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M&M Pvt LTD is one of the most prestigious international company it has branches all over the world. It is one of the leading manufacturing company and to get to work here is a dream of many people.

Now Anna got the opportunity to be a part of it so it's a achievement for her. Anna was pumped up with more spirit to work on this project.


Next day morning

Anna was busy rummaging through her clothes searching for something pretty to wear as it's a order of Li Shen.

Anna was still in bathrobe and water droplets were dripping from her wet hair. Anna was confused between pastel pink jumpsuit, black jeans and green crop top and red mid thigh length dress.

Last night she came home late after working overtime as she was taking leave today so Anna didn't get time for early preparation. Li Shen had asked her specifically to look more pretty so she decided to please him since her two weeks younger little brother worked hard for her everytime.

Anna didn't notice a presence behind her and continued to look through her clothes.

Ji Yang leaned on to the door frame looking at his confused wife. His eyes followed the path of water droplet flowing from her temple sliding on her fresh rosy cheeks then to her neck and finally to her cleavage hiding behind her bathrobe. His eyes rested there for few seconds and then turned away shaking of his matured thoughts.

Last night he couldn't get to speak to her as she was fast asleep since he came late after finishing a important meeting. And morning he went to workout in the gym downstairs as it's been quite a while he worked out. All thanks to his cute, pretty wife. In the greed to sleep next her for few more minutes he had skipped many workouts.

He sneakily walked behind her and whispered near her ear.

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"Pink suits you good." His voice was low and husky.

Anna jumped in her place with a squeal and almost tripped over her leg but Ji Yang caught her swiftly holding her through waist turning her to face him.

"... Idiot, why do you always sneak behind me." Anna scolded him hitting on his forearm lightly.

Ji Yang just grinned like a idiot.

"You're too cute." He tried to pinch her cheeks but Anna slapped his hand away.

"leave me." Anna said squirming in his arms as she felt his warm body.

Ji Yang got closer and kissed her on the forehead stunning Anna as she thought he will kiss on the lips leaving her breathless like always. A blush crept up on her face.

A kiss on the forehead felt more meaningful and intimate.

Ji Yang released Anna as his body started reacting to her.

Anna turned to look through the clothes to hide her blushing face from him.

"Go for pink it shows less skin." Ji Yang said possessively. He analysed Anna is going to someone informally with her choice of clothes.

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"I prefer to have my own choice." Giving a arrogant attitude Anna choose the red mid thigh length thin deep v-neck dress. It looked pretty sexy.

Ji Yang's eyes darkened.

"Let's see who dares to come near you once you wear that." Ji Yang replied with same arrogance. His voice was dark and ice cold.

"What if I say I will still wear it?" Anna raised her eyebrows.

Anna wasn't interested in that dress but in his reaction.

Ji Yang pulled her closer, pushing her wet hair back he whispered in her ear.

"I'm not responsible for what awaits you next once you ware it." He kissed her earlobe freezing Anna on her spot. Ji Yang's lips travelled from her ears to neck giving feather like kisses. His hands slightly pushed the bathrobe exposing her milky skin.

Anna's toes curled up at his action, she can never win with this man. Backing away she took the pink jumpsuit and ran away to the bathroom.

Ji Yang's laughter ecohed in the room.

Cursing him and herself Anna got ready in pastel pink jumpsuit.

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Her phone pinged indicating a new message.

Li Shen:["I'll reach in thirty minutes, where are you?"]

Anna:["Max in an hour or so."]

Li Shen:["okay"]

Anna was reminded of Elder Yu's words. She got married and didn't inform anyone living a secret life.

'How would he react if I say I'm married?'

In her new life Li Shen is the first person who loves unconditionally and supported in every situation and yet she kept a big secret from him. Her guilt started eating again.

'would he become mad and stop talking to me?'

'of course!'

'Argh! what should I do? Should I tell him?'

Anna's internal battle continued.

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'If he gets mad i'll do whatever it takes to pacify him.' With a determined look Anna got ready and went downstairs to meet Ji Yang.

Ji Yang was all ready in black suit sitting on sofa reading newspaper.

'When did he get ready?'

"Ji Yang are you free today?" Anna fidgeted her fingers in nervousness.

Ji Yang gave a surprised look to Anna. This is the first time his wife asked something like this. He so badly wanted to say yes.

"I just have one meeting today, Why?" He tried not to sound excited.

"I want you to meet my family." Anna's reply caught him off guard.

"I thought you wouldn't inform your father so soon." Ji Yang kept back the neatly folded newspaper.
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"It's not dad, someone more special than him." Anna's serious reply bought curiosity.

"Okay then I'll postpone the meeting." If this person is so special and important to his wife he shall better get on their good side.

"No, you finish the meeting first, you can meet him in the afternoon." Anna replied with a smile.

Ji Yang nodded.

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