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Yu Mansion

Elder Yu came to his study after spending a long time in garden watering the plants. Garden was the favorite place of his wife. Every year he plants Lilies in the memory of his late wife. Although it has been years since Madam Yu passed away but Elder Yu can still remember the time he spent with her like it was yesterday.

He was reading a book when a knock was heard. Closing the book elder Yu asked the person to come in.

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A maid dressed in black knee length skirt and red shirt with a black apron tied around her waist walked in.

She bowed in respect.

"Master Yu, there's a letter for you." She placed a brown envelope on the table.

Elder Yu nodded and dismissed her.

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There was no from address on it, but was addressed to Elder Yu.

Elder Yu squinted his eyes in suspicion but nonetheless he opened it.

"You must be happy and relieved to see to your granddaughter alive and safe but it's just momentary. Last time she was in her lowest when death struck her and she was ready to accept the death.. there was no fun in doing that..... But now time has changed so do things... Yu Han and Yu Kong have reunited, you all seems to be happy and content... Enjoy all the time you have together because I'm going to crush that happiness and tear apart her from inside... Make sure you protect her with everything you have because this time there's no second chance not even the god himself can save her.." The note read.

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The paper slipped down from Elder Yu's hand as he read the letter. The letter was like a thunderbolt for him.

'This can't be happening.' He repeated the same words again and again anxiously. The fear of seeing his granddaughter in deathbed resurfaced again.

But soon Elder Yu fumed in rage.

"How dare they?!" His balled fist hit the table angrily.

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Till now he couldn't find out what or who was the reason behind Yu Han jumping from the building. But now that person has openly challenged him.

Elder Yu immeadiately dialled a number and his assistant walked in

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"I want you find who sent this letter." Elder Yu commanded in dark voice.

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