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*Gyan* the cry of the black dog echoed.

Coiling around the thick neck that was covered with black fur, the arms constricted the windpipe.

In a state where the body was leaning and sticking firmly to it, it was completely helpless, unable to either bite or scratch with its claws.

Applying a rear naked choke to the black dog, Touma focused his strength into his deltoid muscles, to the point of them being perceivable even through his jacket.

The black dog’s body, frothing and having its cervical vertebrae creaked, floated in the air, before then getting slammed to the floor with a suplex, ceasing its life at the same time.

「… Even now I still can’t tell what kind of battle style you’re going for.」

「Yeah. I wanted to try out the power of the monster of this new stratum. If I made a mistake, you’d protect me, wouldn’t you?」

「That’s disgusting, dude! You fool.」

「Shizuka ane-sama, you have a nosebleed.」

「Inspiration is….」

「Umm, 『Heal』, yes.」

「Hmm. Looks like we can deal with them without a problem. Rather, no goblins are appearing, though.」

Giving a sidelong glance to the mysterious riot, Mai folded her arms, with her rod that looked like a conductor’s baton remained in her hands.

Upon cleaning up three chambers, the monsters they encountered were all of different species, unlike the single kind of goblins thus far.

Black dog, boasting pitch-black fur and burning ruby-like eyes.

Ent, a mimic tree that unnaturally grew in the chamber.

Owlbear, possessing the body of a bear and the head of an owl.

They couldn’t find any shadows of goblins or kobolds.

「That seems to be the case. What in the world is going on here?」

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Seiichi scratched his head over the coiling cloth.

It was vaguely hard to come to a decision.

If they wanted to play it safe, they ought to gather information anew and prepare for monsters they had never seen before.

However, compared to dealing with goblins, which had turned into a routine work for them, it was somewhat tougher but they were still able to subjugate them without any problems.

Speaking of how well they were going, the use of healing magic was when they treated Shizuka’s nosebleed only.

The stratum control value for the fourth stratum was level 30.

The monsters dwelling in the uncharted domain were of course at the upper limit.

In this case, using Seiichi as an example, the second step class, 『Ninja』, was level 14.

In terms of accumulated levels converted from the base class, it would be Novice 10 + 『Thief』 20, and if you added 『Ninja』 14 for his current class, it would amount to 44 levels.

In battle, level did not necessarily equal battle power, but at least the difference in SP barrier effects was huge.

Although there were some differences depending on the class, it was said that generally you should be able to fight evenly matched against a monster of the same level.

And when it came to hunting with the significance of earning EXP, rather than facing ones of the same or higher level, the style of hunting a large number of lower level ones was more efficient.

「It looks like the manual is not applicable in the uncharted area. Well, without letting our guard down, let’s adequately clean some monsters, shall we?」


◇ ◇ ◇

Dungeon seems to transform its characteristics drastically as the stratum changes.

Temperature, humidity, smell, the materials that make up the walls and floors of the dungeon, the monsters that appear.

According to what I heard in the Introduction to Labyrinths class, there seem to be floors that are submerged in water, floors with gravity anomalies, and floors that have no ceiling and allow you to look up at the sky.

Dungeon stratum is not a space that is physically connected and spread out underground, but generally it is assumed to be linked to a different space, a different world.

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Sensei lecturing on the overly fantasy, mysterious theory with a serious face was very impactful.

It feels similar to when a surrealist comedian is telling their prided joke and grandly fails.

With a smug look that seemed to be saying, 「You guys don’t get it, do you?」, the moment he made his shiny head and glasses shine totally nailed it.

Honestly speaking, such a thing doesn’t really matter, though.

The dungeon, a curious space of myriad mysteries, seems to have some kind of regularity, or rather themes.

If the skin theme of the first stratum is 『Goblin』, the theme of this stratum is probably 『Animal Forest』.

Monsters that are displayed as 『Ent』 in the Interface are masters of mimicry.

In ambush mode, no matter how you look at them, they all look like ordinary trees, but when they shift to predator mode, they’ll come rushing toward you with their trunks splitting open and turning into horrific mouths, roots turning into feet, and branches turning into hands.

Perhaps, they would surely turn into a fearsome assassin if they were to mix in amidst ordinary trees in the forest.

It’s just, if they were to quietly stand in a stone-paved chamber without any logical reasoning, that would be plain fishy.

And then their names were displayed in the Interface too.

Mai blew off those that were in ambush mode as they were with magic.

Also, the sight of them normally walking around the corridor as wandering monsters was quite startling.

It’s probably inevitable since their movement speed is slow, but even if they shift to ambush mode right in front of you in Red Light Green Light manner, I don’t think they would be able to deceive anyone.

They seem to be versatile as they could turn to autumn colors, bear fruit such as melon, as well as mimic pine trees and bamboo, but they are all bonus monsters for Mai.

By the way, the melons were delicious.

About five of them were dropped, so after giving it a taste, I put the rest in the Item Box, but the skins alone were spitted out right away.

Compared to Ents, the other animal-type monsters were an innocent bunch.

『Black Dog』 was just a rather large dog, and 『Owlbear』 was just a rather large bear with an owl’s face.

It’s just, when I ducked and held the Owlbear from behind, constricting it with a sleeper choke, I almost got bitten as it turned its head 180 degrees.

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The techniques in accordance with the manual on how to take down animals don’t really work well.

Other than these, there was also one called 『matango」 that was just bouncily jumping around.

It didn’t come attacking, and its movements were also kind of obscene, so we all watched it for a while, but then, like scattering spores, it multiplied to the point of overflowing the chamber.

We thought that perhaps we could use it for leveling, but after we cleaned it up, there was only a single crystal dropped for the first one, so I guess there was no EXP for the offshoots too.

「I don’t mean to let my guard down, but…. Don’t you think that difficulty is pretty subpar?」


I give my agreement to Seiichi, who is shaking his hips behind Mai, who is pressing her hands against the wall.

Now is the soothing time, which has been banned as we have to act with prudence, given that we are conquering a new stratum.

I slowly pound Shizuka, who is pressing her hands against the wall next to Mai.

It’s a nostalgic feeling that reminds me of the days when we were just a party of four.

Now that the number of our dependable comrades has increased, the safety during the relief time has also been ensured.

Or so it’s supposed to be, but they seem to be engaged in a Jenga game, made of lumbers that are drop items of Ents, in order to decide their turns.

I think it would be nice if they could have a little more sense of tension.

「With wait-and-see at the base plan, I thought it would be a good idea to accumulate a little more experience though, oops.」


Mai, who is panting and ecstatically matching his rhythm, stands on her tiptoes.

The Mai who has been forced to perform sex acts day and night by Seiichi, who has an abnormal sexual appetite.

At this point, getting her ass spanked while being postponed is most likely like a reward for her.

「Either way, we have no choice but to continue proceed forward, no?」

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Soothing Shizuka, who is sending out an envious flirtatious glance, I comb her semi long hair, which she has started to grow out, and hold it like a ponytail.

Rolling up her skirt from behind, I hold it along with the belt at the back of her waist, where I’m cramming the hem under.

Pulling her hair as though reining her, I lift her belt to adjust her ass into a position where I can easily penetrate her.

I’m not a fan of the American-style hardcore play that you often see in X-movies, but frankly speaking, Shizuka-san seems to like it.

I hope for her forgiveness in that I’m going for a slightly softer one.

「That’s certainly true. Want to attack the dungeon with the second stratum as the main as is then?」



I release the rage, which has been aroused by the simple but relentless ass-pounding exercise, in Shizuka’s womb.

It’s not a situation that should be enjoyed and prolonged too much, so during dungeon sex, I deliberately let the cum loose without holding it back.

It’s like the already high excitement from the battles synergizes with the endless energy stimulated by the dungeon space and turns into libido.

Squeezing out three pulses, I stifle the remaining urge, and then lift Shizuka’s ass up.

「Ah… ahn, ahn.」

For the amount I’ve been holding back, I continue to shake my hips without care.

I poke and stir Shizuka’s womb, which is becoming soft and swelling right after receiving a creampie.

「Hmm, just in case, I guess we should ask Natsu-chan to save the location of the realm gate with 『Position』 so that we can return there.」

As the hips that are pressed against her ass twist and gyrate, Mai also similarly squirm her ass, letting out a sweet voice.

「It’s a perfect stratum for Mai to raise her level, after all.」

「D, don’t stir up while spurting out your warm thiiing.」

「Oioi, if you don’t hold out properly, it’ll end up coming out, you know?」

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