Mode: Infinity

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「N… Nooo.」

I hold Kurumi-senpai, who is clinging to me tightly even as she says so, in a rock-hold.

Interposing my waist between her legs, I lift her hips, and dock ourselves by the crotches.

As I hold Kurumi-senpai’s shoulders as she lies on her back on the bed, the finishing hold, which makes it impossible for her to escape, is complete.

「No, noo!」

Kurumi-senpai tries to escape by flapping her legs, but if she ends up succeeding in her escape, the person in question will become like she’s about to cry, so I need to be careful.

The trick is that I ought to capture Kurumi-senpai in a three-pointed support.

As I grab Kurumi-senpai’s ankle, her eyes moistening, I twist her hips and spread her crotch, turning into a crisscross pine needle position.

It feels like I’m interposing Kurumi-senpai’s sideways lower body with my crotch.

「Noo…. I don’t want It~.」

In Kurumi language, which I have finally learned recently, the possible translation is that she prefers the usual position.

Despite appearance, she’s one extremely spoiled girl, and she likes the glued position where our bodies are overlapping with each other.

Before Kurumi-senpai cries out, I change her posture, make her straddle me as I sit cross-legged, and embrace her from the front.

Senpai, who is wrapping her arms and legs around as she embraces me tightly, is lovely.

Even during tonight’s Senpai rooms’ pilgrimage, Kurumi-senpai is the last one.

As if soothing a child, I cuddle her without rushing things.

It’s just that, perhaps watching the finishing scene, Meiron-senpai, her roommate, ends up coming to join us on the bed from the opposite direction.

Kurumi-senpai, who has been spoiled while in a dere state, seems like she’s about to go back to her tsun mode, so I firmly hold her and lay down on the bed.

Perhaps noticing Meiron-senpai who’s clinging tightly on the back, Kurumi-senpai, who’s about to go into a rampage, is also becoming meek like a cat.

「… Tonight, you’re going to make me your hug pillow penis-case, right?」

「That’s right.」

「… You, pervert.」

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Behind Kurumi-senpai, who is happily pressing herself against me, Meiron-senpai is staring at her enviously.

「Of course, you too, Meiron-senpai.」


They’re senpai sirs who are shy in many ways, so I ought to grasp their demands without overlooking anything.

「We, we have other choices, so we will sacrifice ourselves for you. Otherwise, it’s clear that you will attack the other boarding students, after all.」

According to the translation results, I get the feeling that the second half of the sentence is said seriously, but I guess there is probably still some error in accuracy.

「C’mon, you’re going to lend us your arms, right.」

The arm that is forcibly taken ends up being used as a pillow.

Meiron-senpai is also jumping on the bandwagon, but this is a pattern where my arms will definitely get numb.

「Aren’t your muscles all stiff… You’re really cheeky.」

If a launch some sexual harassment attack like「I’m stiff down there, too」, her tsun-mode will get intensified, so I have to act with prudence.

The three of us put on the futon and switch to a laid back lovey-dovey mode.

It’s unthinkable to cut corners when I’m touring the rooms of the senpais, so when I get to the last turn, it’s getting to the time when the date is also changing.

There are a few senpai sirs who are so tired of waiting that they fall asleep.

In those cases, most of them are asleep with a melting face as if they have lost consciousness, so I make sure to put their appearances in order so that they don’t catch a cold.

「Come on, don’t be shy, Melon. It will be a while before you can monopolize this fool, after all.」


Kurumi-senpai, whose sense of camaraderie is stronger than others, switches places with Meiron-senpai, who has a passive constitution.

When she is getting all shy and fidgety like that, I can’t help but to involuntarily play a prank on her.

I touch Meiron-senpai’s faint bulge in the futon so that Kurumi-senpai can’t see it.

Remaining snuggled up to me with her forehead pressed against my shoulder, Meiron-senpai intertwines her fingers with the hand that is touching her breast.

The teasing feeling is Labrador Retriever.

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「Don’t you hate it, Kurumi-senpai, Meiron-senpai?」


「What is it that we hate?」

I offer Meiron-senpai, who jerks with a start and bits her tongue, the kindness of ignorance.

Her biting her tongue and me quietly pinching the cherry fruit on her chest are probably unrelated.

「It’s about the invitation for the joint conquest of raid quest.」

Meiron-senpai, grabbing my kneading hand, tangles her legs with mine and snuggles up to me.

「I’m not… particularly against it. Getting asked to lend our assistance, It’s the first time we’ve ever had our ability acknowledged like that, after all.」

I guess it’s a kind of what so-called approval desires.

Oops, my hand ends up accidentally slipping to Meiron-senpai’s crotch, which is closed together.

The place that I got to play and do nyannyan with before Kurumi-senpai is tightening up around my fingertips, and it’s still hot and moist.

Grabbing my wrist with one hand and biting the fingers of the other, Meiron-senpai is adorably breathing roughly.

「Black Honey is a club with a lot of girls, and I haven’t heard any dark rumors about them, so you don’t have to worry so much…..」


Meiron-senpai’s small palm, which has come away from my wrist, is grabbing and rubbing my tip.

I’m close to letting out a moan from the exquisite use of force, as if she was kneading the dough of a pastry.

「At any rate, you’re thinking whether we’d be subjected to harsh experiences or not, right? Thanks to you, we’ve also come to be able to fight a little now, so you don’t have to handle everything yourself, okay.」

「You sure are kind, Kurumi-senpai.」

The naughty stick being slipperly rubbed in the palm is brimming with energy.

Meiron-senpai, her face completely melting, also sends her other hand into the futon to partake in the war.

The sense of a surprise attack as she deliberately aims not at the pole but at the ball sack.

I want to raise the white flag.

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「G, geez, what are you talking about? Let’s sleep at once.」

「To sleep in such a state, isn’t that just a torture?」

「Shut it. Melon’s already asleep, so just obediently go to sleep.」

I think the person in question is very bustling though, Meiron-senpai, who is feigning sleep, is secretly continuing to rub and knead me, you see.

Looks like the trial period is going to continue until Kurumi-senpai falls asleep.

◇ ◇ ◇

「How’s the feeling, I wonder?」

「It’s good, I guess. I’m getting pretty accustomed to it.」

Seiichi, holding up a white, glossy dagger, checked the makiwara set up in the forging area.

The cut on the straw bundle was in disarray, as if gouged.

The blade was jagged like the teeth of a saw, which was the characteristic of the『Ocean-Parting Whale-Katana』.

「Mikan-chan sharpened a few teeth, but I suppose the only ones that already have a『Name』 from the beginning when they were created are this one, and the one for Saki-chan’s Wakizashi. Card enchantment won’t fail during the first enchantment, so it might be a good idea to use it as a double-named.」

Rinko, sitting on a log bench, was sorting through the prototype equipment.

The other members were either making equipment or preparing supplies for the raid quest.

The dungeon exploration members, led by Touma, were in carrying out leveling on the ninth stratum.

The goal was to resolve the SP weakness caused by the class change as well as to learn new skills.

In the raid area, it was not possible to earn EXP from subjugating monsters, so there was a need to temper themselves for X-Day.

「Then, I suppose this is the cloak which is Anzu-chan’s prized work. If possible, I’d like her to arrange enough for everyone.」

「It’s pure white. Is it also made from Moby Dick material?」

「Yup. The residue of squeezing out oil out of the blubber of Moby Dick. Chieri-chan processed it and created what so-called collagen fiber.」

What Seiichi swiftly put on was a cloak made of thick white fabric.

The cloak, which prioritized ease of movement, boasted a stylish design with functional beauty.

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The hood was removable and the crest of the『Adept Orders』 was sewn on the top of the shoulders.

「It’s too amazingly cool that on the contrary is kinda a turn off, though.」

「Anzu-chan exerted herself to the limit when she designed it, after all. As expected, it doesn’t have a Name, but its fireproof ability is a real deal. Moreover, it’s so sturdy that ordinary scissors can’t cut through it, and I suppose it has the same level of defensive power as a decent magic armor.」

「I’d like to use it for our regular dungeon diving gear. Especially for the rearguard.」

「I’m also of the same opinion. There’s also one with a short poncho design, so I suppose I’ll have Anzu-chan to do her best.」

If it was not for Anzu, who had the『Dressmaker』 class, the processing such as cutting and sewing the fabric together would prove to be of high difficulty.

However, when it came to the fabric material, a large amount of it had been secured in Touma’s Item Box.

「I suppose it’s perfect equipment for an Origin-type [Fire] raid quest. It’s convenient for us, or rather, we’re lucky in many ways, right.」

Of the five types of raid quests which had been identified as『Royalty (Diadem)』, 『Tsukumo (Regalia)』, 『Origin (Primitive)』, 『Lore (Legend)』, and『Invasion (Barbaroy)』, the one considered to have the lowest degree of difficulty was『Origin』 type.

Conversely, it was a type that was not popular since the obtained rewards were not dreamy, but it also meant that it allowed one to earn sen steadily.

The『Origin』 type of raid quest was a raid domain that occurred due to an imbalance of elemental spirits (Elements) in a dungeon.

The world of element, enriched by the overflow, was composed of the single element that caused it.

Thus, if you had equipment with a favorable attribute, the difficulty level of the conquest would drop significantly.

If it was the『Fire (Flame)』 element, crystals and fire attributed magic items would be produced.

If you collected such elemental factors from the raid domain, it would naturally deactivate, shrink and then disappear, which would mean the completion of the conquest.

You couldn’t expect to find high-ranked magic items, but there were plenty of petite rare items scattered about.

That being the case, it was recognized as a raid quest for the low-ranked clubs that offered low degree of difficulty and no gambling element.

「Lucky… Well, you’re right.」

It was a sweet raid quest for them, who had conquered the『Demon of the Deep』 and were well-equipped with equipment of water (Aqua) attribute, which was an attribute superior to fire (Flame).

Not to mention that the timing was just right as they happened to be stuck in their dungeon conquest and were looking for fire magic items.

It was a convenient development, like a path staked out for them.

Seiichi knew that it was just their wild idea.

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