High School Hack and Slash Chapter 60 Part 2

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「… Mikan-chan. Make me a helm.」

Otoha-senpai, who is letting out a whining, is in a reflective pose.

「It seems that she is not reflecting enough…. Touma-san.」

「Hyaa, so suddenly… Or rather, this, a punishment or a reward, which one is it~?」

Otoha-senpai, who has had the armor parts around her waist purged, is already in somewhat of a panic.

The results of Shizuka-san’s training are remarkable.

She seems to have switched to a self-ogling mode, saying that we’re being watched by everyone, but Mikan-senpai and the others are currently frolicking as they secure the drop items.

It seems that the monsters we encounter are all boss class, so it appears that fairly rare materials have been dropped.

「The『fishing』 role could easily die you know, given things. Geez, it’s no different than a punishment game, duh…」

「There are no small fry monsters, after all!」

Mai, still riding her broom, is hovering at head height.

It’s easier than walking, apparently.

「But I believe utilizing the『fishing ambush』 method, where you take advantage of the location, is the best way we can hunt with utmost safety.」

Fishing ambush is a tactic said to have been invented by the Shimazu clan in Kyushu during the Warring States period.

Although the details of the method differ from the original method that was designed for anti-army warfare, the basic concept is the same.

A decoy called『fishing』 lures the enemy, and ambush troops called『ambush』 attack them at kill points where they are lurking.

It’s a tactic often seen even in online games.

Recently, Shizuka-san, who is eager to learn, has been establishing a stance like that of a military strategist.

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What to do if they start shooting beams or something?

「Well, true enough. Let’s try going with this stance for a while.」

「Yes. I mean, I’m totally surprised that Mikan-chan-senpai and the others are actually much stronger than I thought they would be, though.」

「I suppose it’s thanks to Touma-kun, as well as you guys, Mai-chan.」

Rinko-senpai, who has finished examining the rock dinosaur drop materials, returns with Aterui-kun in tow.

The slender silhouette boasts a different level of elegance compared to Mikan-senpai’s Goliath-kun, which looks like a Shakoki-Dogu(humanoid clay figure).

It looks like a futuristic robot.

The Craftsman’s Armed Golem is created using half of the SP of the person in question.

Thus, in case the golem is damaged, it seems that it can be repaired by pouring SP into it.

「We’ve confirmed that by installing a monster’s materials, they can obtain that monster’s special abilities, after all. Yeah, I suppose it’s a revolution for the Craftsman class.」

「In other words, if we can defeat a strong monster and obtain its materials, the golems can also become as much stronger?」

「I suppose. It’s just that activating the special ability consumes our magical energy, so it’s not like we can use it as we please, though.」

It seems that other than monster materials that seemingly could be used for weapons and armor, normal students tend to just leave everything else as is.

I guess what is needed by Craftsmen to power up themselves are those discarded parts.

「Touma-kun~. Can we take all this back?」

Mikan-senpai and the others converge with us too, carrying the materials they have prepped.

In addition to scales, skins, claws and bones, there are also perishable-ish parts that appear to be throbbing.

Since they are stored in the containers made out of wood that grows around these parts, I guess it’s unlikely for there to be any complaints from Yuki-chan.

「Natsu-chan, can you show me the map?」

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A holographic book appears in front of Natsumi, who stretches out her hand.

What is recorded on the opened page is the map of a jungle overgrown with trees.

The map shows the locations of the realm gates, treasure chests, and boss-class monsters that have already been searched with『Search Guide (Navigate)』.

It’s very handy.

「With heading to the gate as our main objective, let’s hunt some monsters along the way.」

「I mean, ignoring the treasure chests is totally out of question, right?」

「It’s okay even if we don’t make it to the next stratum during this dungeon dive, isn’t it?」

「You’re right. We have to familiarize ourselves with our new class, too.」

「Aahn, to be delighted for being made into Kouma-kun’s onahole while everyone else is discussing the matter in earnest, I’m already!」

It may be very rude, but I don’t think Otoha-senpai, who is getting high all on her own to no end, is already beyond help.

「Those eyes that look as if you’re looking at trash…. Ahn, I’m cumming!」

Isn’t Otoha-senpa’si fetish too twisted, I wonder?

When I look at Shizuka, she averts her gaze.

It seems that she’s aware of it herself.

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「It, it can’t be helped, can it? It’s my role to stick my body close to Touma-kun and soothe him so that he doesn’t go berserk, after all…」

「You’re too, impertinent.」

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「You’re too, presumptuous.」

Miharu and Natsumi are giving a scathing retort to Otoha-senpai, who is making some sort of excuse.

This trio is getting along well with each other for some reason, so there is no gloomy air around them.

The snow wolf and the two-headed dog (Orthrus) walking next to the two of them are yawning indifferently.

A totally laid back mode.

「Maybe it’s not a bad idea to have a stroller for traveling use? We have Touma-kun’s that to take it into the dungeon anyway.」

「Then rather than a single-seater, it ought to be a truck-like open car that everyone can ride in.」

「… If it’s a simple old-fashioned engine, I can make it myself. I’ll build a sample with a reciprocating internal combustion engine, as for the power source…」

「We can extract the elements from the monster crystal in the club room.」

「Let’s design it together when we get back.」

Mikan-senpai and the others are engaged in a complicated conversation.

They’re talking about things like power steering, monster muscle cylinders, might as well make it have a multi-legged movement system, attitude control modules, and so on.

It’s not very girlie, rather, it’s very geeky.

「Say, say, Touma-kun. Having six legs would be cool, right?」

「Four legs are enough. Instead, equipping it with a multi-arm would be cooler.」

「The tripod type sporting a high speed movement by means of roller blades is justice.」

I believe Senpai sirs should just do it as they please.

We’re choosing terrain that’s easy to walk on based on the map, so it feels like we’re hiking.

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「Ah, so pleasant. Super pleasant. I was totally right to choose to become a『Witch』.」

Mai, floating astride her broom, bites into a cookie for a snack and scatters the dregs.

Following after her, a null mob which looks like a bipedal chicken lizard is laboriously pecking at the ground.

I wonder if you were Hansel and Gretel.

「I want to try flying, too.」

「I’m afraid you’d end up getting cold feet, so…. Moreover, if you fly too high….」

When Mai, who was getting cocky just a moment ago, ascends to the sky, she is about to get abducted by something that kinda looks like a pteranodon.

If she had not been pulled down by the spider shot of Mikan-senpai and the others, I think she would have been taken far away as it was.

Rather, let alone a double jump, Saki can even do a triple jump in the air, so isn’t that not much different than flying in the sky, I wonder?

「Looks like everyone is being too carefree, huh…」


Seiichi, who is assuming the scout position who looks for enemies, is exhausted by his lonesome.

I am sorry to burden him with this, but when it comes to scouting, Seiichi’s newly acquired『Oniwaban』 class is just that much potent.

At first, the thought that perhaps he was going for a joke didn’t necessarily not cross my mind, but without a doubt he’s the one who benefited the most from the class change.

「Stop! Stay alert. I can’t see it, but there’s a monster.」

At Seiichi’s command, the party members form a circle formation.

The rocky area has a good visibility, but if it triggers a reaction in Seiichi’s『Domain』, I guess it must be really there.

The special characteristics of the class called『Oniwaban』 seem to be to expand a『Domain』 space centered on themselves and to be able to do all sorts of strange things within the area that has been turned into their own territory.

It’s especially excellent at perception, so it’s perfect for countermeasures against surprise attacks.

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