High School DxD

Chapter 54

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While entering I and the rest of us (Issei excluded) entered the church.


The first three guards standing had been cut down with a single strike, Zorro did it, he borrowed [Simple Katana] from Dad, sometime ago, he likes katana huh, well I like great swords.

When we entered the first room six of the guards were taken down with [Magic Bullet] which Merlin shot, she is a prodigy when it comes to magic.

Finally we reached at the end of the third room, which had a door leading towards underground.

"This will be difficult" Zorro said.

"Yes, minimum vision and if we damage the surrounding, the building might collapse" I replied.

"Also, I am pretty useless underground" Dulio said, he had teary eyes, I patted his head.

"Wait!" a voice rang behind us.

I turned around to see, it was none other than Issei.

"You job done?" Merlin asked.

"Yes she came, I mean they all did"

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We all sighed and then entered the hallway.

Slowly the stairs were coming to an end, but then Issei stopped.

He kept his ear on the wall and signaled us to keep quiet, and then he spoke "Someone is fighting, down"

"Someone from the kidnapped children or the guards beating them?" Merlin asked.

"Don't know, but for anyways, keep your guard to the maximum" Issei said as we all then approached the door.

We opened it and there was another hallway, dimly lit.


Three guards came straight flying towards us.

From the dust we saw another figure, approaching, which revealed a kid of our age.

He had maroon hair, till his shoulders, he had hetero-chromatic eyes, purple to his right and green to his left, he was holding a white dagger.

"Who are you all? Are you with the church as well?" he said and pointed the dagger towards us.

"No, we aren't" I said, in order to convince him.


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He disappeared.


Issei disappeared as well.


I did not conceive what just happen, but whatever it was, the entire hall was a mess and we (I, Merlin, Zorro and Dulio) were thrown back from an unknown pressure.

When I tried to see what was going on, Issei's left arm which had the scared gear, and the other kid, who had his blade held by Issei.

"You are strong" the maroon haired boy said.

"So are you" Issei replied, then continued "How about we do this later and save those kids first?"

The kid nodded with and said "alright"

We all moved forward, the moment we stepped inside the other end of the hall, the entire hall broke down.

"Guess, we won't be returning from this side" Zorro said.

Of course I was panicked, what now, our exit was blocked because two wild boys went and did some single hand fight.

"What's your name?" the maroon haired kid asked.

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"Its proper manners to tell your name first before asking someone" Issei replied.

"Smug aren't you, my name is Tenma Unomia, from the Unomia clan"

"Issei Hyodo, no clan"

"Wait, are, you going to ignore the fact that he is from the Unomia clan?" Merlin asked.

I was confused, Unomia clan? What the hell was that now? So I asked Merlin…

"You know church raises children to be Exorcist, similarly the Buddha followers who want evil spirits to rest in peace, raise Spiritual Exorcist, who are capable of handling, stuff related impurities which lies in the 'purgatory', Unomia Clan, is the strongest among the Spiritual Exorcist's clans" Merlin gave the explanation, ah it was good to have Merlin around, she can explain everything with ease.

"Wait, what is 'purgatory'?" I asked once again.

"'Purgatory', is a representation on all the realms, but the difference is the Realms are where the living and the souls reside, but 'Purgatory' is a place where rot and impure beings called Kegare reside" this time Tenma answered my question.

"Isn't 'purgatory' similar to 'Limbo' then?" I asked once again.

"No, it isn't, because 'Limbo' is the bridge between 'Purgatory' and the 'Realms', only the Spiritual Exorcist have the ability to travel through 'Limbo'" Issei replied…

"You are smart, eh" Tenma said with a smile.

"Oh, I am smart"

Both of them made such pair…but then Issei continued, "Were you born in the lowest branch of Unomia clan?"

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"How did you figure?"

"Guess, must have kicked you out because, you posses strength more than the main branch's heir right?"

Tenma kept quiet for a while, then spoke "Yes, I was sold by my very own mom, to the church, I was drugged by my own father, because the main branch's heir could not do anything against me, the current head wanted me off the clan because of that"

"When you woke up, you started beating the shit out of these people, and I guess you sensed the presence of the kids that's why you even came here to help"

"Hmph, yes"

We were almost near the end door; we opened it and found all the kids from the village and different place, unconscious lying on the floor.

We reached out to them and, made them sit in one place, and then Merlin started healing them.

But then the expression of Issei's and Tenma's changed the broke into cold sweat.

But soon, we did too.

Out of now where, two men were standing beside us. Both of them were wearing church attire.

"Kids these days" one of them man said.

"Yea, stupid" the other one replied.

Tenma said with voice filled with horror, "Paladin class warriors?"


To Be Continued:- Chapter 55:- Basara's Memories- Unexpected Help.

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