As the preceding match was concluded, 『Wanted Men (Wild Bunch)』 and 『Order of the Divine Workman (Adept Orders)』 were called to the stage.

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 The player members waiting on stage were in the style of armed to the teeth.

 It was equipment adjusted more toward PVP battles than for when challenging the dungeon.

 The 『Gladiator』 who could wield all sorts of equipment would come at their opponent leveraging this advantage.

「Wearing such solid full armor, LOL.」

「A style for anti-samurai it is. I guess he’s planning to use the physical armor to block her critical slash, and aim for a weapon break should the chance arise. For a rotten bunch who look down us, them coming at us after arranging proper countermeasure spells that they’re used to it.」

 Although Japanese swords were often evaluated to be unbreakable, unbending and were able to cut well, as expected as a weapon, they fell under the category of fragile.

 It was not designed for the use of clashing against other weapons or destroying armor.

 It was difficult to handle, and if the blade line was misaligned, it would easily bend, and if it was unable to cut through, it would break and chip.

 The same was true even if they were imbued with mind-sensitive ores and magical energy that did not exist in the present realm.

 A Katana was a weapon that simply specialized, to the point of stupidity, in the function of cutting.

 It worked wonders against the invisible SP armor that dungeon monsters and class changers were clad in.

 It was easy to generate a 『Critical Attack』, an attack that penetrated the SP armor.

 The style was not to 『destroy』 the armor, but to 『penetrate』 it by concentrating the point of force.

 Also, she’d even obtain an out of standard (Irregular) class which allowed her to obtain skills that on the contrary specialized in destroying SP armor.

 In the dungeon, the standing of the Samurai class would be that of a superior killer that could cut through SP armor, but it was also recognized as a speed attacker that was not good against solid, heavily armored opponents.

「Now then, let’s begin the 『Wanted Men (Wild Bunch)』 Versus the 『Order of the Divine Workman (Adept Orders)』 match. Senpous, please enter the stage.」


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「If you’re a real powerhouse, your body should’ve reacted even if you let guard down.」

 Saki, who leaves the stage leaving those words behind with an unusually crisp look on her face, ended up sending her opponent’s head flying with her opening Iai slash.

 It’s oh so not exciting.

 Well, Saki going awawa being so cute was a sight for sore eyes.

 Speaking of her opponent, who had turned into a gore-personified, the rescue personnel has speedily retrieved his rolling head, connected it to his torso, and quickly restored it to how it used to be with a potion.

 Rather than splatter or horror, it feels like I am watching a gag manga.

 It’s just that, the blood spray had spurted grandly, so I think those who are not good with it are not good with it.

「Now then, it’s my turn…. I’m sorry, but it looks like I won’t be able to pull my punch. Even so, I probably won’t be able to win, though.」

 Otoha-senpai, who is in serious battle mode and clad in her heavy armor, comes up on stage with the Maken 『Fake Heavy Armor Piercer (Overlay Estoc)』 in her hand.

 The shield in her hand is not the large size one used in the dungeon, but an easy-to-handle buckler.

 The other one coming up on stage, clicking his tongue and looking irritated, is a level 22 『Stalker』, a powerhouse of superior Thief branching.

 His cumulative level of 82 is the second highest number amongst the opposing club.

 And then, it’s not limited to that number alone, as he’s also giving off a scary air.

「Geez, you small fries are so annoying. Just go and die already.」

 In his hands, hanging languidly and carelessly, he is holding two Maken.

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 『Burning Yamagatana (Burn Machete)』 and something that’s probably been arranged for anti-knight battle, 『Pointed Sword of Penetration (Penetrate Stiletto)』.

 Other than those two, he’s also carrying a number of other concealed Maken such 『Poison Dagger』.

 Being able to arrange an array of magic items like that seems to also be deemed as the ability of the person in question.

「Juhou match, begins!」

 The referee on the stage calls out the beginning of the match.

 Taking your position during this start is very important.

 Half of the stage is set for your own ground, and you can start from any position within your own ground.

 If you’re of a vanguard class, go to the front, and if you’re of a rear-guard class such as Arts User, taking as much distance as possible will give you an advantage.

 Incidentally, Saki’s opening splash was done through closing about five meters distance in a single step.

「Huh? You aren’t summoning your cavalry beast? … Rather, you can’t summon it, huh. You really a small fry, aren’t you?」

「Shut it. That’s none of your business!」

 Easily provoked, Otoha-senpai points the tip of her sword and charges in.

 The basic archetypal combat classes, 『Fighter』, 『Thief』, and 『Arts User (Magi)』, are said to have a three-way deadlock affinity.

 The 『Fighter』, with their solid defense power and skills, are able to suppress the attack of 『Thief』, who are fast but light, but they have difficulty to take on the long-distance attacks of the 『Arts User (Magi)』 who are keeping some distance away.

 『Thief』 are able to use their speed and number of moves to suppress the 『Arts User (Magi)』, whose attacks are one tempo slower due to the control of magic, but they lack the decisive blow to take on the heavily armored 『Fighter』.

 『Arts User (Magi)』 have firepower that is able to suppress 『Fighter』, altogether with their defense, with their outrange attacks, but they will not be able to deal with 『Thief』, who specialize in speed, if they were to sneak into the cross-range.

 However, these are ultimately no more than affinities.

 I guess you’re able to do cover up as much as you want with your strategy, ability, skills and magic items.

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 I think the reason why Otoha-senpai abandoned the standard tactics and charged in was not because she fell for the provocation, but because her intuition told her that she wouldn’t be able to win if she went on the receiving end.

「Kuh, ugh.」

「So slow…. You’re a fly, huh.」

 I can see skills that seem to be self-buffs such as 『False Shadow (Mirage Hollow)』, 『Shadow Walk』, 『Rapid Step』 in the ▼ of the opponent’s Interface.

 Due to the overwhelming difference in speed, Otoha-senpai is toyed with, with her attack unable to even graze him.

「Here. One more shot, 『Take it』.」

「Kuh, aah!」

 Nimbly evading the mowing down blade, the 『Pointed Sword of Penetration (Penetrate Stiletto)』, which has been awakened and shrouded with faint aura, is buried in Otoha-senpai’s flank.

 The composite armor, made of layers of monster carapace, has been easily penetrated.

 I heard it was an armor that was designed in pursuit of lightweightness and ease of movement, but the face color of the creators of this armor, Mikan-senpai and the others, turn pale.

 When the pointed sword, which is stabbed up to the base of the guard, is pulled out, red drops are flowing underneath Otoha-senpai’s feet.

 The holes in the body of the armor are three in number.

 Due to the stab wounds, which reached her organs, Otoha-senpai’s movements have visibly gotten duller.

 Deliberately avoiding the vitals, as that would render her unable to fight, he’s torturing her to death.

「… Hey, isn’t that too much?」

 With her face changing in color, Mai seems to be more of frightened than angry.

 True enough, if you use potions, you can heal damage to the flesh.

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 However, is there really a need for inflicting unnecessary pain and torment?

 Somewhere in my cold head, I affirm that it’s tactically a yes.

 It’s an act of intimidation to overpower and dispirit the enemy.

 It’s a demonstration of: If you oppose us, we’ll make you go through a bitter experience.


「Yeah…. The opposing club is too much of a scumbag. If we let them look down on us as is, they’ll probably haunt us for years to come. Let’s kill them.」

 I think that’s the right decision.

 Once you concede to those kinds of people, they will suck on you for eternity.

 There’s a need to hit them hard, even if they are superior, and make them think it is not worth their while to meddle with you.

「You’re still standing up, huh. Do you like being pierced by me that much?」

「Shut, it… You, weeny.」

 Otoha-senpai – her face, which has gone beyond blue to white, is crooked – provokes him.

「Kakaka. I don’t hate lively women. C’mon, shake your waist and invite me. I’ll be sure to shower you with a lot of love later. 」

「Skinned weeny is uncalled… for!」

 The 『Shield Bash』 using her sword as a decoy is Otoha-senpai’s last attack.


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