High School DxD

Chapter 14

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In a distant land unknown to man, smokes everywhere, a destroyed place which once belonged to the heroes stood a man at top of the hill, hair as white as snow with a jacket on his body and jeans with a cool and charming look but cold and distant eyes looked down, no sooner he heard a voice; a blond man with glasses and his hair tied behind appeared,

"Lord, I have confirmed the Red one has indeed awoken" he said and bowed

The white hair guy nodded in affirmation and gave him a look to leave, just the moment he left another guy with a spear in his hand blue shirt and a white kilt as his under dress with black hair appeared,

"My, my Vali-kun, did you hear the red one has awoken" the black haired guy said as he sat down

"Will this be an interesting battle or will it be shitty as the rest which have been? What do you think Cao Cao?"

"Whatever makes it worth living?"

The both stared at each other and started laughing…


"What's wrong why are you spacing out?" the man wearing glasses, smoking cigarette asked the boy sitting in front of him both had scars on their face, sitting inside a café …

"Is it true, seven hero villages have been wiped out?" the boy asked

"It's the truth, apparently some of the heroes have gone rouge too, this makes task much more troublesome"

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"Few hours ago I got a text from Issei, he says he's a demon now"

"Issei-kun? He chose to be demon?"

"I don't know the details, but he just said in our next meeting he'll explain and expects some explanation too"

"Is that so?"

"Dad, I've got a favor to ask"

"Go ahead son"

"Please take Mio and the others, with you wherever you go now"


"This place is not safe anymore and I will be staying in Zeref's place for the time being, we will all meet there coming month and you do know Mio's and others safety is my top priority"

"Can you face your problems alone?"

"I'm Jin Tojo's son of, course I can"

"Yep, quite true Basara, quite true"

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"Merlin! Merlin! Where are you? Merlin!" a short height black haired boy, with a sage's dress was running around a bar calling a certain girl's name while the folks around him started to think weather this lad has lost it or not, after a few screaming a lady appeared before him, she was wearing a purple jacket and yes only a jacket and a purple panty, the rest was revealing her smooth and fair skin her dangerous territory with her tits and long purple hair, with deep blood like lips giving all men enough fapping material…

"Boy, why are you shouting?" the woman asked

"Oh, Merlin-san, I've got a message"

"From Issei?"

"Yes, he says, begin phase one"

"What about Hisoka and Rindou?"

"They-"even before the boy spoke a voice rang out "We are here" a man's voice from the doors of the bar….

"Good timing" the purple haired beauty, Merlin replied as she walked toward them…


In the North Pole,

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A figure covered with warm clothes was dragging a dead whale but soon she found a man with green hair, sitting on a stone of ice, he turned his face toward the the person who was dragging the whale who stopped in the tracks,

The green haired guy lifted his arm reveled a letter, "Message from Issei"

"Begin phase one?" a woman's voice was heard, as the person removed the mask a fair as snow face was reveled….

"Yes, begin phase one" the green hair guy with a scar on his left eye; indifferently said and took out a bottle of booze and drank…..


"Take-chan , Take-chan wake up, wake up" a girl was screaming at the top of her voice, then again another voice rung out "Takeru-sama, Takeru-sama, please wake up"

Suddenly the orange haired boy with trims on both the side wearing a glass woke up and was stunned seeing two beauties in his room only to realize that they all were roommates,

"Jeez, Take-chan how long were you asleep" the big breasted girl with long tied blue hair pouted and beside her was another big breasted girl but little smaller in height and a cute cat like face,

"Takeru-sama you were getting a call, from someone named Issei" the cat face girl said returning the boy's cell to him

"Whenever we picked the call, he cuts it what a rude guy" The blue haired girl said as she continued to pout

Takeru ignored all of their deals and made a call on the other side of the receiver a ou's voice was heard,

"Long time no see, or talk Take-chan"

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"Yup, long time, Isu-chan, what is it?"

"Begin phase one"

"Is it time?"

"It is, Zeref will give you the details"


After saying this Takeru hung up, but saw to dark aura radiating from the girs,

"Take-chan who is Isu-chan?"

"Yes Takeru-sama who is she?"

"She, is a boy"


Issei kept the phone in his bag took a deep breath and entered his classroom only to be welcome by two punches straight at him…

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