In the waiting room at the back, a dirty massive hip is deadlifting in Jefferson style.

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It’s that, I think it’s a posture or of the 48 basic positions known as『tachi matsuba (upside-down scissor)』 or something.

To perform such a three dimensional maneuver that I’ve never seen even in adult videos, quite the inSTRUCKtor he is.

As for the female student, I wonder if her seemingly to be tied up behind her back is because it would be dangerous if she were to act recklessly.

As I sip my tasteless protein shake, I look around the inside of the deserted room.

The space is large and magnificent, but the people using it are countable even with the fingers of two hands.

They are all the students who are wearing headphones and using the running machines or aerobic bikes.

Compared to such things, the three dimensional maneuver sex would probably a better muscle training still.

Maybe spending your day off gracefully coordinating your muscles is not in the fad.

Drinking it up, I shoot the paper cup into the rubbish bin and head to the bench press area for the final finishing touch.

The main target is, that’s right, the pectoral muscles.

It’s a part that can be trained even by doing push-ups, but if I do it in the room, it seems to end up stimulating Shizuka and the others in a weird way, so I can’t concentrate.

I’d like them to keep their curiosity, like maybe I want to try crawling underneath for a bit, in check.

This training called bench press is a simple exercise where you push up a barbell while lying on your back, but that’s why it directly affects your power.

If you can lift a weight equal to your own body weight, you can be said to be a full fledged one.

If you can lift at hundred kilos marks, you can call yourself a muscle elite.

It may also be impossible for me unless I’m in a battle mode state.

This time, I am planning to overhaul my rusty muscles, so I challenge it from the setting of 80kg.

「… Fu… Fu.」

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There is a preceding visitor who is quietly striving on the bench press by their lonesome.

The separate training wears tightly clad in their body are a tank top and short spats.

They expose the bodyline more than a swimsuit.

The six-pack abs where no unnecessary fat can be found is magnificent.

Putting the 40 kilogram barbell back on the hook, a cold, wary look is pointed at me.

「… What is it?」

「Excuse me. It’s such a splendidly coordinated body, so….」

Perhaps subconsciously, crossing her arms as if to cover her chest with them, the gaze of the girl is cold.

But what a wonderful tight condition it is.

It is a coordinated body on the level that it can be displayed to the public while puffing up her chest.

I totally, want to ask her about her body fat percentage.

「— Is something the matter?」

「Ah, Vice President.」

It seems that I’ve been gazing at her quite impolitely, and I’m brought back to my senses by a voice coming from behind me.

As I turn around, I see a bespectacled young man in a jersey standing there, overflowing with high class air.

「You are… I seem to have no recollections of you. A student of the general department, huh. Phew, unusual occurrences do also happen sometime.」

Concern vanishes from the dubious look on his face, replaced with dry eyes as if he is looking at garbage.

It seems that he is a Senpai of the supreme department, but if he has memorized the faces of every student of the department, that is one amazing feat.

But it’d be troubling if I get misunderstood here.

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It’s a different case if we are in any other places, but this is a social gathering of muscles.

It is a gentry zone where your coordinated muscle body is the only one that signifies your worth.

From a nonchalant relaxed pose, to a nonchalant side chest.


I’m not very good with facial muscles, but a nonchalant smiley is indispensable.

Glasses-senpai makes a small snort, before then nonchalantly pulling down the zipper of his jersey.

Before he nonchalantly lays his hands on the tank top, I’ve already perceived my defeat.

The upper half of his body, which is exposed from underneath the nonchalantly removed tank top, is none other than a perfectly coordinated massive body.

What sharpness, what inner muscles.

It’s not a matter of muscle mass.

It is a high quality work where every inch of the body has been coordinated.

Not good, this is embarrassing.

I end up getting assailed with such shame that I blush to even be standing next to it with this dull body.

Along with the nonchalant Most Masculine, the glasses and white teeth shine.

「Beautiful…. Shame is the only word I can think of to describe myself.」

「Phew… It appears that you know a bit of reason. I shall admit that there is worth in talking to you.」

「May I ask what your body fat percentage is?」

「I’ve been a little busy lately, after all. It seems to have ended up dropping to 8%.」

With body coordination like that of Senpai, who is shaking his head, I won’t be surprised even if it is self-disciplined by 1% unit.

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Indeed, if you drop your body fat percentage too low, it will give you a penalty in stamina fronts.

「If you take dungeon into considerations, I suppose 10% is a number you should keep.」

「As expected.」

I was aiming for 12%, but it seems to be fine even if I tighten it a little more.

「U, umm….」

Girl-san, who has already been completely ignored, is fidgeting on the bench as if she is bewildered.

I felt that it was quite a complete coordination, but after seeing Senpai, as expected the laxity is conspicuous.


「No, it’s 17%, isn’t it?」

「U, umm, that, if I may ask you not to look too closely…」

In women’s case, their body structure is different from that of men’s, so too much tightening may have a negative impact on their physical condition.

That’s why I wanted to ask to have some talk with her about reference for the muscle coordination of Shizuka and the others.

「Ah, I’m sorry about that. Reika-kun.」

「N, no, please don’t worry about it. Reiji-sama.」

Judging from the way she gets flustered with flushing cheeks, I guess she finds the perfect coordination dazzling.

As we exchange insight pertaining to muscles, it turns into a light chat, but it seems that they are Vice-Prez-san and General-Affair-san of the student council.

They are quite the down to earth Senpai sirs.

◇ ◇ ◇

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My initial motive was, that’s right, it was an impure one.

I wanted to get closer to that personage.

I wanted to know his thoughts, I wanted to look at the same world, and then, I desired him to look at myself.

That personage was an aloof being, a being who stood at the top of the academy, he used to be.

Since this year, he’s been irrationally lulled into the position of number two.

For a period of time, he was a bit stormy, but if you consider his feelings, I believe that’s only natural.

Originally, someone like me is not in a position to have a talk with him casually.

Even so, in order to get as close to his side as possible, it was with such an impure motive that spurred me to start training my body.

That personage shows a strict attitude to everyone, but even more so, he is also strict with himself.

Unlike the morally degraded men who drown in sexual indulgences, he stoically disciplines himself.

It’s not limited only in his conduct, but also in his studies, lifestyle, and of course, his battles in the dungeon.

In case a student of the supreme class carries out a dungeon dive, they are accompanied not only by fellow students, but also by support personnel from the academy faculty.

These support personnel are graduates of the academy, high-level professionals who specialize in dungeon combat.

Not many people know of the inner workings, but they are those who used to be top rankers in the general department.

In order for those of the general department, who are dismissed from the academy in the name of graduation, to survive, the quickest method is to get employed as academy staff.

For men, it’s the combatants who have achieved a superior class change, and for women, it’s the ones who have yet to『break』 and have their sexual appeal preserved.

Those who possess some kind of special skill or worth.

The reason why the fourth and fifth grade classroom buildings are hidden from the public eye like an isolation facility is because they are filled with students who have turned into『cripples』 or『dolls』.

The worn out ones are called『Dead One』 in the academy underbelly.

It’s not something that’s openly acknowledged even in the supreme department.

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