression Li Shen knew what exactly Anna was thinking.

"Sis, although I became close to you because of Grandpa. I respect and love you wholeheartedly. I never faked my feelings or affection to you. Whatever I did, I did on my own accord not because someone asked me to do. You despised Li family very much, so I could never bring myself to talk to you about this. I'm really sorry for keeping you in dark. I'm ready to take whatever punishment you give. But please believe me, you're always my favorite cute lovely sister."

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Li Shen looked straight into Anna with determined eyes. He just hoped she wouldn't beat him until he's unable to walk, or ask him to eat shit.

Anna stared at Li Shen with a unreadable expression increasing Li Shen's anxiety even more.

Her heart was screaming at her to believe him and trust his words. Anna felt sincerity and love in his words. But she wasn't going to let this lot so easily after deceiving her. Anna smirked internally thinking about a punishment for him.
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"You are willing to accept any punishment?" Anna asked raising her eyebrows with a lopsided smile. Li Shen gulped in fear looking at her devil expression but nonetheless he nodded meekly.

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Grandpa Li laughed wholeheartedly looking at his grandkids. He never got to witness their silliness together. His smile turned bitter reminiscing the old days. Li An Shu and Li Xiong were just like these two always bickering and fighting each other but in the end Li An Shu always won, more like Li Xiong let his younger sister win on purpose.

"Little Han" Grandpa Li called Anna stopping their wolf and lamb act midway.

"I know you are a grown child and has the rights to make your own decision. But getting married without the consent of the family is unforgivable and that too you got drunk married. How did that idiot raise you?!" Grandpa Li raised his voice expressing his distaste.

Anna's eyes widened at his words. She didn't wanted anyone know about their marriage not until she says it publicly. But this idiot has told everything even described how I got married. Anna glanced at Li Shen giving a death glare.

Li Shen smiled nervously scratching his cheeks not meeting Anna's eyes.

"Don't you glare at him. Being a girl how can get married while drunk?! Do you have any idea what might have happened?! Irresponsible!" Grandpa Li upbraided.

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"Sorry." Anna made a sad face shooting her best puppy eyes. It was better to suck up then explain.

Grandpa Li sighed shaking his head. His granddaughter is acting spoiled in front of him for the first time so he better make use of it.

"Luckily it was Ji Yang. I have seen that kid grow powerful from very young age. People say he's arrogant and a devil himself, but other than him who can be a match for my Little Han." Grandpa Li raised his head proudly.

Anna was amazed at her husband's popularity. He has already successfully dragged Grandpa Li to his side without even doing anything.

"Call him over for dinner tonight."

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