7. It seems a method used by a Devil.

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In that way, we manage to get a lunch.

「Its somehow amazing, right」
「I surely thought it would be rice and bread at best, It’s quite luxurious」

I took lightly the church or rather the monastery where an orphan is taking care of or something, so I thought that the food will be served was also shabby.
The unbelievable thing is that there is even meat and fish.
Though the cooking method was the suitable feeling of putting salt and roasting it, the case of having ingredients like this in another world’s orphanage or the likes is surprising itself.

「Oh, God of good harvest, Lieliansha. Thank you very much for your blessing」
「Thank you very much」
「Thank you very muchー」

The kids gave prayers after the Sister.

「Since the God that bought you hell is a different God, shall we pray properly?」

Urged by Itsuna, I murmured a prayer helplessly.

Ah, but the meals was certainly delicious.
Thank for the meal.

There is this and that since then, this monastery? It has been decided that we will be staying.
It seems we would be unable to find lodgings to lend for travelers somehow or another.
Or rather, I don’t understand it well either because Itsuna decided most of the negotiating without permission.

「Because I’m the one who’s asking for the wish! Please be obedient Sakahagi-san and please stay in the room!」

She says, so I did not permit to make me stay in the room.

「Did you really think I’ll be obedient in that place?」

When I replied with a devil smile, it’s a fine weather outside but even so, I was struck by a huge lightning.
Looking at Itsuna.
I saw her staring at me.

「Be obedient」

Because of that, I was sitting seiza in the corner of the room, yes.

Moreover, it seems that Itsuna, who’s from a facility, is good at handling children.
She’ll probably do it well than I do.

However, I’m free.
I’m so free.

「I feel like I have something to do」

Feeling like something stuck in my mind.
When I followed the memory of the recent another world, I realized soon.

「Ah, come to think of it, there is one. Wife candidate」

Perfectly, Itsuna is not here, I’ll finish it before it’s too late.
Taking out one Sealing Ball from the Item Box, I throw it on the bed.

「Seal Release」

〈pon〉! A smoke appeared and a bewitching beautiful woman came out of it.
A breathing of a sleeping person is raised with 〈zzzzzzz〉

What is her name again?
I forgot it, but she’s the daughter of Demon King.
Just in case, she’s entrusted to me……tte, I wonder what state she is in.

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「Or rather, she really have an erotic body」

Though I do a lot of sexual harassment while fighting her at that time, she still has a nice body.
Although there is something that excites me to attack her while sleeping defensively, but as one would expect, that’s cowardice.
I’ll drop it since doing it openly and imposingly while she’s awake is ideal way of a man.

「Hey, wake up」

Assuming that she would act violently. I deployed a barrier.
I shake her shoulder.


Mounting position was taken at once gripping the Demon King’s daughter’s both wrists.
And then, since she’s committing suicide by biting her tongue, I interrupted it with coercion skill to prevent it.


Then, she’s trying to bite my arm to get away this time, but of course , I’m undaunted.
After driving her until on the verge of suffocation, I finally release her.
No doubt that Demon King’s Daughter is glaring at me.

Well then, this is unplanned, but how should I do it.
No. She would probably stop committing suicide if I especially convey the situation and facts.

「Your father is dead」
「Is that so? Then why am I alive and you’re in this situation?」

Looking around the surrounding’s situation, The Demon King’s Daughter frustratingly grinds her teeth.

「There’s no way father would be defeated! At any rate, you probably used unfair method, you coward guy! 」

Since her return reaction is what I expected, I also became interested.

「Yeah, that’s right. Grandly killing him by suddenly attacking him from the front」

When I licked my lips, the body of girl trembles with a start transmitted through the wrists.
After a while, she’s exhausted and gave up.

「If you’re going to violate me, if that’s the case then ok」

But her heart didn’t yield appealed by her eyes.
As might be expected from the Great Demon King Type daughter, she really has excellent determination.

「You’ve been entrusted to me by your father」
「……by father?」

Did she noticed an unusual thing to my nuance voice or is it because the topic is his respected father?
Her heart’s guard went down.

「He said to entrust his daughter」

The Demon King’s Daughter gasps to my words.

「You’re free to believe it or not…… but since I was asked by that man. Though I didn’t promise, you’re going to be entrusted to me」

There is no particularly intention to get the favor of this girl by praising the Demon King and did such reckoning.
She might think it was a strange story, but I will seriously protect that guy’s will.
When doing such karma thing, I sometimes feel like sticking to my principles.

「That is why I won’t kill you. But, it’s okay for you to kill me. If you can kill me」
「……What do you mean?」

She didn’t understand and asked me again.

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It’s probably okay if it’s just hearing the story.

「I’ll release your hand. Don’t act violently」

The Demon King’s Daughter maintain silence for a while, afterwards, she closed her eyes and nod.
I let go of the wrist that is being grasped slowly and move away from the body of the girl.
The girl who raised half of her body glared as if asking for continuation.

「Umm, If I’m not mistaken, you’re……」
「Shianu. Demon King Akuda’s true daughter, Jet-black Shianu」
「I’m Sakahagi Ryouji」
「I will never forgot that name throughout my life 」

I began to talk once more after the serious exchanged of self-introduction.

「I’ll bring you with me. You will follow me. Therefore, you should aim at my life when I’m asleep」

I thrust a finger before the eyes of Demon King’s daughter smiling with great interest.

「However, There is a condition to bring you」

Here, I explained that I’m a Tripper who travels another worlds, about the oath and the wife rule that I also talked to Itsuna.

「Fuck off!」

Shianu, who finished hearing the entire rule, raised an angry voice.

「Deadly serious. You cannot defeat an enemy of your father unless you become my bride」
「While it may be true, who would want to be your bride……! 」
「Is that so」

I sit down on somewhere chair after shrugging my shoulders.
Mixed with a sight, I also shook my neck appealingly.

「If that’s the case, then this is our last time. It would be nice to get a new life in this world that you don’t know where」
「If that’s the case; I’ll massacre the humans who lives in this world! 」
「Why don’t you do it? It’s a world irrelevant to me… if you like, do you want me to help?」

Does the seriousness is transmitted in my cruel smile?, Shianu became pale.

「Next is, that’s right…… If you became the Demon King here, perhaps someday, someone will probably summon me to defeat you? However at that time, you have no chance. The man who can murder your father whom you admire comes to kill next time」

I say with absolute confidence.
The scene should appear on the mind of Shianu clearly experiencing a fight with me once.

「I’m okay which one it is. I’ll do my obligation for your father before you choose this given choices. So, what would you do?」

To my tone what was like a javelin, Shianu sinks in silence.

「For your information, there’s probably not much time. Because one of my wives is moving. Time limit is until I disappear from this world」
「But……being a bride despite not having affection towards each other……」
「It’s not a thing to think seriously. Even you say bride, your standpoint is not equal to mine. It’s a one-sided subordinate relation……In short, a slave. You will become my slave. When you think of it first, you were sort of captive」

Shianu hugs her own body as if protecting it.

「You have nothing to worry about, I’ll release you anytime if I get tired of you」
「I don’t believe you」
「Well, that might be so」

As long as there is Rule Extra, it’s just one of my moods.


Shianu closed her eyes for a while, but soon, she opened her eyes with strengthened resolution.

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「I understood. I’ll become your bride」

Tragically and yet a voice that contains furious emotion.
It is good, Shianu. That’s how it should be for someone who intend to revenge.

「Don’t misunderstand……I didn’t ride your cajolery. To succeeds my father’s last wish. It’s just that」
「Ah, that’s okay. Best regards」

I present a hand to shakes hand.
Shianu raise her hand as if responding.
A sharp claw sprouts from that finger.

「Hihihi, That’s good. That hungry intention. It seems that it would be fun」

I took the hand which tries to immediately slit my neck, I hold it forcibly.

I put Shianu to sleep and seal her up once again.
The time when I undo the barrier, Itsuna came back at the right time.

「I’m backー」
「Welcome backー. You took a while」
「I’m sorry! The kids pestered me……hmm?」

After Itsuna having a dubious like face, she sniffs with 〈kunkun〉

「……Someone was here?」

Are you a police dog?
Even though there is a lingering scent of Shianu, it’s not something to sniff out.

「Well, it’s nothing」

Because Itsuna made a gaze which seems doubtful, I say a word.

「Rule 3」

Itsuna quickly take out the memo and is confirming the rule.
By the way, Rule 3 is 「Do not doubt even though I told a lie」.


I motionlessly observe the groaning Itsuna.

Itsuna said before 「I’m okay since I don’t doubt」
Even so, I think that my remark should have not a hint of 「a lie」.

To be frank, I cannot say this but Itsuna’s understanding towards Rule 3 is good.
The most important is not whether know it’s a lie or not, but how can they protect Rule 3 after knowing that there is a lie.

I’m telling to end the argument at the same time I admit a lie implicitly by declaring Rule 3 intentionally.
Though I feel sorry, Itsuna won’t be able to manage from now on if I do not keep her quiet here.

Though being called as my bride, but in reality, it’s the same as i told to Shiannu, a kind of contract slave.
Accept the one who comes to you, not pursuing those who leave you.
The small society that is composed by the fact that the absolute person who is the so called me that always reigns at the summit of the pyramid.
I have wife who can’t obey the rules and destined to release mercilessly.


I talked big, but actually there are many woman I dominates.

I’ll confess it.
I’m sweet with the wives. So sweet.

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If its Itsuna, I have confidence that I will always be spoiling her!

And I have various cheat, almost all the wife’s wish is granted.
That is why If I didn’t decided to put such rule, the wives will easily get cocky!
There is a wife who became in a princess state and became out of control and ended up released tearfully!

You already understand.
This a Harem Rule to prevent this.
In other words, it’s a steel rule for me to judge the wife.

A noble Harem Rule with a history of more than 1,000 years.
It’s easy to be misunderstood when I symbolize my tyranny to the candidate brides.
As well as that Shianu, probably even Itsuna would think so.
It is also a rule to make them think so.

On the contrary.
I’m not the one who devised such Rule.
It’s one of the senior wives.

There is such anecdote.
I threw out such question to the senior wife once.

「Though there is a Rule 4 『Get along with other women』, why there is a Rule used to tease the new wives. Isn’t that breaking the Rule?」

And then.

「This is a trick to get along with other women」

Is what she answered!
Women are scary, right!

Well in short, if I didn’t do this properly, Itsuna will be flamed by my other wives.

Hey, isn’t it unpleasant if Itsuna is tormented by other wives?
Because Itsuna is cute, her reaction are good, she’s amusing.
I became attached when I learned her name.
Since she followed me with that much effort, I don’t want to release her now.
Exactly the same as the meaning of Rule 4, I truly want to protect everyone.

Come, Itsuna, endure the whip of love!

「………………I was able to get the wish」

Great! Itsuna is excellent!

「Ooh, There there, there there!」
「Hiya waaahh」

I keep hugging her and pet her with 〈washawasha〉
The surprised Itsuna’s whole body is discharging electricity with 〈snap snap〉, but I continue patting without minding it.

「What, what is itー」
「Itsuna, you’re a good girl!」

I’ve been completely satisfied by cutely adoring her.
Released Itsuna breathes heavily.
She’s probably surprised that much. There is still snapping and plasma appearing in the surroundings.

「Although I was praised, I feel like I’m not!」
「A person grows up that way!」
「This is strange!」

Itsuna wasn’t convinced, so I decided to pat her normally, yes.


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