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My doorbell buzzes nonstop. My rub my eyes and climb off the bed. I wonder why did I get the doorbell. I don't need it. I decide to ignore the doorbell like always.

The doorbell doesn't stop ringing. I am irritated. Who is it? I make all my payments online. Nothing is due. I don't like people visiting my house. I keep ignoring it. It doesn't stop at all. Nobody likes to listen to nonstop annoying loud noises as the first thing in the morning. I finally go to the door. I don't want to open it.

But, the doorbells don't stop ringing. My head hurts because of the sound. I kick my door and yell, "Who is it?"

"Open the door, Rie." This voice is familiar. "I am your aunt."

"Go away."

"Rie, open the door. It's important."

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"I don't have any energy to deal with you."

"Rie! It is your mother." My aunt sounds like she is crying. "She died in an accident."

My aunt doesn't stop ringing the bell until I open the door.

I don't recognize anyone else other than my aunt. Everyone is dressed in black formal clothes. I feel the need to get out of place and go back to my home. The comfort of my home is heavenly compared to this. I suppose a funeral isn't supposed to be comfortable.

My mother is smiling in the picture. She looks the same despite the years that have passed. I wonder how much she spent to keep that youthful look. It feels strange to see her after eighteen years. I am attending her funeral.

Why did I come? My aunt didn't stop ringing the bell until I opened the door.

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"You should pay respect to your step-father." I hear my aunt whisper to me.

"Must I?" I raise my brow.

"Once you are done, you can leave."

"I guess, you must keep appearances." I roll my eyes.

"If the reporters didn't find out about you, I would have never called you here." Her face twists in anger. "If you have little shame, then do what I have asked of you and leave this place quietly."

"It's not me who should be ashamed." I glance at my mother's picture. "Anyway, I will do what you want because arguing with you will be a waste of my energy. I will pay respect to that man and leave."

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My aunt hisses in anger. She keeps her mouth shut when she sees people taking pictures of us. I keep a poker face and sit down on my knees to pay my respects to the dead.

"I hate you, you. I hate her. Both of you can suffer in the afterlife together." I keep my voice low. "Don't rest in peace, you two. I curse you and her. I curse that your descendants rot with genital diseases."

"What did you say?" A chilling voice sends a jolt down my spine. I turn my head and find a man sitting next to me. He has intense dark eyes and porcelain skin. His dark hair is combed back. His gnarls at me. Even when he is angry, he looks beautiful.

Is it okay for a man to look this beautiful? Is he wearing lipstick?

"How dare you to curse my father and me?"

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Oh, shit!

I smile awkwardly. "Um, about that... I am well... I..."

"She's your step sister." My aunt suddenly appears. "She is here to pay her last respects."

"Respect?" His lip curls downward. "Are you sure?"

I get up and give him a slight bow. I walk out of the funeral house as fast as I can. Thankfully, he didn't stop me. I guess, he didn't want to make any scene. Out of the funeral house, I take deep breaths of relief. I nearly died because of those intense eyes.

"What the..." I punch my chest lightly. "Why did he suddenly appear like that? Did that old geezer want his son to hear what I was saying? He is really not resting in peace. My curse must have worked."

People are still going and leaving out of the funeral house. Nobody pays attention to me. I take a taxi back to my house. I am back to my old life. There is no more disturbance.

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