Hey, Don't Act Unruly!|喂, 别乱来!Chapter 21

Male and Female Stories

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Lin Yuan was beaten, he was raging. He suddenly stood up from the ground, and pounced at Yin Ze. Yin Ze dodged, but couldn't dodge and met with his fist.

The two came together momentarily, wrestling against each other.

On the side nobody went up to mediate and Niu Niu yelled at Yin Ning: "Mama, the bad guy is hitting Uncle, hurry and let Mantou out!"

Gao Yulan speechlessly started, thinking this child, do you want your Mantou to come out and bite him? He would probably wave his tail cutely , without any use against the bad guy.

The two police officers watching on the side were not happy at all, do these two want to die? To actually dare fight in front of them!

The two police officers hurriedly went to stop the fight, not caring how they were going to manage it, why not just take all of them back and question them.

The two were in the middle of fighting and the police officers came over. Lin Yuan swung his fist and Yin Ze dodged it. The fist smashed into a police officer's head.

Yin Ze seeing this rapidly moved his body and doged behind the police officer and lifted his hands obediently, then said loudly: "Police Officer, he attacked the police, he attacked the police."

Lin Yuan regretted a lot, he really was regretting. He wanted to get back together with Yin Ning, he wanted to take care of his daughter, but he lost his cool. His temper was too bad and he messed everything up.

Currently the chaotic Yin Ze came and he after a couple punches, it allowed for his head to cool down.

He really was stupid, he was just showing that he was bad and stupid.

Lin Yuan stopped breathing heavily, and corrected his messy clothing. He crossed looks with the two police officers , and then his gaze fell onto Yin Ning.

Yin Ning was watching him, using a scornful, and empathetic expression. His daughter had rushed into Yin Ze's embrace, and he was wiping away her tear stains on her ltitle face.

"Uncle, we should release Mantou  to bite him."

Her little pale hand pointed at Lin yuan , thuis left him with a bad taste in his mouth.

As this matter was wrapped up, not going to the police station wasn't going to a option. Yin Ning handed Niu Niu over to Gao Yulan to take her to go eat, while she wrapped up this terrible event. Gao Yulan , Chen Ruoyu, and Guo Qiuchen too the child to go to McDonalds to buy some food. And according to what Yin Ze directed, went to a nearby hospital to get Guo Qiuchen checked, and ask for a injury report.

And Yin Ning, and Yin Ze went with the police to the police station.

Gao Yulan was somewhat worried, Yin Ze was hit a few times, was his injuries serious? And didn't Lin Yuan seem like a big headache, would the sister and brother be able to take care of it?

Chen Ruoyu was also worried, and she asked: "Just a moment ago I was impulsive and also hit the wretch several times. He said he was suing us, wouldn't I also be sued?"

Gao Yulan consoled her with a couple words, actually she was also uncertain. But Lin yuan didn't know Chen Ruoyu, and it could be assumed to not be too important.

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Guo Qiuchen didn't have much to say, he was the unluckiest amongst them. To count every time he came over, there wasn't anything that had been good. However, Mr Guo kept his poise, and hadn't complained even one word. When they were buying McDonald's, Niu Niu had poked at his eye asking if it hurt. He just patiently chatted with the child.

Niu Niu, having her wish fulfilled of going to McDonald’s was quite happy. Although she had just experienced a n unpleasant experience, she deserved to be called a blood relative of Yin Ze's, she had quickly put the affair aside and was already mapping out the future. That is–return home and train Mantou to distinguish enemies, and bravely fight!

Goa Yulan didn't put down Niu Niu's wishful thinking, but reminded herself. Later when i see Yin Ze to tell him, to take care of Mantou's body, no, to keep the dog safe.

The three adults and child finally arrived at the hospital. Niu Niu familiar with the place was jumping all over the place running up ahead to the third floor.

The nurse seeing Niu Niu greeted her, and Niu Niu waved and ran into the clinic.

Gao Yulan hurriedly pulled her back, but she nevertheless quickly said loudly: "Uncle Meng."

A man's laughter came from the consultation room, and Gao Yulan went in. She saw a young doctor carrying Niu Niu in his arms.

The doctor's name was on a nameplate on his desk, Gao Yulan swept her gaze over it.

Isn't this doctor's name a tragedy?

Meng Gu followed Gao Yulan's sight and knew what was on her mind. He laughed: "My father's surname is Meng, and my mother's surname is Gu, so I'm called Meng Gu."

Gao Yulan nodded to his answer thinking: Coincidentally a doctor, and is even called a — Quack Doctor.

[TL: Okay so if anybody remembers from the early chapter's there was this quack doctor, well the real term was more like fake doctor, but I felt like it was funnier to put quack doctor since this novel is built on a comedic tone. But the man's name "Meng Gu" 孟古 sounds like "Meng Gu" 蒙古 which means Mongolia but if you put doctor at the end of mongolia it means "fake doctor" 蒙古大夫. So I hope everybody gets the joke.]

"Quack doctor" had already received a call from Yin Ze, so he knew why Gao Yulan's group had come, he quickly had Guo Qiuchen sit down and examined his bruised eyes on his face. His wrist was sprained, and he had some scrapes on the back of his hand, but there weren't any major problems.

Guo Qiuchen said to Gao Yulan: "Take a look, no problems, I told you we didn't need to come."

"Nevertheless if you didn't check , you won't feel reassured."

"Correct, if you don't get examined, you won't stop worrying about it." Meng Gu agreed with Gao Yulan and shortly afterwards said to Guo Qiuchen: "Since your wrist is sprained, we'll get you a cast."

After these words, the whole room went quiet.

Meng Gu laughed cordially: "Don't worry, Yin Ze said he will take care of the medical fee."

Gao Yulan suddenly recalled when Yin Ze's plastered leg.

Meng Gu continued saying: "Do you want a comprehensive body exam for the three of you?"

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He said while making a list. Guo Qiuchen's face turned black as he slowly walked back towards Chen Ruoyu.

Gao Yulan called for Niu Niu, and whispered into her ear. Niu Niu hearing what was said suddenly turned to Meng Gu: Uncle Meng, Have you already received my uncle's money? How much money did you receive?" Her expression was like she had met a robber.

Meng Gu laughed and rubbed  Niu Niu's head: "Niu Niu, your uncle has money, you don't have to worry."

Niu Niu shook her head and furrowed up her little face: "Uncle Meng, My uncle is very poor, do you have the heart to take his money?

Meng Gu laughed: "He's poor?"

Niu Niu replied earnestly: "He can't get me McDonalds everyday."

"He is pretty stingy."

"He doesn't have any money to pay."

"No money to pay?" Meng Gu didn't understand.

Niu Niu turned towards Gao Yulan with a meaningful glance for help, Gao Yulan turned red in embarrassment and whispered: "Loan."

Niu Niu nodded, and rapidly said: "And he hasn't paid the loan back." And to add more emphasis: "Very pitiful!" Finally the last word was left hanging, amply expressing the meaning.

Meng Gu grinned even more, Niu Niu pulled on his sleeve: "You won't take my uncle's money, how else would  Niu Niu get to eat McDonalds. Also there is no home, or enough to eat till satisfied, no clothes to keep warm. Only in the streets could we spare a match."

Meng Gu laughed loudly, shooting a glance at Gao Yulan.

Gao Yulan repeatedly waved her hand: "I  didn't teach her this."

"The Yin family is so virtuous. " Meng Gu rested his chin on his palm her moral integrity and Yin Ze's were so familiar: "Tell me, What is your relationship to Yin Ze?"


"Nothing, then how would his sister feel reassured giving Niu Niu to you, and your helping him worry about his money?"

"Really nothing."

"I don't believe you."

Gao Yulan's face turned black, refusing to acknowledge him.

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Niu Niu took hold of the conversation and pulled it back: "Uncle Meng, you won't take my uncle's money, right?"

"Little kid, fine, I won't take his money. Your Uncle Meng, I will will just go cold and hungry, do you not feel bad?"

"I'm worried about Uncle." Niu Niu honestly said not giving Mang Gu any face.

"You're also worried." Meng Gu coldly once again pushed the subject towards Gao Yulan. Recently Yin Ze seemed like he had entered his spring of his life, and it seemed to be because of this girl.

Gao Yulan shook her head and subconsciously looking at Guo Qiuchen: "I have no relationship with him, so I'm not worried."

"Oh, Lan Lan, you're hurting me again."

Behind them suddenly came Yin Ze's voice full of grieving and sorrow. Gao Yulan was frightened till she jumped forward. Turning her head she saw that it really was Yin Ze.

"Uncle!" The little girl Niu Niu cheerfully jumped over and started reporting: "Uncle Meng, promised to not take your money. If we need to see the doctor we should look for Uncle Meng."

Meng Gu's face turned black, when did he say that, and even after? Finally that last phrase of finding Uncle Meng, why did it sound like a T.V. advertisement? This is why you can't let children watch to much T.V.!

Yin Ze laughed, and kissed Niu Niu. He went to Guo Qiuchen and Chen Ruoyu to apologize and asked if they were okay, but nobody said anything.


Yn Ze then pointed behind him: "This Is my friend Lei Feng, he'll take you back, today really was embarrassing, I'll invite everybody out for a meal."

Gao Yulan turned to look, and the person following Yin Ze was same one who had gone to her house, the police officer Lei Feng. Right now he didn't have a police uniform on and appeared bright, clean, smart, and handsome. Lei Feng seeing Gao Yulan laughed and said "Hello".

This person really was polite, Guo Qiuchen and Chen Ruoyu followed after Lei Feng and left. Gao Yulan also wanted to leave, but Yin Ze put niu Niu into her arms and dragged her into sitting.

Meng Gu seeing this mailed: "Nothing? I believe you!" Then paused: "Seriously I do."


Gao Yulan didn't pay attention to him, and didn't see Yin Ze under the table kick this quack doctor.

The two men stupidly traded blows, mutually harming the other side. Meng Gu said some unkind words, while jelping Yin Ze check his injuries, and apply medicine.

Gao Yulan recalled Yin Ze had said, it was just there way of expressing friendship, and couldn't help but sigh. People like this really do flock together, the "king of the silver screen's" friend was also a "trickster".

Yin Ze also had other things to do, so didn't stay along time with Meng Gu. He quickly brought Gao Yulan and Niu Niu taking there leave. At this time Gao Yulan recalled and asked: "Yin Ning?"

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"She wanted to calm down for a bit, earlier she had already gone home."

"Oh." Gao Yulan wanted to ask about Lin Yuan, and what they had done. But  Niu Niu was still there and it wasn't the time to bring this matter up.

Yin Ze knew what she wanted to know, and said to her: "Don't worry, the matter has already been taken care of. I'll send you back home, and then meet you later."

Gao Yulan nodded her head, and turned to look at the cars on the street. Walking on the sidewalk, they passed by the closely woven buildings. This city was beautiful, but who knew how many stories between men and women had occurred here. Yin Ning was good, she was also good, but for example would never as simple as 1+1.

Because the story was left hanging there, Gao Yulan was looking forward to meeting with Yin Ze. However the day was almost over and she hadn’t received any news from Yin Ze. Actually Chen Ruoyu had come over to talk about her feelings.

"Lan Lan, What do I do? I think I've fallen in love."

"Ah?" Gao Yulan was startled: "So fast? Who did you fall in love with?"

"Umm, Actually I'm a little bit uncertain."

"Mr. Guo?"

"It’s not him, he's a little weak for my taste."

"Then who? Could it be Yin Ze?"

"No, No, it's also not him. He's clearly interested in you, I don't want to join the fray."

"What are you talking about. How is he interested in me, he just foolishly loves everybody."

"Then he's entered his own realm of foolishness."

"Believe me, he's in his own realm."

Chen Ruoyu sighed not saying anything. Gao Yulan also didn't say anything, waiting for Chen Ruoyu to speak.

Waiting for a while, Chen Ruoyu finally shyly asked: "Lan Lan, tell me, do you think Doctor Meng or Officer Lei is better?"

"…"Gao Yulan was speechless, Chen Ruoyu you're so fierce, you don't love one, but fell in love with two?

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