As if guided by the tip of a raised rod, three magic balls rained down on the goblins, drawing an irregular trajectory.

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They landed on the three most ahead ones and blew them away.

Compared to the fireballs she first created, the area of effect was inferior, but the force of impact was superior.

This was the result of her learning the way to use her skills as a 『Sorcery User (Wizard)』.

The following goblins closed in on Mai, stomping on their fallen and smoldering comrades.

「Quota achieved. Here, high-five.」

「Aiyo… Seclusion.」

Receiving a high-five, Seiichi’s figure lost its color as if melting away.

With his presence diminishing, his existence grew sparse and merged into the surroundings.

Seething with fighting spirit, the goblins continued to rush toward Mai without getting bothered by it.

If you put it in game terms, the monster that targeted Mai, who had accumulated a lot of hate, easily lost Seiichi, who had just been there and had low hate.

The psychological blind spot reflected Seiichi’s ninjutsu of blurring one’s consciousness to the fullest.

As two heads flew off at the same time, the goblin, whose neck was snapped, crumpled at Seiichi’s feet.


From Saki’s point of view, everything looked as if it happened almost simultaneously.

If Sorcery User was a class that specialized in magical energy control, then Ninja was a class with great physical ability correction specialized in speed.

Compared to Fighter, which offered overall body strengthening, Ninja was inferior in physical strength but superior in speed, and the field covering their flesh was inferior in material but superior in astral.

Just because it was a rare class didn’t necessarily mean it had upwardly compatible abilities.

If the ones that assigned a hundred points in orthodox style were the archetype classes, then the ones that assigned them in a more crooked, specialized trend were called the rare classes.

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*Bam*, along with a dull echo, a goblin soared to the air.

Receiving the attack with its shield, along with its arms, its body was smashed into formingく character.

The six-foot metal rod was swung left and right, cutting through the air with a voom.

Without technique-like technique, with no stance-like stance, it was pure violence that couldn’t be called a martial art by any stretch.

The beastly roar shook the air with crackles, and with a start, Saki began to step back in tremble.

That body of hers was firmly held in place by Shizuka.

No matter who else was frightened, they alone mustn’t allow themselves to be frightened.

The six-foot metal rod was brandished like a revolving windmill, blowing away the remaining goblins left and right.

「Alright, now then, let’s get the meeting started.」



Trembling with teary eyes, Saki turned around and was about to run away, but was seized by Shizuka.

「I’m really zorry, I’ll come gain after retraining myself.」

◇ ◇ ◇

I wonder where she is going to train herself at?

Based on how easily she’s seized by Shizuka, I think she’d get done in by goblins in no time at all.

Saki, who appears to have trained in kenjutsu since her younger days, seems to have a certain degree of confidence in her skills.

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But after witnessing the supernatural battle beyond her imagination, her mind ends up breaking, it seems.

The trembling and teary-eyed Saki is uselessly cute.

「We’re also as good as amateurs in battles to death, you know? It’s all merely thanks to the boost of level correction.」


Shizuka is patting Saki, who is crouching down in low spirit, to soothe her.

「Once you reach the same level as us, I think you’ll be as stronger as how much you’ve trained than us, Himecchi.」

I guess she’s a possessor of class upon birth, or what Seiichi calls the gifted one, huh

It’s so superb that it’s overflowing with chuuni vibe.

「Level, is it? There should be not much difference between ours, yet….」

Saki takes out her electronic student handbook from her breast pocket and takes a look at it.

What’s displayed there is her class being 『Novice』 while her level being 『2』.

The result is totally not accurate, but I wonder what kind of internal process is used to calculate it?

Somehow, I come to feel that my Interface is the wrong one.

Funasaka Touma (God of Thunder Apprentice, Level 4)

Onodera Seiichi (Ninja, level 6)

Ashiya Shizuka (Miko, Level 7)

Susukino Mai (Sorcery User, level 6)

Nango Saki (Swordsman, level 1)

And that’s how our current state looks like.

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Since the time she was recognized as a party member, I’ve come to be able to see Saki’s detailed information.

Even now I still don’t know on what principle it works.

The experience points required to level up differs depending on the class, so it feels like I’m gradually being left behind.

There’s a formula to calculate the class step based on the rate of leveling up, and it seems that my God of Thunder apprentice is treated like that of a third step class.

It just so happens that we’ve just learned about experience points, levels, and class changes in class.

Speaking of experience points, it is calculated in units of EXP.

The experience point gained from defeating a level 1 goblin is used as the standard of 1 EXP.

As for what manner of thing experience point is, I don’t get it even after listening to its explanation, but it seems to be something along the phenomenon of us absorbing a part of the monster’s power.

Level is a scale value that represents the amount of monster energy absorbed.

When you level up, rather than suddenly getting stronger, I think it’s more like you are gradually being strengthened.

So level value is ultimately just a rough estimation.

However, class change is a different story altogether.

By consuming your accumulation of EXP, it’s something along you reconstructing your flesh into a different creature known as the class, it seems.

It’s exactly like the enhanced humans (boosted man) in manga and anime.

When you do a class change, all the EXP you have accumulated is consumed, so you revert back to level 1.

Because of this, even when you have your basic abilities improved, your SP value will be temporarily reduced compared to before the class change.

Excluding exceptions such as Saki, ordinary people with class 『None』, or what the academy seems to refer it to as the Novice class, will come to be able to change to a first step class when they reach level 10.

In other words, those who have done the first step class change are roughly ten times stronger than the average person, even at level one.

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Since the class change from first to second step class requires us to be at level 20, a level 1 person with a second step class is somewhere along as strong as thirty average people.

It is said that if you defeat about 50 level 1 goblins, you can more or less reach level 10.

The first goal for us first-year students is to do this first step class change and head to the second stratum.

It seems that if we conquer the dungeon smoothly, we will be able to achieve it by the second semester.

Well, it looks like we’re a little ahead of the others, though.

「Himecchi, listen well. Don’t tell anyone what I’m about to tell you from now on. It’s a secret of our own only…. If you can’t swear to it, right here, right now, I’ll have you die and forget all about it.」

「Y, yes. I will never tell anyone about it.」

Clenching her fists tightly, Saki nods her head.

「First of all, we have yet to die even once in the dungeon. That’s why naturally, our level is higher than the other first year students.」

Seiichi is telling a lie right off the bat.

The honest Saki seems to completely believe it and is impressed by it.

「And we have no intention of dying from here on either. That goes for you too, Himecchi.」

「Err, yes.」

If you die, your earnings for the day will be reset, so it’s bad in terms of efficiency, perhaps perceiving it only at that level, Saki’s response is light.

「The current us are able to use skills even outside the dungeon. Things will turn for the worse should the academy find out about it. That’s why, don’t use it.」

「H, Huh? Is, is that true?」

I use both Interface and Item box normally all the time, though.

Shizuka also uses hers normally, mainly at night.

Also, in Shizuka’s case, it seems that she can’t use SP outside if she isn’t in contact with me.

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