Here Comes the Golden Spoon!

Chapter Prologue


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          There was a rainstorm last night. As the thunder rumbled, the Count’s windows were shut. A noble family from the South, a place where it is often filled with guests, it was terrifyingly quiet today.


          It was the heaviest rain recorded for the last 10 years. The droplets from the rain stings. Guards guarding the main gate pulled the huge iron gates and shouted.

          “Everyone, gather up! Guard up the gates!”

          “Let’s stop and go. I don’t want to risk my life, and what kind of crazy person to visit at this hour…ugh.”

          Little by little, the sound of the horses’ hooves gets closer through the heavy rain.

          The guard turned around in surprise to see who was coming, and a man gleamed through the mist.

          Everyone’s mouths shut at the overwhelming shadow from afar. The robust appearance which could not even be confused with who it was, showed its overwhelming aura even during the rainstorm, and the raindrops that repelled in the silver armor, overpowering its surroundings without melting into the darkness of the night and the blur of rain fog.


          When the man reached the entrance gates, he pulled the black horse’s reins, jumped off and took off his helmet, indifferent to the startled eyes of the guards looking at him.


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          He removed his hood, raindrops fell from his silver hair and his golden blue eyes lit up a cold light. A steep nose, sharp jawline, and a beautiful appearance like a statue under the moonlight seemed to be cold.

          “…where is her ladyship?”

          With the advent of rainstorms like arrow baptism, the sentence is unusual. The bored guard pointed to the mansion without realizing it. 

          “So, if you are now the Lord of Sergio, you will be in the office on the second floor by now…..”

          “Move out.”

          Regardless of whether the guard stumbled or not, the man quickly moved and strode into the Count’s mansion. Even though he could have changed his clothes first, the man climbed the stairs and swung open the door of Adele’s office.

          “Don’t worry about it… What’s the matter, Jerox? What do you want me to see… Oh my god! How did you get here!” 

          “Am I not allowed to be here?”

          “No, that’s not what I meant…”

          Adele, who was in the middle of examining the documents, got up at the sound of the man’s gloomy voice. His face is absurd. Astonished, she then saw the condition of the man she had not noticed at first glance because she was surprised at his arrival. She looked around to find something to wipe him off to, but he was one step quicker.

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          Coming close to her nose in a blink of an eye, he stared down at the young man sitting opposite to Adele.

          “…Didn’t you say you were leaving?”

          “Who… Jerox?”


          Answer me.

          Blue eyes gleamed like a sharpened sword. Suddenly, lightning flashed outside the window, and Adele shook her dazed head.

          “I couldn’t even start because something came up.”


          “By the way, you said it would take a week. How in this weather you…”

          It’s been less than three hours since she saw him off. As Adele opened her mouth, scanning him wet from head to toe, he shrugged and raised his chin, indicating it was nothing. 

          “I left something behind.”

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          “Is it important?”

          “A bit… No, a lot.”

          “Still….. What did you leave behind for you to come back from this bad weather?”


          A will emanating from the man indicating that he would not answer any more.

          As soon as he turned around, looking at the table between Adele and Jerox sitting opposite to her, Adele sighed in relief.

          Hu… Someone might think it was her husband who came to catch his cheating wife. 

          Her head was dizzy. Once the man leaves, she’ll catch her breath and plan to finish what she was doing.

          However, what she heard was the sound of a man pulling a chair instead of the sound of the door to leave the room.

          Gulping, Jerox who was sitting opposite Adele, swallowed his dry saliva. He turned his back on him but Jerox must face him head-on. Adele looked at Jerox’s slightly shaking hands, then looked at him. 

          “Hey, you know.”

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          “Don’t worry about it.”

          Sitting cross-legged in a chair in front of the fireplace, nodding his head resolutely swiping the wet hair that drooped over his expressionless face….. He gave her advice that seemed like a warning. 

          “You may resume comfortably. Like I don’t exist.”


          Only the flames of the fireplace swirled in the desolate room.

          Adele bit her dry lips, trying to concentrate on the paperwork. Even if he looks like that, he will be the heir to the top* and the head of the count. It’s nothing to kick out a man who intruded like this, but here’s only one reason why she can’t.

          “There was nothing to worry about.”


          For that arrogant and bloody man was none other than her husband, whom she had chosen with her own hands.

*T/N: I am not sure the correct translation for these. If anyone knows, please let me know!

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