「Now, then. Let’s go to a movie theater or something.」

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「There is no such thing.」

On this street, everything you see is everything there is to it, so you can tell at a glance what kind of stores there are.

I can’t see the sight of stores with colorful movie posters.

I have never been to a place called a movie theater in the first place.

I wonder if rental and video streaming are not plenty enough.

「In, in that case, to an amusement park then.」

「For an outing that requires you to ride a train, I think you’d need a permit from the academy, though.」

Without an outing permit issued by the academy, you won’t be able to use the train at Nakano station.

It seems that even if you fill out a number of application forms with your reason for going out, you will very rarely obtain a permit.

Even during the summer vacation and the New Year’s holidays, there seems to be hardly any students who go back to their home.

There is no proper means of transportation other than the train, so it feels like a solitary island of the land.

「Err, then to the zoo or aquarium….」

Wouldn’t it be faster to just dive into the dungeon, I wonder.

They’d come rushing over as if in the interaction experience corner, but with these members, I guess we should be able to play with them without getting the table turned on us.

From what I’ve heard, there should be marine monsters too in the underwater stratum.

「It’s a bit different, or perhaps too savage….」

「In other words, does that mean you’ve never been on a date either, Shizuka?」

Those places sound like the date spots of a template date image, or perhaps the ones that might appear in a shoujo manga.

Perhaps I hit the bull’s-eye, as she’s peeking at me from below, with her lips imitating that of octopus-san.

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Even if she doesn’t act so anxiously like that, I won’t call off the date and leave, so I’d like her to be at ease.

Well, if we don’t know, we can just ask.

「Oh, the crepe shop looks delicious!」

「There’s cat-san.」

「It will surely be sunny too, tomorrow.」

I get that the members of the group are all alien with the kyakya ufufu adolescents.

「Well, let’s just wander around casually.」


「I shall accompany you.」

「Accompany you.」

「I want to eat some crepe.」

◇ ◇ ◇

「Hnn~, today is also a tiring day.」

A usual dungeon dive, with the usual results.

The girls basked themselves in the hot shower from their heads.

In a survey titled 『What’s the first thing you do after returning from the dungeon?』, the one that stood in the first place for the girls was 『taking a shower』.

When you logged out of the dungeon into Rashomon, you were materially restored to the state you were in when you logged in.

Specifically speaking, your equipment, clothes, flesh, all of it.

Things such as physiological and metabolic substances were all filtered out by the filter function during the replacement process, and you could be said to be in a refreshed state.

It didn’t matter whether you spilled sweats, lost flesh and blood, let out semen and excrements, or ceased your life activities in the dungeon.

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Even so, the desire to carry out the act of purifying the body was considered to be the act of compensating for spiritual something.

Incidentally, the one that stood in the first place for the boys was 『meal』.

「That sure was a disaster, wasn’t it? …」

Shizuka, with her black hair that extended down to just below her shoulders wrapped up with a towel, stepped out of the adjacent booth.

In the shower room of Hakutsuru-sou, there was no shadow of people other than the two of them.

The first year students who challenged the dungeon to the point of even relinquishing their day off were still few in number, as for the upperclassmen, those who were enthusiast enough to even carry out dungeon dive during day off had all moved their residence to the middle ranked dormitories.

「Just what’s the deal with that huge creepy salamander? Magic doesn’t work on it, and it spits out drool at you.」

The two-meter-long slimy lizard, or vile-eating salamander (Junk Salamander), was a different kind of monster than the fire spirit salamander.

The mucous membranes covering its entire body had the property of absorbing magical energy, and given that it was the first monster with magic-resistant they encountered, it was called the 『Arts User (Magi) killer』.

However, its movement was sluggish, and its soft body skin had no resistance to physical attacks.

There had been not few case where overly elated 『Arts User』, who had transformed into a high-powered damage dealer at once upon performing class change, got swallowed up whole by it and ended up with a trauma.

Magic was nothing but food for the vile-eating salamander, and it aiming for the 『Arts User』, who fired out magic, before anything else was considered a predation act.

As long as you could grasp its behavioral patterns, it could be said to be a small fry monster that was easy for the vanguard class to defeat.

「That monster is suited for Saki, right? I mean, she cut it down to three pieces in no time at all.」

「Yes. If Touma-kun makes it go splat, various thing would fly about, after all….」

「What a waste, so he lamented. Even though it tastes good, he said.」

Wrapping the towel, which she used to wipe her body, around her body, Shizuka’s eyes were like staring into a faraway place.

「Huh, you can eat such a thing? Rather, Touma-kun has eaten one? A salamander, I mean?」

「It’s tasty and less smelly than a suppon, it seems….」

「To begin with, I’ve never eaten a suppon before, though.」

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Mai’s expression also became dubious.

Before the matter of it being tasty or disgusting, it didn’t seem to be physiologically agreeable.

「Let’s have a hot pot party with it, he said….」

「Huh? Wait a minute, it’s impossible for me, alright? I’m absolutely not going to participate.」

「It’s okay.」

「I’m really curious about in what meaning is this okay, though.」

She ignored Shizuka, who continued to avert her gaze, for the time being and pushed the body soap, which she had carried as a bath set, onto her palm.

She rubbed her palms together to create foams before then rinsing her body without using a towel.

After this, they were about to have a good work party that had turned into a custom at the student cafeteria, so merely washing away the smell of sweat was enough.

At any rate, she would get all dirty with various things on the bed after dinner, after all.

It would be during the shower the next morning that she would arrange her appearance.

「… hnn.」

Her fingertips, slippery and gliding over her skin, reached her crotch.

She lathered the tightly closed together chasm and carefully cleaned the inside of the seam.

That place, which had been loved by a single man every day ever since she enrolled in the academy, had been turned into an organ that was more sensitive than ever.

Even if she had no intention of playing with herself, that place, which seemed to bloom from the inside due to the stimulation of her fingers, ended up getting pushed open.

「… Ahh.」

Diving her middle and ring fingers inside, she washed it as if she were stroking it.

Even she herself thought it had gotten considerably softer, but she felt that she might end up getting stuck by the tightness that was squeezing her fingers.

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It was probably the effect of tempering her body through combat training.

The semen, which Seiichi had been pumped by Seiichi over and over again in the dungeon, of course did not leak out.

But the sensation, the heat, the hardness of Seiichi trembling adorably in her deepest place, all of it was remembered by her body.

「… Hnn.」

She put her fingers, covered with a slipperiness other than that of body soap, into her mouth.

The taste of sperm, which she could clearly smell, was from the ones poured into her by Seiichi in her room before heading to the dungeon.

「Say, Shizuka?」


「It will be strange if it doesn’t come anytime soon, but as expected it’s not coming, huh~.」

This was something verbally conveyed by the homeroom teacher to only the girls when they first carried out dungeon dive.

「I, see. It was last week for me, I was like: ah, I wonder if that’s how it is.」

「Ahaha. If we really do have one with this, we have to ask Seiichi and Touma-kun to take responsibility, though.」

After washing off the foam, Mai shut the shower handle.

「Well, to be honest, it was nothing but tiresome and listless, so if I can be free even for the time I’m in the academy only, I guess it’s still a lucky thing.」

「You’re, right.」

「Now then, sorry for the wait. If we don’t get going soon, I feel like these guys are going to come barging in begging for meal.」

This was the quintessence, the core of rousing the souls controlling the spirits (twilight refinement) techniques incorporated into Rashomon.

By recording (Memento) the spirits and using the souls as constraints (Anchor), it created pseudo-immortality (Mori).

One flesh, one soul.

The system of mirror-image symmetry.

That served as a 『sacrifice』 to comfort malicious souls.

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