High School DxD

Chapter 17

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The night was unusually too bright and a lad was jumping from one building to another and had a disgust look on his face, he was none other than Issei who was holding a tablet on his right hand, what happened?

1 month 8 minutes 12 seconds ago….

"Huh? 12? 12 wings? What? is it bad?" Issei asked even though he very well knew the meaning of 12 wings but he never really wanted to speak up so he let the beauty in front of her do…

"It's im-im-impossible, 12 wings of any kind may it be demon, god or angel they belong to the ranks of Governor and higher ups, but for you to have 12 of them" Rias reveled a shocked expression she never had thought, hidden behind a curtain she expected a tiger's claw turns out it belonged to a dragon that's how much she was shocked…

"Um, so does it have to do something with my strength?" Issei queried

"Yes, 12 wings also indicates that you are immensely strong, but the lineage pays an important role as the abilities of your ancestors had passed down to you but-" Rias wanted to say something but stopped in between

"My parents, I don't think so, because old man works in an office and mom's a housewife" Issei replied trying to think harder,

"Correct, if your parents have been demons or some other race, low may it be, mind controlling magic would have not been effective on them, so I only deduce it's all on your basics of strength and sacred gear you posses that's all I can think of" Rias sighed and said, not anything that she can think of…

"Oh, I almost forgot here's your demon tablet" Rias said

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"Demon, what?"

"Here, in this tablet only GPS works, and in the map your markers will be indicated as red dots, you need to go to each house and give them this flyer" Rias pulls out a flyer, it's the same one that a cosplay lady was handing out, when he was having a date with Yuma…

"Wait, the words in flyer, does that mean each house I go the people there are filled with heavy avariciousness?" Issei asked

"Correct, demons make pact with humans and do their task whatever they may ask but it all comes with a price, any object, could be something precious, sometimes money and also one's life too " Rias folded her arms around when she finally stopped speaking…

"So, I will start as handing over flyers?"


Issei looked disappointed he didn't wanted to do the odd jobs but he didn't spoke back, every night he went out had handed out the flyers in every marked house that his tablet indicated and every day the markers increased more and more, this just made Issei clear how much humans are greedy and demons live on that.

And why did demons live on human's greed it's pretty similar to angels' giving out blessings and humans clanged to hope that someday their wishes might come true and angel's live on that faith and hope that gives them power on the contrary demons do the work for humans, their greediness and formation of pact makes a demon stronger that is the simple definition, two coins of the same side humans hope but their greed takes away their patience one of the massive reason why angel's hated the demons.

Demons had to stay nocturnal even tho going out in the morning was fine too, but they are immensely strong at night that's why Issei had to hand over the flyers at night.

A month later…..

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"Very good Issei, I think you should be able to get your first pact now" Rias said, she was smiling

"Certainly, I am tired of handing out the flyers" Issei said as he saw at that moment Akeno chanting something, he wasn't sure what she was but suddenly a huge magic array formed it was similar to the array present in the flyers with a big "G" in the center of the array, he understood it meant the symbol of the house hold of "Gremory"…

"So, Issei certainly you know the flyers you handed out had this same array on them" Rias asked

"Yes, if I ask is this a teleportation magic? Will I be teleported directly to the host's house?"

"Correct, those flyers have the array which will enable you to pass, and easy way of travelling, come now stand on the circle"

Issei without any further questions stood on the array and was about to be teleported…

"Fufufufuf...later Ise-kun" Akeno said as the teleportation activated…


"This is the client's house, is it not?" Issei queried, turns out he was not teleported and was still in the club room, everyone was shocked…

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"Um, guys what happen?" Issei asked looking troubled

"Um, Ise, seems like you destroyed Akeno's magic array" Rias said with a worried expression….

"Fufufuf…. Must be your magic, its pressure must have been high that's why it broke" Akeno said

"No, it's not like that" Issei said


"Listen, magic that I used one we first met is [Nature's Magic]"

"[Nature's Magic]?!!" almost all said and gave Issei not being able to comprehend look…

"You see, I don't have magic instead I have [Anti- Magic] which disables an enemy's ability but since I used to be human I could connect to nature and use its properties and surroundings and absorb mana from there to create magic; but now since I'm demon who are considered "impure" I can't connect to nature"

"Wait, [Anti-magic]? You have that? That rarest of ability?" Kiba asked and was shocked

"Yes, since a foreign spell was activated around me-"

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"Your [Anti-magic] subconsciously destroyed the spell array" Akeno completed him

"Well, it can't be helped; you will reach the destination late, any other way you can reach the client's house?" Rias asked

8 minutes 15 seconds later…

"So, this the client's house," Issei mumbled to himself

He rang the bell and said in a loud voice,

"I'm here on behalf of my master Lord Gremory, here to do your errand"

*Creak* the door opens …


TO BE CONTINUED: - Chapter 18:- What is it that you desire?

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