High School Hack and Slash Chapter 63 Part 2

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「The farce is over. To put it bluntly, is this place my dream or the like?」

「Hmm~. Half? I suppose. It’s certainly your pneuma, Seiichi-kun, but I suppose it’s also not wrong to call it a dream.」

「I don’t friggin get it. Rather, you, you’re my enemy, aren’t you? Aren’t you acting too familiarly?」

「What are you saying, so awful~. So you’re now feigning ignorance after forcefully enslaving me, huh. Well, I also copy the Affectus of the girl who became my copy, though.」

Fuming and puffing up the cheeks, the something slyly showed a sulky appearance.


「It’s true that I’m tired of being summoned to this shithole of a world and collecting anima like fapping dregs, but you know… Ah, that’s right. Hey~, hear this, Seiichi-kun. I’m so pitiful, you know. For real, it’s really just the worst~. I can’t stand it anymore, or something.」

「… So annoying.」

「Ah~, but if it’s with you, Seiichi-kun, it might not be so bad to be here and fapping together all the time. Hey, hey, as expected, let’s fap together with me just like this? I’ll take care of everything, okay. This time, I will collect anima for you, Seiichi-kun. Then, eventually….」


He held back the something that was coming to hug him.

「My bad. I have some things I have to do.」

「… Sigh. It cyan’t be helped. As your wish, Master.」


*Bonk* The something, who pressed Seiichi’s shoulder, danced in the middle of the slowly unraveling dorm room.

It fell into the middle of nothingness, or perhaps into a chaos where everything was mixed together and everything was present.

「Be careful, okay, darling. The one nesting there is a mad『 』 that has lost its『 』 after all–….」

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 I open my eyes.

*Swoosh* The dried and withering wind was dying down.

「Here we are~.」

The needlessly energetic Doggy-senpai is wagging her tail.

With surroundings of nothing but a reddish-brown rocky area, if you look up, you’ll find a starry sky that’s so clear that it sends chills down your spine.

Even so, it’s as faint as well as bright as the white night.

At the base of the towering, slightly elevated rocky mountain in front of us, there is a gaping hole blowing out hot air.

The combination of icicles hanging down from the top of the cave and stalagmites growing out from below makes it look like a monster with its mouth open, baring its fangs.

It fits perfectly with its name, 『Man-Eating Mine (Cannibalism Mine)』.

—Somehow I get the feeling that it’s a little different from the name I’ve heard.

Or rather, like it’s different in many ways.

It’s the first time I’ve ever seen Interface-san going into such a frenzy when logging in.

「Hyaa, the air is so dry. It seems bad for the skin.」

「It’s so hot. It’s probably hotter than the expectation.」

It seems that the Senpai sirs of Black Honey have also all assembled.

Most of them are women, so it’s very boisterous.

On our side, we’ve all logged in without a hitch, too.

That’s why it’s okay even if Shizuka-san ceases trying to press me with a tight bear hug.

「Now then, let’s cut them all!」

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「Saki-chan, wait.」

「Awright, looks like the time to show my true power has finally come, huh.」

「Dorm Leader-san, sit.」

「L, let’s all do our best, everyone!」

「Well, I suppose you need to calm down a bit too, Mikan-chan.」

They seem to be getting out of control and nervous, but it feels like they are as energetic as usual.

I guess the one acting suspiciously and looking around restlessly is Seiichi alone.

「What’s wrong? Seiichi.」

「Y, yeah. Mai? Right?」

「Yes… Rather, the hell are you doing arbitrarily rubbing my boobs like that, hey!」

Seems like he’s been hit by a Hyakuretsu Harite(Sumo slap).

Well, I’ll listen to what he has to say later.

「Come now. Everyone, let’s get the camping preparations done and then hold a meeting.」

Kaoru-senpai, who claps his hands with a smack, is taking the lead.


Doggy-senpai gives him a very energetic reply.

Shouldn’t Doggy-senpai have a little more self-awareness as a club president, I wonder?

◇ ◇ ◇

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 Speaking of the setting up of Black Honey’s camp, it was over in the blink of an eye.

Besides the fact that they are familiar with the act, I guess as they are an A rank club, as expected they are also able to arrange high-grade tools.

Among them is a one-touch tent, an exceptional shelter-type tent for one person that, as the name suggests, allows you to set up a tent by simply pulling the strings.

Image-wise, it’s like unfolding an umbrella.

Although it took some time to shoot pegs into the ground to secure it, it took about three minutes to complete.

The weather-proof tent, made of monster material, is light, robust, and durable, and is the top-of-the-line product of the purchasing department, it seems.

All that is left is to lay out the sleeping bags and the sleeping quarters would be complete.

It is very cool and full of a camper feeling to it.

For better or worse, each of us have also prepared our own sleeping bags, but for the time being what we have brought to work with is nothing but a medium-sized military tent (pap tent).

「Hey, you sure you’re okay with such a thing? We’re not going to help you even if you rely on us later, okay!」

What’s with that guy? Mai says indignantly, but I think he’s a tsundere senpai who him being worried about us is apparent to all who sees.

He is being horsed around by the female members from the other side, so I feel some strange affinity with him.

After finishing the construction of the base point promptly, the members of Black Honey head straight for the dungeon as they are.

We are house-sitting to guard the luggage.

We had a change in our plans and decided to hold the meeting after checking the condition of the dungeon.

I guess they are intending to reset the atmosphere that has almost gone weird due to Tsundere-senpai’s remarks.

I appreciate Lady Guy’s words, 「Take your time to finish your preparation, okay」, but the words that I overheard escaping from his mouth such as, 「The way you talk,」 and「You need re-education,」 were violent.

I hope Tsundere-senpai will return alive safely.

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Taking him up on his offer, let’s start the construction of our base.

I have a premonition that the raid conquest this time is going to take some time.

So a base where we can sit back and relax is essential.

「Now then, let’s get started as well, shall we?」

「Hmph. To underestimate us, thinking that we’re just some lowly craftsmen, let’s show him what we’ve got.」

「But it’s a lucky thing that they left us alone, right.」

Promptly setting up the pap tent in the luggage storage area, we store everyone’s backpacks, which are filled with nothing but light luggage, altogether.

That’s because I’ve kept all the genuine materials in the Item Box altogether.

We can’t show it to outsiders.

But on second thought, I have recollections of taking out meals one after another for Doggy-senpai.

「Well then, everyone, time to summon our golem!」

At Mikan-senpai’s call, twelve『Armed Golem』 descend.

It’s quite a robot animation feeling to it.

「Now then, first to clear the land, I suppose. For the time being, we should have enough time to clear about one tanbu(approx. one-tenth hectare).」

「I’ll take care of the leveling.」

「The space for the expansion is over here….」

The public work begins with a creak as well as a clamor.

Everyone is greatly flourishing, leveling up the rugged rocky terrain with the Craftsman’s skills, and tossing and crushing the large chunks of rock with the『Armed Golem』.

Saki merrily joins in and starts chopping one rock after another into small pieces, but I think she’s becoming nothing but a nuisance.

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