High School DxD

Chapter 128

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The sword was straight driven, the force was really strong, but it had stopped...

Van's arms were covered in brown aura, which blocked the sword drive.

"Indeed father, you are strong...this force-"Issei was about to complete the sentence but then his father completed him, "Strong enough to kill a Ultimate Class Devil in one attack," he looks towards his wife Thalia, who used [Compile], to make sure that the force of attack didn't destroys nearby buildings.

Issei makes his sword disappear and then sits down on the sofa; he indicates that his parents should do the same, to which both of them sat directly in front of him.

"First, show me your real faces, I think you already have seen mine, but I will still show you" Issei revels his true face, handsome one.

His parents kept quiet, they too revealed their true faces...

"I will ask the question...answer only those" Issei speaks in an imposing manner, he sat in a royal position, then behind him, two figures appeared...and stood behind him, they were none other than Merlin and Zorro.

Issei's father narrowed his eyes; he was getting a bad feeling.

Then Issei's voice broke the silence..."First, how about introductions, names please!"

"I am Van Lucifer Morningstar; she is my wife Thalia Lew Zeus"

"Why hide as humans...when both of you had such wonderful titles, you could live the life of luxury you wanted?"

"The war thought both of us many things...I and my wife, abided those in order to live a simple life"

"My existence...how was I born as a human?"

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"My wife, your mother was pregnant with your for two months, at that time I realized, may Old Satan Faction could come after you...that is why, one of the woman from the 'Hyodo Clan', who happen to have a pact with me agreed to give birth to you instead of your mother"

"If mother was already two months pregnant, how was I born?"

Issei's father thought, there was no point of hiding anything, which is why he continued...

"'Hyodo Clan's, women specialize in different medical attributes, one of them was transferring a child from one womb to another, I am really sorry son, but I cannot reveal how the process was done"

"Its fine, on to the next question...my sister, her existence...tell me"

"The woman who gave birth to you, a year later she gave birth to Yozora as well, before her death she wanted us to raise her like our own daughter and protect her...so we did"

"Both of you give off the aura of humans, strong enough to fool me as well...how?"

"'Hyodo Clan's' secret, 'that woman' used a special magic on her so that not even Highest-tier warriors can sense that we are supernatural begins"

Issei kept quiet, but the next question...put immense pressure on both the parents...

"I take that mind controlling magic never worked on you...so when I and my kid sister were going through hell where, were both of you?"

His eyes were glowing red, it indicated that he was angry...very angry.

"Since both of you were born as human, my search ability cannot find both of you...it didn't meant that we didn't try, we did our best...but we failed, I am sorry"

Van and Thalia were both prepared to take in Issei's hate towards them, but instead they received something different, their son hugged both of them.

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"What both of you did, was for the best for us...thank you, mom, and dad" he speaks in a teary voice, he knew that in the end it is not his parents were to blame...

Both the parents broke into tears as they tightly hugged him back...

Zorro and Merlin were moved by such action...

"Son, I have something to tell" Issei's mother speaks,

Issei sat back and then speaks, "What would it be?"

"You thought when you would turn to devil, your life force would return didn't you?"

Issei was taken aback by the question...he thought how his parents did knew about his lost life force...he then realized, both of them must have eavesdropped his conversations

"Yes mom"

"You are wrong!"

"What do you mean?"

"I have been meaning to tell you this sooner but, now is the current time as well...when you reincarnated yourself as a devil, you didn't really became a devil...all it did was resurface Nephilim's existence"

Issei thought for a second that her mother wanted to say...then he realized what she actually meant...

"Nephilim is both, devil and god...so reincarnating into either of them, won't do any good and would only resurface my true nature...my life force was never returned"

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Listening to Issei say this, both Zorro and Merlin became worried.

"But...I have prepared countermeasure for this" Issei's father speaks, and from another space takes out a white statue, size of a water bottle, the statue was of a lady holding on scales and she was blindfolded.

"That's, an ancient artefact, [Decided of Sacrifices]...which takes a proper amount and according to it, gives what the other party wants" Merlin speaks, in a shocked tone.

"Yes...I and my wife, will sacrifice our life force and turn that to an average human's to return my son's life force to eternal...and sacrifice our demonic and godlike powers, for my son to get his demonic and godlike affinity back" Issei father made a firm decision.

But Issei was against it, he directly spoke..."No, I will find another way, but I will not-"


This action was done by Issei mother, she gave a direct slap to Issei...he looks towards his mother and waits, why did she!

"Listen! Ise! Your father and I saw through much destruction...we never want to return to that, that's why we chose this life, but when we knew what you were doing...{D x D} alliance and other stuff, I and my husband are proud that you are our son!"

"Yes, who decides to bring peace in all faction, that I failed to do...you are doing it, there is nothing more that can make me more proud kid, that's why take it as a contribution to your alliance" Issei father added.

Listening to this Issei's eyes turned moist, his parents were selfless that's why I cannot be selfish and act kind.

Kindness too paves the path to hell, if they are offering me powers, I will take it...in order to become strong, I will!

My parents provide this path and I will take it.

This is what Issei thought, and then spoke..."I am ready...mom and dad"

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Both the parent smiled as they held on to the statue, both of them said in unison...

""Please take the sacrifice""

The statue glowed for a minute and then disappeared...

"Is it over? Nothing much happen" Zorro says after he saw the statue disappear.


Issei screams in pain, he even spits mouthful of blood...

"What's going on?"

"Did the sacrifice fail?!"

"No...It cannot be"

His aura spiked, it was red in colour...his left eye turned white and his right eye turned black, he kept on spitting blood!

He then manages to speak, "Me-rlin.....teleport....to HQ tra...ning....base..."


To Be Continued:- Chapter 129:- Nephilim's Power

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