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"It's lip balm, I was trying a new product." Anna quickly came up with an excuse. Yu Kong was suspicious but nonetheless he nodded.

"Good night, sleep well."

Closing the door Anna opened the bathroom door in rage and Ji Yang walked out as if nothing happened, his lips curved up seeing her now red lightly swollen lips.

"What the hell was that?!" Anna yelled at him.

"Do you any idea what would happened if dad saw you?!"

Ji Yang didn't say anything and leaned back on the table behind him, he was letting her to vent out all her anger.

"Why did you even come?" After some time she asked. Her anger slightly subsided she was much calmer now.

Ji Yang got up and walked towards her. Pulling Anna closer by her waist he replied.

"I missed you." His soft and magnetic voice warmed up Anna's heart, a blush crept up on her face.

He sounded like a puppy seeking for his master's attention.

"Did you miss me?" He asked pitifully. The usual arrogant bossy Ji Yang was acting cute.

'Where did he learn all this?' Anna's heart made a somersault increasing her heartbeats.

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Thanks to Ji Qiang and all his cute acting Ji Yang was able melt his ice queen.

"'cough'..' cough' hmm.. it's getting late you should leave now." Anna was too shy to admit it so giving a vague answer she diverted the topic.

To Ji Yang Anna was like a open book he was able to read all her emotions. An unexplainable happiness filled his heart.

"Now leave." Anna shooed him away.

"I didn't come to leave." Ji Yang crossed his arms.

"Then?" Anna gave a pointed look.

"I couldn't sleep without you in my arms." He pulled her into his arms acting pitiful again. She gulped at his statement, and her cheeks were becoming red due to blushing the tingling feelings churned her stomach.

"And do you want me to get down through those windows from second floor?" He looked as if he's wronged.

Anna's heart made a flip. She glanced at the balcony it's indeed too high and the ground down is also in steeps.

"Alright you can sleep here and for god's sake stop acting pitiful." She was done with his acting. Ji Yang smirked and nodded.

"And keep your hands to yourself, only sleeping." Anna warned as she just now experienced what his hands can do.

Ji Yang gave a smug look and raised his hands in surrender.

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Anna got under the quilt comfortably. Ji Yang began unbuttoning his shirt.

"Wh-what are you doing?" Anna pulled the quilt up to her chin.

"Getting comfortable." He replied simply and continued to unbutton. Anna's eyes popped out as she got a peek at his toned chest.

"Don't, if you do I won't let you sleep next to me." Anna turned away from the teasing sight.

Sighing Ji Yang buttoned up again and laid comfortably next to Anna.

He pulled her into his arms and stroke her hair in a soothing way kissing her on the top. Anna didn't protest, and slept peacefully with a smile on her face. She hate to admit it but she really missed his warmth.


The early morning sun rays greeted the couple.

Anna rubbed her sleepy eyes yawning, her eyes felt blessed to see a beautiful face first thing in the morning.

"Ji Yang wake up, wake up." Anna called out realizing where they are.

Ji Yang opened his sleepy eyes giving a lazy smile. He was happy waking up next to his wife. Anna gulped at how extremely handsome he looks in his bed hair.

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"Get up and leave." Anna tried to push him out of the bed.

"I don't want to leave." He pulled her back to the bed.

"Leave before dad comes." Anna angrily pushed him again.

"Kiss me." Ji Yang smiled sweetly.

"No." Anna glared.

"I'll call your father." Anna's jaws dropped at his shameless cunning threat.

" CEO Yu Kong." Ji Yang's deep base voice called out loudly.

Anna quickly rushed to cover his mouth.

"Are you out of your mind? why are you calling him?" Anna whisper yelled.

"Kiss me." Ji Yang demanded removing her hand from his mouth.

"You must be kidding me?" Anna angrily asked but he shook his head in no.

Anna gritted her teeth, this guy is getting on my nerves.

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"Fine close your eyes." She can't fight with him, she'll also get a day to get revenge on him one day and that day she would torture him to her fullest.

Moving closer Anna pecked on his cheek.

"On the lips." Ji Yang demanded. Anna glared at him telling no.

"CEO Yu Kong I'm in your daughter's room." Ji Yang said again.

Pushing down the urge to kill him Anna held his face in her hands and gave a feather like peck on his lips.

"I said kiss not peck." Ji Yang reminded her. He wasn't going to let this opportunity slip from him.

"Stop messing with me." Anna shooted daggers.

Calming herself she bent down and gave a kiss, using the opportunity Ji Yang pressed her head closer giving a full blown passionate kiss.

Anna blinked few times to get out of daze.

Getting what he wanted Ji Yang got up to leave and proceeded towards the balcony.

"How are you going?" She asked worriedly walking to the balcony.

Ji Yang smirked and made a jump from her balcony to next balcony using his long legs. He had booked a room next to Anna's, the space between their balcony is just three feet.

Anna stood dumbstruck.

'This shameless sly jerk tricked me again.'

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