Natsumi hugged Miharu as if to protect her.

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She had been invited to the party formed by her classmates’ boys group many times, and had refused them many times.

Unlike other classes, in Natsumi’s class, they dungeon dived with the boys formed parties with boys and the girls formed parties with girls.

This was because the boys were laying bare their sexual desires for the girls too blatantly.

Natsumi ended up forming a party with the girls who also rejected the courting of the boys, as well as Miharu, who was in another class.

It was clear to her that if she left Miharu, who was just as introverted as she was, alone, she would eventually end up being isolated and turning into a prey for the boys.

The two, who had grown up while being cursed as monsters for being different from normal people, would end up standing out from their surroundings.

They were afraid of being ostracized as they had been thus far.

That was because they had known firsthand just how cruel and merciless the mass could be to outcasts.

Put on a futon and come here for a minute

The futon is worn out, so I can’t go



Gradually opening her eyelids, Miharu called out Natsumi’s name.

Perceiving the fingers that were touching her face, she nodded her head.

They were able to understand each other without the need to utter even a single word.

Cuddling together while still in nude, they overlapped their bodies.

You two sure are suspiciously enough close, or so they used to be teased by their friends, who were few in number, in middle school, but for them it was something par for the course.

For they were existences who were two-in-one, as well as one-in-two.

That was why even when she was threatened that Miharu had been kidnapped and confined, she understood that it was true without a shadow of doubt.

That was because Natsumi had sensed it when Miharu was being gang raped.

This was because before she was told that she had been abducted from her classroom early in the morning, she had been running around the academy grounds throughout the night looking for Miharu.

Before being taken to the club room and raped by the class boys who boycotted the lesson, she had been gang raped with Miharu all night long.

The reason why Miharu had accepted the gang rape without resisting was because at the very least she didn’t want to transmit the pain from being beaten or the agony from being disciplined to Natsumi.

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The two of them, who understood each other, neither resented nor blamed each other.

We want that kid

We don’t know which kid you mean

Let’s talk about it

Yes, let’s

Departing their hometown as if running away, they even came to a faraway school.

However, nothing changed.


「It’s okay, it’s okay. We’ll be together, forever….」

There was nowhere to run away to at this point.

The flickering flames of the paper lantern.

Steam billowed from the iron kettle resting on the brazier.

*Creak* The floorboard creaked, and a shadow appeared on the shoji (paper sliding door).

Even if they were to be gang raped again in this incomprehensible place, they could divide both the pain and grief in half.

Have you decided?

A little girl was standing in front of the unopened shoji.

Miharu and Natsumi held each other’s hands as chills ran down their spines.

They were unable to see the face of the little girl who was all white and colorless.

They had no qualifications to see it.

An awe-inspiring superior existence of the astral world.

「I, I won’t let you….」

「I, I won’t let you….」

「「Lay a hand on Mii-chan/Nat-chan.」」

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The little girl with a vivid scarlet temari in her hand showed a smile on her invisible face.

She raised her arm and pointed behind the two with her tiny finger.

The shoji door, illuminated by the dim light, swung open.

◇ ◇ ◇

The water in the bathtub has been drained, but being able to use the shower freely sure is a bliss.

It’s a lifesaver that I can wash off the sweat after running in the mountain for my morning training.

It’s a secret special skill of mine, but I’ve always been able to wake up at any time I want even without an alarm.

Maybe it’s also a kind of skill.

Nice smell is drifting from the dining hall, but it’s still early, so I decided to head back to my room and do some stretching.

Shizuka and Saki are not around, so there is no danger of getting sweaty right away either.

Yuki-chan, who was sleeping in my arms, was gone when I woke up, so I guess she’s returned home.

I have a feeling that she might actually be in the Item Box, but she’ll get all fuming if I drag her out without permission, so I can’t carefreely give it a try.

Heading back to my room after buying a can of coffee from the vending machine, there are two girls, who look like mirrored versions of themselves, standing utterly stark naked on the other side of the door, so I close the door again in silence.

Fortunately, I hear no screams echoing, but the awkwardness of coming to the wrong room and stumbling upon a swapping scene is truly unbearable.

I also encountered a similar scene yesterday, so it looks like everyone is celebrating their sexual springtime in various ways.

No commotion seems to break out even as I lay low and retreat to the stair, so I once again stealthily open the door to my own room and head inside.

I close the door while checking the hallway, but it looks like I will be able to pass it without getting entangled with any unnecessary trouble.


When I turn around with a can of coffee in my hand, I find two beautiful girls with their hands covering their boobs and crotch as if they are embracing each other looking my way.

As I put my hand on the doorknob in silence, voice echoes from my back as if in fluster.

「P, please, wait.」

「I see nothing. I hear nothing.」

「Ah, wait….」

If I get involved in any more unnecessary trouble, I might end up getting locked up by Shizuka who has run out of patience, so I’d like them to spare me from it.

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If you act too naughtily, I shall pamper you even more than I currently do and raise you into a pimp, so I’ve been threatened.

When we parted yesterday, as she put handcuffs on Saki, with a serious face she said: if we tie Touma-san like this, he would not attack other girls, right?

It’s really dangerous that even Saki-san, who showed a bewildered expression as if perplexed, looked a bit delighted about it.

She has been dyed in too much of Shizuka-san’s influence.

As the two cling on me in the nude, it feels like the energy I released with Yuki-chan is getting recharged, so for the time being I have the two wrap the sheet around them.

I sit down on my own bed, and let the mysterious stark naked ladies sit on Seiichi’s bed.

No, rather than mysterious, they’re the twin sisters.

After getting them cleansed at Hakutsuru-sou, they had disappeared before I knew it, so I think they have just been returned back by someone.

Given the fact that they came out of nowhere, I wonder if perhaps that someone is Yuki-chan and she has sheltered them in the Item Box up until now.

I wonder what has become of the inside of the current Item Box is.

When I put living beings inside, they more or less ended up ceasing moving, though.

I have a feeling that Yuki-chan is carrying out a grand remodeling on it as she pleases.

「Now then. State what you have in mind.」



They look up almost simultaneously, look at each other and hold hands.

It’s a very yuri-yuri-ish act, but strangely enough I sense no ero vibe from it.

They are twins who seem to be identical from their looks to even their body measurements, but the twintail is Miharu, while the ponytail is Natsumi.

Speaking of ponytails, Saki also often wears her hair tied up, but hers is a pulled-up style, like a samurai with knotted hair that appears in a period drama.

It suits the tall Saki and makes her look very manly.

In the case of the twins, specifically speaking, their hair is tied up partially at the back and at the sides, in a pony-up and in a two-thirds-up style, I think.

It’s fine and all as long as we’re able to tell them apart, so I wonder if it’s alright to just call them Ponytail-chan and Twintail-chan.

◇ ◇ ◇

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The matter the twin sisters wanted to talk about turned out to be a request to be club members-cum-party members.

But of course, I give them an OK at once.

Child God, guidance, protection and so on, I’m concerned about those religion-ish words of theirs, but well to each their own beliefs.

I don’t mind as long as they don’t try to sell me a jar or something.

I’m troubled about what will become of my reputation should I let them do a streaking play in the boys’ dormitory, but then, getting spitted out, items such as uniforms, leather bags, shoes, and panties come falling from the sky.

I wonder if the voices outside could even be heard from inside the Item Box.

Rather, I wonder if it’s okay for Yuki-chan not to go home.

Getting the privilege of enjoying the sight of the two of them shyly getting dressed, my overdrive seems close to reaching a critical point, but I barely manage to factor it out.


「Sa, Saki-chan….」

As we head out to enjoy the sticky natto set meal at Kurou-sou as we are, we are greeted by Shizuka and Saki, who seem to have been waiting outside.

As expected she ought to be worried about her roommate.

Saki squeezes the hands of the bewildered Natsumi, and Natsumi, her eyes moist, says: I’m sorry, in apology to her.

It seems that Natsumi was able to see the Onmoraki that had possessed Saki, and regretted that she had run away from it, abandoning her as a result, out of fear.

The two, embracing each other with tears in their eyes, seem to be able to properly make up, so it’s all for the best.

As fellow ponytails, it looks like they are on the same wavelength.

「Good morning.」

Shizuka-san, showing a broad ear to ear smile, greets in a polite manner.

Miharu, showing a face like she’s about to cry, hides on my back and grabs my back tightly.

I don’t think there has been any event that particularly raised my likability with her, but rather than being embraced, it’s more like I’m being made to be her guardian.

「Miharu-san, am I right? Let’s have, some talk.」


There should be no problem if I leave it to Shizuka-san.

「… As for you, Touma-san, let’s have a talk a later.」

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