High School DxD

Chapter 112

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"Don't you have important stuff to do, rather than coming to watch my class inspection" Rias speaks in an angry tone,

"Now...now you don't have to get angry, this counts as work as well...after all the three factions meeting will be held in this school," the Devil-King says with a smile,

"What? Out of all places here?"

"Yes...also I can't help but overhear you all talking about Azazel"

"Yes, Ise happens to meet him, so we were discussing what to do next, about it"

"Well, don't worry about him, he actually is a god guy, well a freak but good...he is the reason the fallen angel withdrew from the war, also there 'might' be a special arrival"

"Special arrival, who would it, be Onii-sama?"

Rias ask, to which the Devil King smiles and looks towards Issei, and then continues. "The leader of the {DxD} alliance might be present"

"What? Are you serious?" Rias speaks, as she was hit with another shock,

"Rias, I have heard about the {DxD} alliance, isn't that the great alliance which has been bringing peace"

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"Oh, I have heard about them too, when I was at the church, apparently, their leader is the strongest being that has ever existed"

Akeno speaks to Rias after which Xenovia continues, everyone almost knew about the existence of {DxD} alliance,

"Ise-kun, do you know anything about the leader?" Kiba asks this directly to Issei who had been standing quiet; every eye was on him now,

"Well, he is strong I know that, and he happens to be of our age...he's a pervert too"

"Well he sounds lot like you, Ise-kun," Akeno says with a smiling face,

"Yea, lot like me..."

Then Issei continues again, "Bucho, do you mind if I take the rest of the school time as leave?"

Something flashes in Rias's eyes as she asks, "Why?"

"Let's just say, certain things, I don't want to revel just yet"

After which, Issei leaves...

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Broken Realm- Realm 9,

The {DxD} HQ, the centre of the realm has a tall tower, taller than Burj Khalifa, actually three times taller,

In addition, seven huge castle surround the tower, in hovering Islands each castle is huge, it cover up an area of more than 20 footballs fields, and the revolve around the tower...

The giant tower, may look it has thousands of room, but actually it does not,

The upper layer of the tower consists of the 'Grand Throne Room' and 'Meeting Hall', the middle layer of the tower consists of 'The Infirmary' and 'Training Zone',

The lower layer is actually out of limits for the other members of the {DxD} alliance only the founders and the leaders of each faction are allowed in here, it consists of 'The Research Lab', 'The Prison', 'The Torture Room' and 'The Control Sector'.

'The Control Sector' is actually run by the 'Brain' of the {DxD} alliance.

Currently, 'The Brain' who is actually a young lad on wheelchair, has been working on a computer, he is also the mastermind that created limiters for Issei, to suppress his strength...

Then suddenly the room he was in, the door swung open, the person who entered was none other than Issei himself,

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Seeing the man who entered the lad in the wheelchair had a bright smile on his face, he then speak, "Ise-san, you could have called me, I would have come there to aid to your request"

Issei takes a seat and replies, "If a man is thirsty he should visit the river, the river won't come to the man, I believe that, Tatsuya"

"Surely, I can always commend you on your interesting way of thinking, so, what can I do for you"

"I require new [Limiters], and I want you to re-modify [Gram Demolition] as well, both of the numbers are overlapping which is causing-"

"The disruption in your [Limiters] I presume?" Tatsuya completes Issei, he moves his wheelchair, near the large multiple screen computers and starts to scan, and create new codes,

"So, Tatsuya, this is unofficial don't tell anyone about this, but I thought this would be nice and all" Issei speaks as he stands up,

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"A guest is here to visit you"

"Ise-san, a guest? But here no one is allowed-"

"That's why it's unofficial"

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Suddenly a figure dashed from the door and hugs Tatsuya, tightly...

"Onii-sama, how have you been?"

Tatsuya was shocked to see the black hair, snow skin girl, who appears to be younger than, him...

"Miyuki, what are you doing here?"

"Issei-sama, helped me, I really wanted to meet you"

Tatsuya turns his head towards Issei, who had a bright smile on his face,

Tears start to fall down from his eyes,

"Ise-san...I...just how can I ever repay you..."

"By staying happy, everyone deserves it, you too you know"


To Be Continued:- Chapter 113:- Tatsuya's Memories- Bogus and Inadequate Magician

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