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Lying on her bed in her room at Asagi-sou, Saki tossed around with a pillow in arms.

Consecutively sleeping by herself, she spontaneously let out a lifeless voice.

Saki had been taught little by little about the wonder of sex by Touma and Shizuka, but she had only been left on the dry for two days, so the sexual frustration was not that unbearable.

But more than the pleasure, she was unable to forget the comfort of the warmth of snuggling up her skin against someone else’s.

Raising her face and thinking about slipping into Natsumi’s bed, where Shizuka who was staying over with her was asleep, she noticed the downlight on the desk illuminating the room faintly.

「… Nee-sama?」

Sitting up, the half-asleep Saki tilted her head while still in a daze.

Her vulnerable figure with a pillow in arms was cherubic, worlds apart from the dignified samurai girl.

「I’m sorry. Did I wake you up?」


Shizuka, who had been seated and moving her pen on the desk, smiled wryly at the drowsy looking Saki.

She sat down by the bedside and gently stroked the head of Saki, whom before she knew it she had begun to think of as her little sister while she was being called older sister by her.

Squinting her eyes in satisfaction, Saki slowly sunk into the bed.

「… N, Nee-sama… Together.」

「Yes. Let’s sleep together. Please take a rest ahead of me….」


Staring at Saki lovingly for a while as she began to let out rhythmical breath, she then stood up after gently stroking her head.

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Opening up the curtain hanging on the window, she looked up at the dome of the night sky that glittered like a planetarium, for there were no artificial lights in their surroundings.

「Leaving the rough aside…. I wonder I should switch my drawing pen with a Comista, no perhaps a Christa.」

The notebook provided by the academy boasted a considerable Machine Power.

「… Touma-san is total-seme, Seiichi-san is Ore-sama-uke. Yes, no doubt about it.」

Fortunately, the faint rotten smell was not noticed by anyone.

At least for the time being.

◇ ◇ ◇

「I think these girls are different from lesbians.」

From behind me, who is sitting cross-legged on the bed, the two, whose naked bodies are wrapped in towel blankets, nod at the same time.

I have a feeling that should the two be together, that alone will make them go all laid back and idle about, without engaging in sexual intercourse.

I think it’s a yuri-yuri scene, though.

In terms of image, they are like rabbits.

It’s like two Netherland dwarf sisters curled up together.

「I get it, so get it. They’re totally like weak herbivores after all, right? If you leave them alone, it feels like they’d end up getting eaten up by wolves.」

Giving Mai, who is sprawled in a manner unbecoming of a girl, a lap pillow, Seiichi takes a sip of his canned coffee.

「Want to get along with me too? I’ll protect you, you know?」

Seiichi makes his teeth shine with a flash, but quite a strange skill he’s learned there, how admirable.

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There’s surely a skill to make glasses shine too, without a doubt.

By the way, both Miharu and Natsumi are trembling and hiding behind me, so the effect of the skill seems to be questionable.

「I’ve been rejected, huh. Well, it can’t be helped. I’ll leave them to you, Touma.」

As Seiichi readily steps back, the two show a relieved expression and lean against me from both sides.

Somehow or other, the sense of distance between us seems to have shrunk at once.

「So, well. I’ll leave the decision to you, Touma. Do you think they are worth it, for you to take care of them?」

I put the twin, who makes Vibration with a twitch on my sides, on my left and right lap respectively and hug them together.

They have a petite build, so the snuggly and fitting sensation is such an Innovation.

「… Let me say it just in case, I don’t mean taking care of them as sex friends, alright? Discuss such a matter with Shizuka.」

I may look like a sex fiend more than Seiichi does, but I have no interest of treating them like that of sex friends no matter how cute they are.

I have no intention of assaulting someone so dislikes it, so if they don’t want to have sex with me, then what is need to be done while sleeping together is Eggzactly that of tight Collaboration from both sides.

We are having quite a serious discussion here, so please wait a bit.

「Both Miharu and Natsumi have risen to level 10.」

「Are you going to tell them that much?」

Seiichi puts more stress into his tone, but the option of excluding the two at this point is nonexistent.

「The two have no combat oriented class in their class option. As for the archetype class change, 『Officer』 is on the list.」

「… Isn’t that great? It looks like we’ll be able to get along well in a lot of ways.」

With his valuation of two settled, Seiichi shows a face that of when he has a quite not so good idea.

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Now that the secret is out, if they are of any use, then drown them in eros so that they won’t be able to escape, it looks like he is thinking something along those lines.

「So, which one is it?」

「Both Miharu and Natsumi are perfectly the same. The rare class option too.」

I guess their characters are completely leaning toward rear guards, to the point 『Fighter』 option doesn’t even appear in their lists.

I’ve noticed it since I took a look at the status of the two for the first time, but the class candidate that seems to be the most suitable for them at the moment appears to be written in bold characters.

Perhaps, I think the ones with the highest probability to be the number one candidate if they do random class change in the 『Cathedral』 are either 『Debauchee (NEET)』, or perhaps its superior branching 『Harlot (Nymph)』.

「If it’s the same then it’s fine as long as the eager one does her best, and the party will take care the other one even if she turns into 『Debauchee (NEET)』 or anything else.」

「The rare class is 『Exorcist』, and the other is a super rare class 『Healer』.」


Rolling and getting dropped off Seiichi’s lap pillow, Mai twitches like a cat.

◇ ◇ ◇

「Geez, I’m totally disillusioned though.」

Mai is mad and fuming, but she’s more like a sulking kitten that doesn’t receive attention from Seiichi.

「That’s not it–. It’s not like that–.」

「Now, now, Mai-san.」

「Let’s calm down–.」

The duo of the smiling Shizuka and the wryly smiling Saki, seemingly somewhat troubled, have come to pacify her.

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I think the two of them who have joined us at Hakutsuru-sou from Asagi-sou don’t understand what run after means.

We are on our way to school, with the twin sisters running around us in circles.

「Please, listen to what I have to say!」

「N, no, we don’t want to.」

「Wanushi-sama, save us.」

Being chased by Seiichi, the two have been running away.

Having been approached and one-sidedly pressed since last night, their antipathy toward him is at max level.

Seiichi is in full throttle serious mode and has a serious face, but he is going around in circles with all his power.

When he usually hits on girls, he’s more aloof, with his mouth that spins in an impressive way throwing straight balls in full throttle.

The current Seiichi is harmless in the truest sense of the word, so I pacify the two and ask them to listen to what he has to say.

I get to make them face Seiichi’s fierce push, as reluctant as they may be while holding on to my jacket together.

「Geez–, he’s the worst–, super lame. Super uncool!」

「… Is that so?」

Paying no heed to appearance, earnest and straight, with sincerity that even makes him forget about bargaining.

I think the unsightly desperate Seiichi is cool, though.

「Well, given that he’s desperately trying to coax girls that is not you, I guess there’s no way you’d find it amusing, huh.」

「That’s not it!」

As Mai, who goes meow meow as she lets out cries, receives soothing from everyone, we tread the path headed to the academy.

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