Now then, we, the Adept Orders, are also engaging in dungeon conquest at once.

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To dive into a dungeon within a dungeon, it feels somewhat strange.

With everyone with combat class being mobilized, I’ve also asked Mikan-senpai and Rinko-senpai to accompany us.

The rest of the Senpais will house-sitting as a defensive force for the base.

Even if something were to happen, the Senpais seem to have some kind of communication method, so in those cases, we will immediately return and immediately exterminate the threat.


Upon entering the Demon Face Cave, Natsumi uses her newly acquired skill.

It’s a handy skill that allows you to obtain topographical information even in areas you have not yet explored.

Basically, you’re able to grasp a wide area where space is connected, it seems.

As long as it’s not separated by things such as doors or walls, you’ll be able to explore the surrounding map at once.

It’s a skill that is very useful in unmapped raid domains like this one.

For the high-ranked clubs that are challenging raids, it seems that those in possession of classes Natsumi has obtained, 『Guide (Path Finder)』 and『Surveyor』, are in great demand.

As it was also the strong wish of Natsumi, who ended up being frightened when she heard about it, the matter is now treated as confidential information, just like Miharu’s class.

「… Areas that aren’t on the known map have been created, I suppose.」

「It looks like Asura-chan and the others headed straight for the stratum gate?」

「Seems like it. I bet there’s naturally a high-ranked『Officer』 among the Black Honey parties, but I guess it’s either they didn’t notice it, or they thought it didn’t worth looking into.」

「Does that mean there’s the possibility that there’s still some magic items left? We have no choice but give them a look then!」

「This time for sure, it’s the turn of this『White Beard Cutter』.」

「In order to adapt your body, as expected the best method is through actual combat, right!」

There is a temperature difference between the logic group and the muscle brain group.

Well, both of them are high on tension.

Except for me and Seiichi, that is.

「… Say, Touma.」


Seiichi, turning somewhat pale, is staring down at his feet.

「… I’m sensing this frigging dangerous presence, but is it just my imagination?」

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I guess the presence that’s quietly laying low in the faraway depth is not something we can do something about right this instance.

However, what’s clear is that, there is an enemy.

It’s hard to put into words, but there is something at the『bottom』 that can only be described as an『enemy』 that can absolutely neither be tolerated nor accommodated.

「You are in charge of these incomprehensible things, aren’t you? Give me a break, dude.」

「I don’t know.」

◇ ◇ ◇

 A salamander sticking to the rock wall opened its jaws wide.

Covered with red, rock-like scales, the salamanders which were about one meter long from the tip of their jaws to the tip of their tails were a lot in number.

Except for the flickering burn on their bodies, they were large lizards in the truest meaning of the words.

Red fire rays were spat out as a breath and swooped down on the rear guards, who were frozen in place.

「『Sanctuary (Asylum)』.」

Miharu, who was finally getting used to her new skill, joined her hands together and created an invisible barrier.

The snow wolf, which was at her feet as an escort, unleashed a blizzard breath in return.

Rather than taking direct damage, the salamander, whose movement was slowed down as its burning fire was extinguished, fell to the floor.


Coiled with diamond dust, the Ocean-Parting Whale-Katana was thrust over the salamander’s head and down to its throat.

*Clink* The katana was pulled out of the salamander, whose area around the place where the blade was stabbed into was frozen and thus forfeited its life.

「Perfect. It’s in perfect condition, I suppose.」

「Then, we don’t have to process this one, right….」

A somewhat, dispirited Seiichi sheathed his katana.

「It looks like if you knock them down frozen, they won’t burn up. I think the fire-breathing organ in their abdomen is the one that burns their bodies upon their death.」

Mikan, putting her hand on her mouth, made a conjecture with a crisp face.

「It’s akin to the symbolic monster of the four elements, after all. I suppose it’s worth securing them thoroughly.」

「… Both of you, for better or worse, we are in the middle of a battle, so…」

Shizuka shot in a retort, but the monster extermination was on the overkill side.

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In the naturally formed limestone corridor, Saki, fluttering her white surcoat, ran up the wall.

The two katana hanging on her waist.

*Clink* She unlocked the sheath mouth of her short, brand-new kodachi.

「Shh… haa!」

Saki waved her right hand as she leaped toward the salamander that was sticking to the wall and the salamander that was lurking on the ceiling.

Two salamanders, which were neatly bisected from head to tail, fell down.

A faint, out of place scent of salt water was drifting in the air.

「One sword slash. Helmet severer!」

Even as they were done with the cleaning up of the salamanders, there was still the huge one that stood in their way like a guardian.

A reddish-black burning rock giant.

It was a crooked humanoid『Rock Giant (Rock Golem)』 that looked akin to a number of parts having been forcibly pieced together.

Due to the mixture of strong flame components, the gaps between the parts and the joints were scorching red.

It was a monster similar to the higher-ranked『Lava Giant (Lava Golem)』.

Otoha, holding a large shield, caught its stout arm, which was akin to a demolition hammer that was being swung with a roar.


Along with the shield gimmick, a pile being stuck into the ground, Otoha’s body was close to being blown away.

「Don’t you, look down me!」

Using the voice of the yell as a trigger word, she activated one of the evolved skills of『Shield Bash』, 『Counter Shield』.

The golem, whose center of gravity was broken after its arm was repelled, stumbled forward.

Sweeping its underfoot, the six-foot rod shattered its ankle.


Turning around carrying the pulled out six-foot rod on the shoulder, he struck and shattered the opposite leg as well as the joints of the arms until the fallen golem reached the ground.

Jumping onto the three-meter class giant that had collapsed while raising an earth tremor, Touma thrust the six-foot rod into the core, which was located on the position of the heart.

「GJ~. I mean, wasn’t this guy strangely strong? Like a mid-boss?」

Mai, who poked the golem with her wand, tilted her head.

「I don’t know…. But its level was over 100.」

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「Huh, wait a minute. Does that mean it’s on the same level as the gatekeeper of the dungeon 10th stratum and beyond?」

「No, no wonder… I can’t believe I managed to repel it.」

「Otoha-senpai, that was EXCELLENT.」

Otoha, whose cheeks were twitching, loosened up her mouth at Touma’s praise.

「Otoha-senpai. That was cool.」

「Ehehe. You bet, I’m someone who can do it when I put my mind into it, after all.」

It was obvious to everyone that Otoha, who had become even more elated by Natsumi’s words, would end up perpetrating a mess.

「A level 100+ small fry is appearing, huh… As expected, I suppose the difficulty is turning into that of extreme class.」

The reason why they had been able to subjugate the monsters smoothly was largely due to the fact that they were completely clad in equipment of『Aqua』 attribute, which was superior against『Flame』.

「We’ve arrived.」

「Wow. What a big pond… or not, it’s a subterranean lake, right.」

The new domain displayed on the map turned out to be a huge space that was submerged in water.

A number of icicle stones growing from the ceiling were submerged in the water, creating a fantastic scenery reminiscent of a stone forest.

「What a shame. It’s not a treasure, huh.」

「Well, that’s just how it is, right. If this is really a Root-type raid dungeon, I’ve heard that even magic items that are once collected will re-POP as long as the domain doesn’t wither, though.」

「… This, is it really just water, I wonder? A subterranean lake in a dungeon with such a strong『Flame』 elemental, that’s a bit unnatural, I suppose.」

「I’ll take some back and have Chieri-chan check it out.」

Mikan, who had taken out a small bottle, crouched down on the shore.

As if waiting for that timing, the surface of the water in front of her swelled and jaws sporting saw-like fangs rushed on Mikan.



A lightning-speed Iai-draw split the jaws of the monster fish up and down as it leaped from the water.

In Touma’s chest, who had pulled her belt at the same time, the stiffened Mikan was wide eyed.


At the feet of Saki, who returned her katana into its scabbard with a clink, the split monster fish bounced about.

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「… Phew, that startled me. Mikan-chan, are you okay?」

「Ah, y, yeah. Thank you, Touma-kun and Saki-chan.」

Unlike Saki, who gave a thumbs-up, Touma, who was holding Mikan in his arms, abducted Mikan to the corner as he was.

「Eh, u, umm, Touma-kun….」

「Alright. He’s switched to beast mode~. Rather, Seiichi, you want to do it too?」

「Is it extravagant of me for wishing for a little more mood…?」

「The timing is just right, so let’s take a break for a while.」

Shizuka, who was a Touma-first person, declared a break.

「Then, let’s a shot ourselves, shall we?」

「You’re too open, aren’t you?」

Pushing Seiichi, who was facepalming, on the back, they went next to Touma, who was holding a flapping, flailing Mikan in his arms.

「Mikan-senpai is turning bright red and resisting, though…」

「Ah, yes, looks like she’s a little startled and is loosening up, I suppose. We’ve got some changes, so don’t worry about it.」

「I’m joining in, too.」

「Saki-chan, what a minute.」

The situation was about to head a new development with the new intruders.

「Kuh, I’m a step too late.」

「Otoha-senpai, please act with a bit more prudence…. I’m leaving the lookout of the surroundings to you.」

Otoha, tilting her head in puzzlement at Shizuka who sported a serious face, turned her gaze to Rinko.

「Touma-kun and Seiichi-kun have been on edge after all, I suppose a breather is necessary. Looks like the situation is nowhere as good as we expected, I suppose?」

「Most likely.」

「Come to think of it, the atmosphere wasn’t quite the fuck-and-battle one, was it?」

「We’ve collected a lot of ore anyway, so let’s take an early return this time…. I suppose.」

Rinko, who had her arms crossed, hugged herself and shivered.

「What’s wrong? Rinko.」

「Nn. Nothing, I suppose.」

Looking at Rinko who smiled somewhat lustrously, Shizuka, who let out a sigh, shook her head.

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