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Half asleep, she mumbles to him, "Kamiyama's bastard is in my dream. I don't want to sleep anymore. I want to wake up."

"Hey, you!" Kiyohira' eyes become big when he hears her cussing him again.

"I have to kill that Kamiyama's evil son." She slaps her own cheeks hard. "I have to wake up."

Her cheeks become red because of the slaps. Kiyohira grabs her wrist and tries to shake her awake. Her head wobbles up and down like a doll. She closes her eyes and hugs him like a pillow. "My bed, I miss you. My home, I miss you. My love Kazu, I miss you."

"This vile woman!" He tries to push her away. She whimpers in pain when his hard hands bruise her shoulders. When he stops his actions, she rubs his face on his shirt and sleeps with an open mouth.

Kiyohira has no idea that Rie is actually a deep sleeper. If she falls asleep, she won't wake up for a few hours even if the world turns upside down. When she wakes up, she can't fall asleep easily.

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Sometimes, she will stay awake for days. Sometimes, she will sleep for 18 hours straight.

"Damned woman." Right at this moment, he is inches away from becoming a murderer. On the other hand, She adjusts herself in a convenient position by shifting on his lap.

"Master, we have arrived." The driver avoids looking at him. He is afraid. If he looks, the master will know what he is thinking. This woman is definitely his lover. Master has a taste like this. No wonder. It is hard to find a creature like that.

"Hey, wake up." He tries to separate the woman from his body.

"Warm." She wraps her legs around him. "My heater."

"What the hell are you saying?" Is she pretending? Why isn't she waking up?

"Master, should we ask someone to take her to the house?" The driver asks hesitantly when he sees them like that. Should he leave them for some private moment?

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"No." He clenches his fists. If anyone from his family sees them like that, he will have no face. How can he let someone like her embrace him without any shred of shame? "Take us to the other house. This woman needs to get her mind straight before she enters our house."

The driver doesn't delay. He drives as fast toward the master's personal property in AB district.

It is a feat to get out of the car when a grown woman is wrapped around you like a python. Her legs are coiled around his waist. He carries her inside the house and tries to toss her on the bed. But, she is sticking like glue.

"Let go." He forces her arms to unlock from his necks. Her upper half rolls down while her legs do not uncoil around his waist. He grabs her hand and prevents her head from hitting the hard floor. That's close. If she gets a head injury and dies, it won't be good for the Kamiyama family.

"Is she a koala?" He asks himself seriously.

He pulls her up and goes to the bed. He tries to lay her down on the bed, but it seems that she has other plans. She doesn't let him go no matter what. He struggles to push her away until he is exhausted and gives up.

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"She is a human koala." Kiyohira mutters with fatigue and falls asleep beside her.

After around thirty minutes, she rolls away from him in sleep. She isn't feeling comfortable with her bra on. Just like she did it at her home, she undresses completely and throws away her clothes. She rolls back on his body and falls deeper into sleep comfortably. Kiyohira wraps his arms around her with a sigh. It's been a while since he is having such a good sleep.


It feels good. It smells good. My bed is even warm and cosy. When did I get a new heater? It feels like someone is hugging me.

Someone has his arms around me.


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I try to move, but his arms are holding me tightly. I wiggle hard against his body. He moans and complains in his sleep and roll over me. His body is heavy. I scream with all my might.

"You shit!" I push his face away from me and slap it hard. "What the fuck are you doing, you bastard?"

He opens his eyes slowly. He looks sleepy. "Woman, why are you yelling in the morning after last night?"

"Last night?" I must have fallen asleep in his car. I usually don't wake up easily after I fall asleep. "What happened last night? What did you do to me last night?"

"You were quite wild last night." He scowls at me. "No matter what I did, you wouldn't wake up. We slept together."

I blink hard at him. Slept together. Wild. No matter what he did. Did we have sex? I realize that I am naked.

"You asshole!" I roll over him and sit on his chest. I wrap my fingers around his throat. I will definitely kill him today. "You couldn't keep your dick inside your pants for one night, could you? You had to put that rotten diseased thing inside me?"

His grabs my wrist and pushes them away from his neck. He glares at me darkly. "What did you say?"

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