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Putting aside love and relationship, I am still confined to this room. So, I hope to have a civilized talk with him. I can't stay here and wait for him to deal with Chisa. I will bend and accept the fact that I do have feelings for him. Then, I will talk to him about this confinement. 

I wait for him all day. He still makes me wait more. What the hell is wrong with him? He should be home faster since he knows that I am at home all day. A bastard is always a bastard. Keeping me inside the room with absolutely nothing... 

Why can't I have even a phone or laptop? This is against basic human rights.

I run to the door when I heard the familiar clicking sound. 

"Madam Kamiyama, these came for you." Tsuchiya enters with another pile of papers. "Mr. Kamiyama will be a little late."

I take the papers. "Tsuchiya, can I call him once?"

"No." She closes the door. Tsuchiya is inflexible. She won't talk to me much. It's hard to fool her. 

It's irritating that I am sort of missing him. I want to shoot someone. I toss the papers on the bed. Guess what, Kiyohira? You aren't allowed to be with another woman. I am lacking and all. There might be trouble seeking us in the future. Since you are good in bed and you also want me to be with you so much, I will give in a bit. I might not be able to become a socialite or help you in another way. But I will help you with designing better games and protect your company from all the hackers in the world. None of these women can do that. That's right. I will even teach you how to play games.

I have a lot to say to him. I also feel lonely. I won't trick him. I will be honest. I hope that he believes me and give my weapons back to me. I need to find that psycho and reveal Chisa's secret to the world. There's a lot happening. I will tell him about the video. 

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I sit on the bed and stares at the women's profiles. I start tearing one after reading their names. I will memorize them. In the future, I will make sure that none of them ever comes in direct contact with him. I hate him for making me like this. I will make him suffer more. I am not going to sleep with him for a year. He deserves it. 

I can't stay in this room anymore. There was a time when staying inside the room for days wouldn't bother me. Back then, I had my laptop. I need it. If he agrees to get me a new laptop tomorrow, I will forgive him for everything. I am going crazy.

I sniffle and pick up the photo. I stop and stare at the picture.

Why her?

I look at the second picture. Kiyohira is sitting beside her. Her hand is covering his. He is smiling at her. He's wearing the clothes that he wore today.

They are laughing. Chisa is giving him a hug. She's inserting something in his pocket.

Just maybe... these are false. It's not what it seems like. There are technologies in the world. Photographs can be edited easily. This must be a lie. Chisa is trying to trick me. Why else would she send photos?


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Kiyohira keeps sighing as he climbs the stairs to the room. He feels like spiders are crawling under his skin. He feels like he needs to get exorcism performed by a priest.

He can't wait to see his wife. He misses her so much all day. He wants to hug her and drown in her scent.

It will be over soon. He's sure that his plans won't fail this time. 

Tsuchiya unlocks the door and steps aside. He is not prepared to see what's waiting for him. He pushes the door and finds her standing with a tender smile on her face. He is surprised. She's only wearing red lingerie. Her hair is combed nicely. His mouth goes dry. 

What kind of role she's playing today? Seductress? 

"Welcome back home, husband." The voice is as sweet as honey. He takes a step back, but Tsuchiya has locked the door behind him. She presses her body against his. He exhales and inhales rapidly when she rubs her bosoms against his hard chest. 

He can't escape her clutches tonight. "Rie."

"How was your day, Husband?" She narrows her eyes on him. 

"It was okay..." He swallows his saliva. She definitely wants something. She brushes her lips over the shirt. He squeezes his eyes and shudders.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

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She raises her head and bites his jaw softly. "I missed you all day."

"I also missed you." He doesn't know where to put his hands. What does she want from him? He can't let her leave the room yet. "If you want me to let you leave..."

"I just want you..." She bends down on her knees. "It's been a while since I tasted this."

"Rie, stop." He clutches her hands on his waist. "This won't work on me."

She lets out a deep laugh. "Do you think that I only want to do it when I want something from you?"

His back is sweaty. "It's not the first time you tried to trick me."

"Even if I trick you, I do it in a fun way." She looks up at him with amused eyes. "Just focus on the fun part."

He asks her with a cool voice, "You admit that you are trying to trick me right now?"

She lets go of him and snaps, "I am trying to trick you to bed." 

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He won't be able to control himself if he gets tricked to the bed. He needs to wake up early tomorrow. It's hard to stop once they begin. 

"I will fetch dinner." He gives her a soft kiss on her lips. She watches him change his clothes and head out to grab dinner. After he is gone, she picks up the black trousers. She inserts her hand in the pocket. She doesn't find the item that she's looking for.

"I knew it." She relaxes her shoulders, releasing a breath. 

Two years ago, she ran away after seeing Chisa with him. Later, she learned that he wasn't involved with Chisa like the way she thought he was. She made a mistake back then. 

She will tell him everything after he returns.

"As if I don't know that you are a manipulating b!tch." She slips her hand in the other pocket. "I might not believe a lot of things, but I believe in his love for me. He's an arrogant bastard, but..."

She takes out the item. It's a lipstick. 

When the door opens, she hides it beneath the pillow. Kiyohira sees her holding his trousers in one hand. He raises his brow. What could be she doing possibly?

Nothing..." She folds it clumsily, not meeting his eyes. "Just folding it."

He finds her acting odd, but when did she ever act normal? 

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