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Imamura Ken is dazed to see the large mansion. It's beautiful. But he wonders how long it takes to clean it. Currently, he lives with his girlfriend at a small rented apartment. It's not bad because small spaces mean one needs to clean less. With thoughts like this, he walks inside the mansion.

He introduces himself to the guard. "I am Imamura Ken, the new secretary."

The guard scans him with a frown. His eyes move to the short woman beside him.

"This is the bodyguard."

The guard makes a call inside. Only after confirming, he lets them go in. Ever since the incident with Chisa happened at the Kamiyama Mansion, the security has been raised. Other than residents and trusted servants, only people with appointments can go inside.

Kiyohira comes down to see his secretary and the bodyguard. Rie hasn't come out of the bathroom. He wonders if he needs to break it down. Probably, she needs some time to cool her head. 

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His secretary greets Kiyohira with enthusiasm. "Boss, this is the person I told you about. Her name is Tsuchiya Tsumi."

Kiyohira observes the girl in the black formal suit. He's 185 cm tall. She's only 155 cm tall. With dyed blonde ponytails and thick glasses, she seems like a small child. There's even a child-like smile on her face. He turns to his secretary with a poker face.

"Boss, believe me. She meets the criteria." Imamura can understand why Kiyohira is doubtful. He had the same reaction when he saw her. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"How old are you?" Kiyohira decides to give her a chance. Knowing his wife, he has learned not to judge people by appearance. 

"I am 32 years old." The woman's voice is husky and deep, completely different from her child-like body. She's older than he is.

"Bring it." Kiyohira commands a servant. He has prepared a test for the woman. The servant comes back with a tray. There are three bowls of porridge. He places it in front of the woman.

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Kiyohira eyes the woman. "Which one should this secretary eat?"

"Boss, you knew that I skipped breakfast." Imamura Ken is nearly in tears. Where would he find this kind of boss who can telepathically know that the secretary skipped breakfast to come here? 

Tsumi sniffs the bowls of the porridges. She points to the third one quietly.

"You eat that one," Kiyohira tells his secretary. The secretary doesn't think of it much and picks up the bowl. He eats it without hesitation. He's been starving. If someone is offering, why can't he eat it? He finishes the bowl in delight. When he is about to pick up the second bowl, he hears his boss.

"You can really sniff out the poison."

The secretary chokes. Poison? Was he just used as a guinea pig?

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"There is a second test." Kiyohira looks upstairs. "Follow me."

The secretary and the bodyguard follow Kiyohira to the room. He unlocks the door. Rie still hasn't come out. There's no doubt that the silent treatment is going on. 

"Open the door without breaking it."

Tsuchiya Tsumi presses her ear to the door. She can hear soft breathing. She blinks slowly. She doesn't know anything about the person. After hearing the breathing sound for a good minute, she sits down on her knees and starts working on the lock.

He watches her disassemble the lock with her long nails alone. He purses his lips into a thin line. She's not breaking the door, however...

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What did he expect her to do? Coax his woman out?

"Stay here," Kiyohira tells Tsuchiya Tsumi and his secretary. He finds the woman lying on the bathroom's floor in a fetus position while holding the laptop to her chest. He takes away the laptop first. Then, he picks up the unconscious woman and takes her to the bed. 

"Boss, who is this woman?" The secretary asks foolishly. 

"Tsuchiya, you must protect this person from now on." Kiyohira covers the woman with the blanket. "Until I say so, she can't leave this room or have any contact with the outside world except for me. Keep a watch when I am not here. Even my family members cannot meet her. Do you understand?"

He's forced to go this far because she wouldn't give him one chance.

"Boss, is she your prisoner?" Imamura asks with a shocked expression. "Did you abduct her? Are you keeping her here against her will?"

Kiyohira doesn't answer him.

Tsuchiya smiles at him. She knows what to ask and what not to ask. "Mr. Kamiyama, I will do as you say. From this moment on, not even the god of death will be able to take her soul away when I am around her." 

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