High School DxD

Chapter 104

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"What-the...YOU ARE LYING!!! THIS CANNOT BE TRUE" Xenovia's voice roared as tears fell down from her eyes, she broke down on the ground holding on to her sword,

"This must be a lie, I was never told anything about this," Rias says, with eyes full of intensity,

"Of course...this was hidden fact, if this were to be exposed then no matter what, another war would be triggered, and of course I would have loved to do that,

However, Governor General of the Fallen Angel retreated in middle of the previous war...I was overwhelming you know I was killing my enemies, we the Fallen Angels were winning and then sudden order to retreat, I was so done, but now I can trigger once again"

Listening to this Asia speaks, in a shocked and teary voice "God is dead...no...way!" Asia faints in Issei's arms.

He knew this would be shock for someone like Asia who loved god dearly and more than anything, she received a massive hit in her heart.

Watching this, Xenovia thinks, 'This is normal, for her to faint like that, I am surprised that I can still think straight'

"It's my entire fault" Rias speaks,

"What? What do you mean?" Akeno speaks,

"I always let my pride get in the way, and always cause scenes like this, had I been careful this would have never occurred" Rias says as she thinks about the mistake she made,

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"[Massive Destruction]" Kokabiel says as the entire school get's covered by pentagon golden array, everyone was taken by surprise.

Even the Sitris, who were handling the shield,

"What did you do?" Kiba says, his tone combined with anger.

"With this spell, I will blow up the entire place, within ten minutes and then, with the explosion everything here will be turned to nothing, but dust...time is ticking kids"

Now the pressure on them had increased, they had ten minutes...

Even Sitri didn't knew what to do now,

At this moment, Issei finally stood up, and asked Koneko to take care of Asia, he walked near the group, from the top Kokabiel saw the lad making movements as he prepared himself as well,

"Guys, you all did extremely well! Akeno-san, Kiba, Koneko, Xenovia and Bucho, everyone fought amazingly, in face of the strong you all didn't falter, this also goes for the Sitri as well"

Issei genuinely praises everyone, then looks towards Rias, with a bright smile he says, "Leave the rest to me"

Rias blushed seeing that face, while Akeno with a seductive face thought, 'I'm sorry Rias, I guess I love Ise as well, guess from now we will be rivals'

"Kokabiel, I shall be your opponent now, my comrades have fought well"

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Listening to this Kokabiel laughs as he speaks "What they could possibly do? So little harm was done to me!"

"That's where you are wrong, you who had deep knowledge about war and had fought many, even fought in the last war, with such strength, still my friends face you off, it will only be polite if I defeat you, for them"

"That's the looks I like, allow me to ask, what is something you want?"

"Well, since you are asking, I actually want to be the harem king"

Everyone sighed as he or she continued listened to what Issei was saying; after all, he is a pervert.

Listening to this Kokabiel laughed as he spoke, "That's what you want, then come join me, within no time, beautiful and sexy fallen angel girls will be in your feet, you will be harem king in no time"

"That's sounds very appealing, after all what you say is piqued my interest" Issei replies as he gives off the look, seriously considering switching sides...

At that moment, Rias's voice rung, "Issei, if you win this fight, I'll let you fondle my breasts as much as you want, to your heart's content"

This bold move by Rias left everyone with an open mouth,

However, Issei's lips arch upwards as he speaks, "You best remember this promise Bucho, and as for you Kokabiel, looks like I have been made a better deal, sooo, I will defeat you~"

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"Bring it kid"

Kokabiel speaks, as he knew perusing him further will be of no use...

"It's my policy, I let the enemy attack me for the first two minutes, and then I launch mine"

"Kid, don't make this hard for you, you will die in my first attack you know"

"Bring it, 'crow'"

Listening to that taunt, Kokabiel's once laughing face turned grim as he prepared a big and massive light spear and directed it towards Issei,

Everyone was shouting him to be careful, he just kept quiet and let the attack be...

The calm lad pissed off Kokabiel even further as he threw the first attack...

The spear directly hits Issei in the stomach and bursts...Kokabiel laughs, "Kid, did you die?" to which he got a reply which made him loose the colours in his face,

"Is that it?" Issei speaks, as he was unharmed by the attack, another shock went through everyone's spine, as they were reminded just how strong Issei was!

Kokabile's continuous attacks, light attack which are actually effective against devils seem to do no damage, Kokabiel was now slowly getting a little scared but didn't show that in his face...

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"Your time is up, it's mine now"

"Don't misunderstand that, just because you blocked my attacks doesn't mean you can defeat me"

"One hit"


"With just one hit, I will defeat you"

"Hahahahahahaha....kid, with one hit are you on drugs on something? With one hit_" Kokabiel was not able complete what he was about to say...Why?

All of a sudden Issei dashed to his height and then with his right arm a straight drive in Kokabiel's stomach, he spat blood from his mouth, blood was coming from his eyes as well as he was smashed in the ground, after which from various location of his body blood flowed out...

That is what it took, a General of fallen angel, lost with just one punch.

But unknown to everyone, a white light was heading towards them.


To Be Continued: - Chapter 105: - Man In White Armour

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