Getting its inside pounded and violated, the encroachment of the vigor (astral) leaking out along with the pre-cum was accompanied by pleasure.

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As a flesh organ, it nurtured life force, and should it be utilized as a receptacle of vigor, euphoria would surge out, leading to an orgasm.

「Hnn, ahh~… You sure like it, don’t you, Seiichi?」

「Well, there’s no guy who doesn’t like lewd things, after all.」

Getting lightly embraced and held up midair, her hands were placed on his shoulders while her face on his neck.

As her level rose, merely EXP gained from goblins was no longer enough to deteriorate her physical state.

It was also proof that the receptacle was expanding and the capacity was increasing.

A pleasant sense of emptiness and a slight burning sensation.

「Everything is going smoothly, right?」


Getting down on the floor with a plop, Mai wiped her crotch with a wet tissue she had taken out from her pouch.

Once it had served its purpose, she threw it away then and there.

It was unknown what happened to such disposed trash, but even when they logged into the same place, the disposed things had all vanished.

She then rearranged her appearance and used some deodorant.

Speaking of the underwear, however, she had been going commando from the beginning.

She was both impressed and exasperated at Shizuka and the others who had taken the trouble to bring along changes of underwear as wearing some seemed to be up to Touma’s preference.

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「Is there something bothering you?」

As Seiichi asked as such in a whisper, keeping his voice down, she was a little happy.

He cared about her, there was no doubt about it.

「Hmm~, how should I put it? Things are something that goes not so smoothly, right?」

「… Ah.」

「Everything is going a little too smoothly for us, and honestly speaking such a thing is hard to believe, you see. For me.」

Could relate to what she said, Seiichi also showed a bitter smile.

It was unknown where it started, or where it went off track.

When they thought they needed some new members, they found the members just as they wished for, not to mention that it even came with ones with very rare qualities.

When they were in need of equipment, they were able to form a connection with a production-type club that seemed to have little influence on the academy.

No, the first trigger was probably from that moment when he regained his lost self.

Before he knew it, he had abandoned his duty as an underling spy, and strove in dungeon conquest along with those he could call comrades.

「… Well, when things are going smoothly, they progress like a rolling snowball. That’s how it works, right?」

Even if each of it was a fortuity, once they piled up, they would seem like an inevitability.

Even if there was such a tale-like script, the ones who were standing at the center were most likely not them.

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At the end of his sight, there were Miharu and Natsumi who were hiding behind Touma on his sides, Shizuka who was in front of them and seemed to be scolding them with her finger raised, and Saki who was displaying a troubled smile while scratching her cheek.

Wishes would come true as long as you didn’t give it up, it was the friend, whose screws on the head were loose, who could say such a thing with a straight face.

However, even without a set scenario like that of a protagonist in a tale, he was the kind guy that seemed would make any wish come true through sheer force.

Whether the goddess of fate was turning away or smiling at him, it looked like he was going to rape his way through either way.

「Yes. It’s totally like he’ll commit some public outdoor rape. You have to properly hold the reins, Seiichi.」

「… It’s impossible for me, right?」

「Is there anyone else to do it?」

I hope there is, Seiichi earnestly wished as such, but he had already resigned himself to the idea that it was his duty.

The person in question was for some reason performing a fierce tiger fall in front of the four of them.

「As expected, it’s impossible, right?」

「… Yes. I think trying to understand him is impossible, so do your best to do the follow up.」

◇ ◇ ◇

I’ve come to know that the humiliation of doing a dogeza in front of everyone could easily be sublimated into the pleasure of masochism.

I’ve become one wiser, but I think it would have also been fine even if I didn’t get to know it.

But now that I’ve come to know it, I shall accept it as a sexual fetish, as in Mein Kampf.

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The pain of kneeling on the cold, hard floor, the struggle to slowly lower my head with my hands planted on the floor, the lump of heat-like humiliation rising from the pit of my stomach.

It’s just, it’s somewhat lacking with no one coming to step on me, I feel.

It’s probably impossible for Shizuka, who is looking down at me with more than ever scornful eyes, or for Saki, who is all flustered, but Miharu and Natsumi, who are breathing erratically with flushing faces, are making me a little worried.

As expected, sexual fetish is something that isn’t reflected by one’s appearance.

Not only does any of them seem like they’re going to readily step on me, the fact that there doesn’t seem to be any shadow of moderation reflected on them is verily Brilliant.

I don’t quite understand why I end up having to do a dogeza, but I’m sure Shizuka and the others also harbor a secret desire to make men grovel in front of them.

「No, we don’t.」

「I see.」

I’m sure that Shizuka-san is most likely on the side of the one who wants to be stepped on, so I guess it’s probably not a good idea for me to end up leaning towards that direction too.

The inversed sense of ascension the moment humiliation and resentment cross the line of your spirit.

I was unable to respond to Shizuka’s wishes as I couldn’t quite understand them in the past, but now I feel like I can step on her.

But as expected it’s still not a good thing to do, huh.

So let’s save flipping the switch on all at once with a start and staring at me with moist eyes for later.

Saki, readying the katana that is held with both hands in hassō stance, rushes out in a forward-bent posture, like the crouching start for a sprint.


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Yelling is the act of letting out breath.

When you inhale breath, you cannot muster up strength into your body.

Therefore, when you want to draw out the potential of your flesh to its maximum limit, you need to either let out your breath or stop your breath.

It seems to be a structural mechanism of living beings.

The goblin, whose legs are cut off in two by a lightning-fast sword flash that seems to cut through the air, lets out a scream and falls to the floor.

The goal of today’s leveling is to have Miharu and Natsumi, as well as Saki, who is about to reach class change, earn EXP.

We’re here as their support.

Or so it’s supposed to be, but Saki-san is way too peerless, leading to the current state where perhaps it is fine to let her handle everything.

The speed of her moves is already more than twice that of a goblin.

Compared to 『Fighter』, the correction for 『Swordsman』 is more of a power down and speed up.

However, all of the attack seems to be imbued with skill, so it also packs a considerable attack power

When there are a lot of goblins crowding in the chamber, Mai will give them a boom, so Seiichi and I are akin to comfort members.

Even Miharu and Natsumi, if it is against a goblin whose weapon has already been unarmed, they have begun to be able to beat it down to death even without me pinning it down.

Shizuka, with her spear at her side, is watching out for any last ditch effort.

They have grown splendidly strong.

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