High School DxD

Chapter 11

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"How, how the f*ck are you not affected by my light spear?" Yuma cried out in a roar

Issei grinned and moved toward the location he was attacked, and spread out his arms his torn shirt reveal his abs there was only a burn mark indicating the light spear indeed hit him, Yuma was dumb folded light spear was a semi holy ability specially for fallen angels its highly effective against humans and demons but the human in front of him, was laughing, no effect whatsoever how was it possible? It's just not possible; according to her humans are just inferior creatures in the first place they should not have gears or holy weapon or abilities so why were the higher ups concerned about such a pervert she thought him of a easy target until her own attack hit her and it turned out why the higher feared this human was as clear as crystal…

"Since, I was in grade one; angels, demons, fallen angels, deities and heroes attacked me, I have been surviving for that long and you think a filthy crow like you can actually kill me!" Issei mockingly said

"Imp-impossible no one knows about your abilities, how is that possible?" Yuma's voice rang out finally

"Why, you ask, because dead men tell no tales" after saying this Issei grinned

A chill went through Yuma's spine, when Issei said 'dead men tell no tales' she very well understood what he means, till now anyone who came to hunt him, were hunted he has been overpowering all the superior beings, being a human himself; she really miscalculated she actually never anticipated her plan to backfire on her.

Yuma's eyes showed fear when she saw Issei walking toward her, the chill increased and her legs trembled, his voice roared out that very moment,

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"Let's end our date Yuma, don't worry I will kill, you that is"

"N-no I won't die here, [light magic: Teleport]" a huge light flashed and Yuma disappeared it so happened because the light actually blinded Issei as well…

"Well, that can't be helped; she ran away how will I have fun now? Oh, I know, you four demons, haven't your parents teach you manners eavesdropping another's date is bad manners" Issei said out in a loud voice and at that very moment four figures appeared out of nowhere as if they were hiding under an invisibility cloak;

"I commend you, Issei Hyodo first you defeated that fallen angel and now you even figured out where we were even though we had completely extinguished our aura" the red hair girl said,

Issei turned and said,"Rias Gremory, right? If you extinguish your aura then you can be spotted easily, instead try blending your aura with your surroundings no one can figure you out then"

"You certainly are quite smart, for a perv"

"Till grade six, my report card always said 'Exceeded expectations' until I decided to act average"

"So, I know you are a senior Rias Gremory, and that black hair beauty too, then there is Yuuto Kiba and the underclassmen Koneko Toju, our school's mascot what a nice team" Issei said

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"So, you know all of us? That's nice and makes task easy for us" Rias replied

"I know a lot more, there are still more demons in the school, but since none of them caused me trouble I didn't eradicate them" Issei said by giving a strong stare

"Eradicate us? You must be joking we are not anything like that fallen angel, like you can do anything" the black beauty in the back replied

"Akeno, that's enough we are not here for a fight remember" Rias said to her then turned toward Issei and said "I have something to ask you"


"Will you join me?"

"Join? You? Meaning becoming your servant?"

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"Yes, that is correct"

"What if I say no?"

"We would have no other choice but to eliminate you"

"Is that so, then I refuse" no sooner Issei completed his sentence a figure with a sword appeared behind him, reveling himself as Kiba,

"Sorry, Hyodo-kun nothing personnel but orders, need to eliminate you" by saying Kiba swung his sword at full force, Issei didn't do anything but stopped the swordsman's attack with his pinky finger and then yawned,

"Is this the best you can do?" Issei replied his face showing he didn't care, nut everyone around him were shocked Kiba's fast attack and abilities were famous among the dwellers of underworld, at an early age he achieved feats of swordsmanship even the masters couldn't but that all shattered because the person in front of them stopped the attack, stopped not dodged and stopped it with his fingers…

Everyone's thoughts were in turmoil but at that moment, Issei lifted his leg and kicked Kiba, unlike Issei, Kiba failed to stop his attack and was thrown afar destroying three trees in the way,

"Yuuto!" Rias screamed, and Akeno ran at that direction, she checked on the collapsed Kiba which turned out he was unconscious, with one kick that is…

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"Akeno what is Kiba's condition?" Rias asked her pretty face reveled that she was worried

"If, Kiba had been a human, his body would have been burst to pieces, since he was a demon at the end moment he used reinforced magic to defend his body but still his entire ribcage is broken, and some internal organs are damaged, but he is fine" Akeno replied

Koneko was staring at Kiba she expressionlessly turned toward Rias and said: Rias-senpai, I'm going to kill him"

"Wait, Koneko no"

Unhearing her upperclassmen the petite figure Koneko rushed towards Issei, the moment she jumped to punch Issei, he figured out the basics of Koneko's strength is brute, pure brute strength but he knew having biggest disadvantage of brute strength is that it can be turned against yourself the moment the punch came near Issei, he held her hand, gave her a spin and threw her toward the tree, the impact was much less than the kick he gave to Kiba, but she still destroyed a tree as she was smashed there as she fell she spitted a mouthful of blood…

"Koneko-chan, damn you Issei Hyodo, I will personally eliminate you, [Lightning magic: Bara Raq Sai]" the black haired beauty Akeno said and then a huge magic array formed above Issei's head a devastating amount of lightning fell on Issei and a smoke screen covered the area…

"Did you like it kid, oh sorry you must have died" Akeno said and then laughed manically

"What was that? A house hold circuit shock? Even that hurts more than your pathetic lightning" a voice roared from within the smoke screen…

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