High School DxD

Chapter 87

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I-Issei Hyodo, by sacrificing life force and time, reached [Juggernaut Drive], my size became trice of the normal [Balance Breaker], my form, I do not want to sound narcissist, but I did look awesome.

My body was combination of Dragon and Armour combined, my wings were huge, I felt my power surging and increasing...

Dulio and Zorro were looking at me with sparkly eyes, of course any boy would look at me with those eyes, after all, I was kind of a mechanical dragon robot, if you were in your childhood, do not lie, we all loved stuff like transformers...

My aura and speed reached its pike, but I was dead sure it still was not enough, but here is the place where my plan comes to fruition.

I most likely knew that Amenadiel would arrive, even before we had the chance to leave, and I was pretty sure no matter how much I powered up, I won't be able to defeat him...

That is when I clearly formulated a plan in order to defeat him.

Zorro uses one of twenty-one Longinus, [Ashura's Eye], one of the important abilities of this gear is [Ashura Mode: Judgement], in this state Zorro turns himself into a God, with three heads and nine arms, the enemy in front of him, no matter who, will be stuck in the same place for at least, three seconds...

That is what occurs, no matter how strong Amenadiel he was stuck for three seconds...

Next in my plan uses Dulio's abilities, he uses one of the Four Divine Blessings, [Zenith Tempest], ability to control weather, even though at that time he could not use it properly, it was strong enough to freeze, Amenadiel's legs and arms for some time...

Next in line was Merlin who also used one of the twenty-one Longinus, [Book of Knowledge], two of the important abilities of this scared gear is [Perfect Cube] and [Consume]...

The [Perfect Cube], wasn't at its complete state yet, but it was strong enough to capture Amenadiel in a indestructible cube for ten seconds, after the breaking of cube, she used [Consume], to absorb his attacks for some time...

All of them were worn out, but Amenadiel only took some damage...

You ask me where I was, I was preparing for two abilities, charging them at their fullest, [Longinus Smasher] and [Welsh Dragon: Heavenly Roar]...

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Yes, this was all to buy time to use these two abilities...

<Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost!>

I charged it to the maximum, as much as I could, I could feel the shattering of armour the pressure, Ddraig told me, using [Longinus Smasher] at mu current state will take, a little more life span away as well as the dragon energy, and my body was still not ready for [Welsh Dragon: Heavenly Roar] but who the damn cares...

The chest plate of my [Juggernaut Drive] swung open, ready to release the green aura, whereas from my mouth a red orb was being prepared, which was the roar...

Yes, there was a chance that Amenadiel might dodge it, but I made sure he didn't at that time Dulio once again used his abilities to trap him in his location...

I could clearly see the tension in his face,

"[Longinus Smasher] [Welsh Dragon: Heavenly Roar]"

I used both of the attacks simultaneously, the green and red destructive beam which directly aimed for Amenadiel, I could feel the pain in my chest; my armour cannot last any longer...

I held out that time, as strong as I can, but the power released by that ability was strong enough to destroy the church and the nearby mountains...

Yes, Amenadiel was defeated too; his body was nowhere to be found.

My armour broke, I was severely bleeding, but in my heart, I was screaming with excitement, about how amusing the fight was the tactics I made, how well I was coordinated with my team...

Slowly I could see, three figures running towards me as my consciousness faded away.

I woke up, a week later, covered in bandages; my left arm was now permanently [Boosted Gear Armament]...

Merlin was healing me, with her magic telling me how reckless I was by shedding tears, Dulio was crying as well...

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After all, kids achieved victory and changed their fate, which supposed to be our endgame.

As the three of them were sticking with me, instead of returning, we decided to check each and every church and free other kids like us and help kids like my little sis Yozora, so that no one will ever be in her position...

Then down the journey where I became strong, formation of {D x D} is a story for a later date...

Oh, I returned home, when I was fifteen, my mom and dad did not recognize me at first then she shed tears as she hugged me tightly...

But I was really apologetic about the action I was about to do, Merlin had used [Invisibility] on herself and then I had asked her to use [Memory Replacing] on my parents, that this whole time I was with them...and that Yozora died in a car accident two years ago, in Kyoto...

I had to do this; after all, I could not see them in agony about what had happen to us.

I did all this even before they had the chance to say anything, what I did was extremely wrong, but it was for the best.



Kyoto, near Yozora Hyodo's grave, under the cherry blossom tree, two men, were drinking Sake, like old mates.

One was Issei and the other, had a handsome middle age man's face as well,

"That was one hectic story, I knew you had been through a lot, but this much," the man said as he drank through the bottle.

"Hey, we all share some part of bad past" Issei replied, no longer drinking.

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"So the reason you became a devil?"

"So that I can achieve what I want to, my life force was almost depleted, so I had to turn in to something, so I chose to be Devil, even though it had its own perks, I needed a body which will at least live longer, so that I can achieve what I want"

"Very true kid, very true"

That man said, as he looked up the dark sky.

Issei got up, indicating that he was about to leave but then he asked the man,

"How about next time you telling me about your past?"

"Hahahaha.....deal, kid" the man said in a free voice.

Issei walked away as he said, "Until next time, Ex-Celestial King"

The man only smiled wryly.

"One more thing" Issei said

"What would it be?"

"I never killed Amenadiel, he ran away"


In the Occult Research Club Room,

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Everyone was in tears, listening to what had happen to Issei's past.

However, Merlin knowingly left some parts as when he actually returned, and formation of {D x D} alliance and about Zorro and Dulio.

In addition, she told them story in way, that it was only Issei who defeated Amenadiel.

After all, she did not want to revel sensitive information.

The club was now seeing Issei in a different light.

But there was one member who was still sad, and was wondering about his past.


It was night and Issei just returned home.

Her mother asked if he needed any food to which he replied no, and his father asked about his journey to which he replied it was fine.

They day was clear but now it was stormy clouds...

Issei's dad still remembers, two years ago, his son came back...and used memory-erasing magic to make sure they live in peace about Yozora's death.

However, what Issei did not knew that this day two years ago, Issei's dad, Van Hyodo killed Amenadiel.


To Be Continued: - Chapter 88- Secrets

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