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The phone keeps ringing. The servants come, hear the lewd sounds, and decides to not disturb the master. Even Takeshi hears frequent loud erotic screams coming out of the room. He is surprised because he heard them fighting yesterday before he left for college. 

"They are quite active today." He looks at the door once before nodding his head in approval. His brother should make sure that the house gets to hear the baby's cries soon. He skips breakfast. It's impossible to keep a straight face while having breakfast with his grandmother. Besides, he is keen on seeing someone today. He wonders what kind of reaction she will show to him for what he did to her yesterday. Should he also seduce her first and make her fall for him later? She's such a romantic. It gives him a headache. He will buy her favorite flower anyway. 

The sounds don't escape Grandmother Kamiyama's ears. She holds her head tiredly. These two know no shame. After nearly killing Chisa yesterday, they are making it deliberately loud to show her how she can't separate them.

Breakfast and lunch are missed. By the dinner time, she feels his weight on her. His dick is still slowly moving inside her. Their bodies are covered with badges of love. She caresses his back that looks like it's been clawed by a feisty cat. He moans into her ear, licking her earlobe. 

"Kiyohira..." She's tired. Her body is aching. She is also hungry. She doesn't know how many times they have done it. She can't even tell whether it's morning or afternoon. 

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"Mmm?" His eyes are closed with a soft smile on his face. This must be what they call heaven.

"Food." She can't speak more. She is amazed that she hasn't passed out yet. 

His eyes snap open. He stops moving his hip. He stares at her face. Her face is sweaty and a little red. Her eyes are devoid of any bad thought of divorce or doubt about his feelings. 

"Stay here. I will bring something."

He's sure that she's too tired to move. He dresses quickly and strides out of the room the food. Rie's poor vagina is sore. She can't even lift her leg. She pulls the blanket over her and hugs the pillow. This Kiyohira is a beast. He wouldn't have stopped if she didn't ask for food. Next time, she will be the one to tire him out.

The servants avoid his eyes when Kiyohira reaches the kitchen. He doesn't say or ask anything. He sets the tray. His wife must be tired after all. He won't let her use a finger. He will feed her and kiss her to sleep. He's curious what kind of dream she will have tonight. 

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Grandmother Kamiyama watches him walk upstairs with a tray of food. She doesn't stop or say anything to him. It's useless. Her grandson won't hear a word. He is lost to that girl.

About Chisa, her grandson has been right after all. She has seen the news. Though she still finds it hard to believe, the truth can't be avoided. Chisa's school records were faked. Her mother was a hostess and father was a convicted felon. Even after seeing Chisa's confession on the news, she can't seem to see the girl with the same affection that she once had for her. Someone like her can never become a member of the Kamiyama family. She could have ignored Chisa's background, but she has seen the picture where Chisa was bullying the other girl. Someone like her cannot be accepted to the Kamiyama family at any cost.

It looks like her grandson is really in love with that girl. She has to admit defeat in front of the younger generation. Her son followed his heart. Her grandson also followed his heart. 

Rie is already asleep when he comes back. Kiyohira puts down the tray on the bed. Should he let her sleep on an empty stomach? He decides against it. After a long strenuous activity, she needs to eat. It seems like her stamina has improved, but it is still not enough. He should take her on a date. Where would she like to go?

He leans down and plants a kiss on the side of her head. He blows into her ear teasingly. These little tactics cannot awaken a deep sleeper like her. He shakes her gently. "Rie..."

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When she doesn't answer, he wonders if he should just let her sleep. She's exhausted. He shouldn't have done too much after a long time. It's hard to control... He sighs. The phone is ringing again. 

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[I found the bodyguard. I called you all day. You are not kicking me out because you picked up the call late? I also texted and mailed you. Please don't throw me out.]

Kiyohira remembers about the job. He glances at Rie. "Good. Come with her to the mansion tomorrow morning."

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[I will, Boss.]

Her safety is the priority. Kiyohira checks emails and texts. He frowns when he sees Chisa's missed calls. The woman is quite daring. Eichi has sent him 50 texts too. They are mostly about Chisa. 

His lips purse into a thin line when he sees the news. This is definitely his wife's job. It's surprising how Chisa could hide her past in such a way. Rie knew that she had a lot more to lose if she would go this far to hide the past. 

[Hashimoto Chisa's confession: She was forced to?]

Forced to do what? Kiyohira plays the video of the press conference without a second thought. Chisa's pale face appears on the screen. 

[I, Hashimoto Chisa, will confess my sins to society today.]

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