Why? Who would be the one responsible when someone got fired?

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From elementary school to university, it had a powerful calming effect[1], even calming the anger of working for a large company for sixteen years. Sometimes, people can’t get over that hurdle and say, ‘One day, the company will be blown away!’ After a few months, there had been no such taste of frustration until now.

And the truth was, there were no lies in the words of the chief executive.

Even if you dug into all of the soap operas in Korea, you would see that for someone who was born with a dirt spoon, they’ve had to do everything in order to become a general manager. In some rare cases, the position of Director was given to the poor, but in most cases, in order to overcome the sorrows[2] of being born poor, under the authority of a ruler, one had to do all kinds of dirty things, from soliciting bribes to even murder.

So, if something were to happen to those who took on that role, the first thing they’d have to do was to cover it up and cut it off.

There was a way to enter wealthy families, and that was through marriage. However, even in this case, decent human beings were rare. Most of them had been portrayed as mean, despicable men that beat up their lovers who had devoted themselves to supporting them.

In short, the world where the wealthy lived was different from the very beginning. Even if they breathed the same air and were under the same sky, the line between the two worlds was thoroughly drawn.  Just as it was natural for the chairman’s granddaughter, who had not even taken a personality test, to sit at the head of the department from the beginning, it was natural in this world that she couldn’t say anything even if she missed out on every opportunity she had.

“Haa, I can do well too! Just tell me what to do!”

She stood on the bridge and shouted. She had to shake the frustration off like this to go back to work the next day and act insincerely as if nothing had happened.

“If you send me to study abroad, I won’t do methamphetamine, marijuana, or anything like that. I’ll just study! I’m confident that I can live well because I’ve only been with people who’ve always ordered me to do it right, whether it’s marriage or dating!”

Once the dam of her feelings burst, the accumulated things she held onto for so long spilled out of her mouth. Looking down at the dark river, she raised her voice as if she was letting go of her resentment.

“I also want to try fighting for property instead of a side dish! Let’s tighten the tension between parents and children! I mean, I want to be taken care of instead of my brother for once!”

The longing she had only dreamed of took her one step forward. Even during the moment that her body was staggering along with futile footsteps, inner thoughts burst out in a scream-like matter.

“So let me be the daughter of a conglomerate!”

She would’ve brushed it off and started afresh again tomorrow even though it was dirty, but she never opened her eyes again.

At least, in Korea.


“Lord, come here and look at the baby’s eyes. It’ll definitely be pink!”

The first voice she recognized when she came to her senses was not a criticism of why she was late without any contact. Instead, a lady in white, who couldn’t hide her joy, was shouting brightly in front of her eyes.

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‘…Why are you here? This is not a place to come in as you please.

…But how do I say that in English?’

Once she tried to push the old woman away, she was very embarrassed by her arms struggling in the air. ‘What is this? Why are my hands and arms moving freely? No, are my hands alright?’

She couldn’t even breathe because she was stuck in such an adorable size. She even remembered staggering while drinking, but it was shocking to see what the hell was going on. What was even more shocking was hearing the screams coming out of her mouth.


The mouth, which was where words were supposed to come out, burst into tears.

‘Why am I crying? I want to cry, but I don’t have to cry this much.’

The more embarrassed she was, the louder the cry became. ‘I cried because I thought this situation would drive me crazy, and I cried in anger because I couldn’t go to work in the midst of that.’

An hour after she was born, a man poked his head out in front of her, who was in the greatest chaos of all time.

“Surely it is. They’re the perfect eyes for business.”

He was a very handsome man at first glance, and there was a strong scent of money that exuded from him. Like a slave to capitalism, her struggling hands settled down and the crying stopped. She was drawn towards him by reflex.

Amazed, the man grinned.

“Adelaide, that’s your name.”

The cry, which was about to burst again because of the man who even named her at will, was stopped by the gigantic ring shining on his finger.

‘Uh… That ring. I remember it from somewhere.’

A black ring with delicately embossed wings of an eagle with sparkling diamond eyes. She was familiar with the huge ring that seemed to only appear in fantasy novels. ‘Didn’t the same ring appear in the novel I read just a few days ago? It had been described in so much detail that it was difficult to confuse them.’


She stroked the ring several times in an attempt to drown out the deep burning in her heart. The eagle of Count Sergio, with eighteen delicately carved feathers, shimmered with diamond eyes.

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‘That’s right. I’m sure of it now.

Let’s see. One, two, three feathers…’

When the newborn baby fixed her out-of-focus eyes on the man’s ring and looked at it, laughter arose from all around.

“Oh my, Count, look at your baby. She must’ve liked the ring.”

“…You are really my daughter.”

The man’s satisfying voice woke her up. ‘I counted them twice, and they all had eighteen feathers.

But did that person call me his daughter now?

You mean this guy is really my dad?’

She was suffocated, but she tried to calm down and control herself because she was afraid that her new father would be surprised. It was rough, but she figured out the situation. When she died, she was reborn in the novel.

But that’s not what’s important.

This person right here was her father.

Count Ante Sergio.

He did not have a lead or supporting role. He was just in the background in the novel. But was that important? From jewelry mines to textiles to ships, various aquatic products, etc…. further explanations will be omitted. To make it simple, he was the richest man in the South.

‘I became a daughter of a conglomerate!

Not just any conglomerate, but the highest ranking conglomerate in the South!’


A babble of joy flowed out of her.

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‘Father, it’s really nice to meet you!’

Struggling with her arms, she grabbed the Count’s ring finger.

“…What’s wrong, Daughter?”

‘What do you mean?

I won’t let go of this hand.’


After that, Adele learned a few more things. One of them was that her father was much more reluctant than she thought, and the other was that she had a natural talent for being the daughter of a chaebol.

“Lady, take your time. You’ve already attended Latin classes, swordsmanship classes, jewelry and art classes since this morning, and now horseback riding? I should tell the Lord…”

“No. Don’t tell him.”

This was just the way she was.

No matter how much the nanny tried to stop her, Adele just felt at ease. Even if she took several classes a day, she never got tired of it.

How could you get tired of playing these noble sports for free?

If they parted through the green meadows, the air they inhaled was different. It was the ‘air in the other world’ that she had always dreamed of. If the conglomerate daughter’s schedule was like this, wouldn’t this enormous wealth be realized?

‘Just right! It’s perfect!’

Adele closed her eyes and breathed in the air enchantingly as if it were a habit.

Nothing was difficult, including the meat that melted gently on one’s tongue that could not be graded, or extracurricular classes composed of the best talents on the continent. All she had to do was succeed her father and grow up as the heir of the South.

She didn’t care much about her mother’s death even before she had learned her face, or even that her father was always busy with the business, although there was a disadvantage to that. In fact, for a person who had lived with a dirt spoon in Korea, this ordeal was similar to playing with gods.

However, these dreamlike times, which seemed to last forever, took the first blow at the age of eleven. It began with the appearance of a little girl two years younger than her, who entered the Count’s mansion wearing a ragged dress.

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“Oh, can I call you Unnie[3]? I am Noella.”

The time had come.

Adele was very calm, not like a child who had just met her father’s illegitimate child. The nanny said it was because the young lady was shocked, and others said it was because she resembled her father and was cold-hearted, but it was neither of those reasons.

The only reason why she was able to remain so calm was that she knew, from a long time ago, that this would happen.

‘No matter what, I’m sure you’ll show up just like this.’

Life was so peaceful that she forgot about her existence for a while, but this little girl was not the true protagonist of this novel… but a villainess among villainesses.

Noella Sergio, the villainess in the novel ‘Don’t Believe in Blondes’.

It was all thanks to her that she was able to roughly grasp the situation when she first opened her eyes in this world and heard the Count’s name. In other words, this villainess’ family was Count Sergio, and she was her older sister.


Wasn’t it too graceful of a name to give to a Villainess?

You might think that the author named such an angel to give a surprise twist in her own way, but surprisingly, she was originally the female lead. Look at that beauty as proof. With dazzling blonde hair and jewel-like eyes, ‘I am the main character’ was emitting in her appearance.

The reason why she fell and became a bad character was entirely due to the writer. Originally, according to the synopsis, Noella would have been the typical good and beautiful female lead, but the fact that the work was serialized was a source of concern. Although Noella tried to shine as an icon of forgiveness and patience, readers familiar with that type of genre were frustrated.



[1] The “calming effect” mentioned here was like being used to it. Say, for example, you’ve done something so many times that even if it angered others that just started, because you were used to it and therefore unaffected by it now, it became “calming”

[2] It was implicated here that being poor meant being given lesser opportunities, therefore there were more exposure or chances of being exploited

[3] Unnie means older sister, coming from a younger female.

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