Higawari Teni Chapter 3

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Another world that summons slaves.

3. Another World Slave’s Revolt

「……hmm? What is this」

Immediately after opening my eyes, I’m in a shape of 【大】.
Moreover, My limbs are completely restrained.

「It went well」
「Okay, The device」

The men in robe dress brought some suspicious ring.
Yeah, This is that.


When I move my limbs, the restraining device broke with a snap.

「What are you trying to put on me」

I slowly stand up in a thing similar to a operating time and grabbed the collar of the man who’s nearby.

「N-no, this is for mental stability use」
「Yes, that’s doubt」

Punishment game is an eyes poking.

「Gyaaaaaaa!? My eyes, My eyessssssssssssss!!」
「Its a brainwashing device no matter how you look at it. Thank you very much 」

Throw away the man who begun to act violently with a 〈puff〉, I turned my neck to decided a new prey with a smile.
The guys simultaneously rushed to the entrance.
Ohh, you only fast at running.

「Self-Area Deployment ♪」

Deploying a barrier, the inside of the room is isolated from the outside.

「I won’t let one escapedー」

Some keep knocking on the door that doesn’t open and some turn around with hopeless expression.
Well, this seems quite an enjoyable another world♪

「〈Fumufumu〉, in other words, you need to set the control service ring to operate itー」
「Yes, that’s right」

(TLN: Fumufumu, nods or murmur indicating approval.)

After irresponsibly throwing down the man, I pick up the leader like guy and interrogate him.
He’s too frightened and couldn’t give an answer so I just have to put the ring in question and the effect is instantaneous.
They smoothly answer everything after putting the ring.

「For what did you make this kind of thing?」
「Its to utilize the person who is summoned from another world as a slave」

Yeah, I knew that.

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「Sometimes, the person who is summoned from another world possessed special power and use that power to make our country greatly abundant」
「And, so」

Actually, I’m surprised that its so similar to that another world’s influential person.

「A person who does not have a power can also use as a slave. Especially women as a sex slaveー」
「I don’t want to heard you bastard’s sex life stories, you shits.」

I pose crushing the mouth of the guy.
However, the man stopped talking without me doing anything.
With a sigh, I put down the arm that no longer have anger.

「So that’s how it is」

Afterwards, throwing some question, and understand all the thing I want to know.
Further hearing it such as the circumstances of the summoned people who became a slave and things that there are people who’s not harmed, only hearing that short of self-justification story.
I don’t need such thing.
The situation of the enemy are limited if I ignore the basics.

Moreover, this is enough the validate the oath.

「Oath. Is for Sakuhagi Ryouji to destroy this world’s another world slavery」

ーーCanceling the summoner’s request. Accepted the substitute oath.

There is always a message similar to a game is heard inside the my head.
Troublesome, but this makes me stop from massacring the summoner and ended up from being stuck into the same another world.

Anyway, I think of starting after destroying this annoying evil facility, What should I doー♪
Erasing it with one shot of large destruction magic is wearisome, I wonder if there is an amusing way.

Looking for inspiration, I go outside the barrier.

「Intruder is discovered, Eliminate」

I was surrounded by swift attack.
It seems like an abnormality is notified outside because of acting violently for a moment before deploying the barrier,
Well, its particularly good since its more enjoyable that way.

By the way, there is nothing but young child in my surrounding.
3 people from the right, an Ikemen, crew cut and braided hair.
They also used slaves as guard as expected.
They set up their respective sword that is wrapped in flame, spear made of ice and baton that emits electricity.

(TLN: Ikemen = Handsome, good looking guy or something)

「Oops, wait. I’m not an intruder. I’m your master」

They immediately became calm when I showed the ring.
I have not intention of fighting with these children.

「By the master’s authority, I release all of you from being a slave」

When I recite the command word that I learned from the man a while ago, the light in the eyes of the slaves returned.

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「Eh, ah, I……」
「hnn, what on earth I’m doing?」
「Kyaa, No way, what is this!」

Slaves who returned to sanity starts to throw away the collar that came off the lock itself.
I see. Even though the memory when they are brainwashed didn’t remain, they instinctively avoid it.

Hmm, what should I do.
That’s right.
Alright, from here on, its acting time!

「Everyone, please hear my story without panicking! you guys were brainwashed!!」

Its okay that they understand it.
“I was almost brainwashed but I escaped”, I say it like that.

「We are not considered as human being in this another world! We are only seen as a tool!」

The Ikemen is fired up by righteous rage.

「I’ll take revenge!」

The eyes of the crew cut is lit in the flames of hatred.


Braided hair-chan is about to cry.

「I’ll hand everyone this ring. Listen, use it for liberating the slave not taking advantage of it. We will be the same as those guys if we do such thing!」
「Of course!」
「I understand it!」
「I must help everyone!」

The former slave voluntarily dispersed without me saying anything.

「Take careー」

Sending them off smilingly, I also began to wander.

Slave Facility was spacious.
As for being spacious, it might be the proof of evidence that this brainwashing facility that gathers another world slave is backed by the country.

Since Its windowless and I can only see a ventilation, its probably underground.
It seems like the liberation of slaves is going well, it looks like there no need for me to intervene.
Seems like they also put slave monsters, as one would expect to the summoners. I keep defeating it simply by inborn cheat ability.
Even if they lost their memory , they seems to instinctively understand their cheat ability , that point, it saves me trouble without coaching them one by one.

「It’s goodー, after all, this is what festival must be like」

The side of Another World will eventually became aware of the extent of Slave Liberation, some response will probably come.


When I turned around to the direction of the voice, the girl with braided hair pointed in my direction.
Ah, that is the girl that I first released.

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「Where did you go, I was looking for you」
「Ah, Sorry. I also moved in various ways」

This is true.
Such thing as a device to isolate the slave in the facility if by any chance they revolt or a device that can self-destruct the facility from the outside and bury them alive can happen,
In order to nullify it, I’ve been active behind the scene.
Such behind the scene work is also fun if you know that you will it enjoy later.

「We were able to liberate all the enslaved children!」
「Oh, is that so」
「But terrible thing has done to some……that is why we also want you to come for a moment」

〈Uge〉(dunno what is this. hmm , some kind of unwillingness? lol)

「……All right」

I think that they should resolve it because I don’t want to see it, but since I was called, It can’t be helped.
The place that braided hair-chan brought me is the place I expected.

The boys gathers in one place and awkwardly muttering something.
The girls are gathered and talking to each other  in a distance from there before the door.
The total is about 20 people. Since the total of slaves here is in hundreds, this only just part of it.

「Everyone, I brought him」

When the braided hair kid waves to everyone, they raise a cheers of , 〈ooh〉
The boys and girls that is divided gathers in one place at the center by Braided hair-chan.


When I think so, Braided-chan squeeze out in front of me.

「Why am I treated as the leader?」
「Because everyone will still be a slave if you weren’t here. We wished you to take the responsibility since no one object if you became the leader.」
「What the heck is that!」

I retort when I heard the story, there is already someone who demonstrate leadership among the liberated slaves, they seems to move without binding each others.
The leader of a group of people in Slave Liberating are the boys and girl that I first liberated.
In other worlds, they seems the 3 people, Ikemen, crew cut and Braided hair-chan.

These 3 are unreasonably strong as might expect as one that guard the most important places called Summoning room and have the cheat ability to overwhelm others.
Ikemen of flames, Crew cut of Ice and the braided hair of thunder are called the three-stranded stars.
No matter how you look at these three, I can only see them as a Protagonist, Kamase and a sub-heroine.

(TLN: Kamase is kind of person to make the protagonist cooler or some other way, Imagine Jacob in twilight. thanks for Kilimanjaro for teaching me, that is also his/her example)

「I’ll release you」

Ikemen strongly said.

「I’ll easily do it」

Mutter by Crew cut as he gnash his teeth.

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「I want to help but I don’t know what to do……」

Braided hair-chan’s eyes became watery while having a trace of hesitation.

I did not said it to the three.
All the members here understand it.
Including me.

「The current opinion is the main opinion of the group?」
「Yes, Please decided what would you do. We will follow it」

Crew cut rationally said it.
In other words, the people who gathers here are representatives who have something to say.

I nod and I declare without hesitation.

「Liberate everyone」

The expression of Ikemen became bright.
However, it becomes cloudy at once in the following words.

「In addition, kill the guys you want to die.」

Crew cut obediently nodded this time.

「However, if there is a guy you don’t want to kill, persuade him. Give up if its absolutely hopeless」

Braided Hair-chan finally started crying.
The surrounding girls comforts her.

「We are fighting for the sake of freedom and liberating. Therefore, absolutely liberate them from restraints. However, there is certainly a person that will suffer from liberation」

Calmly, everyone paid attention to me who continue speaking quietly.

「Person who wished to live and person who wished to die……I think there will be one. The guy who wants to die has a freedom to die, I won’t say more. Convince the guy who says that they want to live. It doesn’t mean that the truth is correct. Convince him. Only by consent we can illuminate our ways.」

I don’t know if the bunch understand what I say.

Ikemen nods and put the girls who hold the ring in the room.
Crew cut taps the should of braided hair.
The braided hair shivered with a start and quietly nodded while crying .

……Ahー, I’m losing strength.
That’s not good, hives come out when I do thing that is out of character.

Afterwards, I was called by Ikemen.

「Thank you」

Only that.
it was only that.

Damn, this one’s lines to smiling face are all Ikemen.
This guy is absolutely the protagonist.
And he have flame attribute.


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