Higher Level Wife

Chapter 124

Chapter 124: A Little Happiness

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More appropriate to call this chapter ‘A Critical Decision’

Author: White Pear Flower

Raws: https://book.qidian.com/info/2386994/

Translated Gumihou

Proofread by Pill Bug


AR Qiuning: Kyaa~ I, I am shy~~ kyaa~~

Gumihou: Who is this?

Fu Qiuning: Who is this?

Gumihou: Anyway, let me gift the author some words of wisdom in writing feelings. ‘Less is more’

Also, the paragraphs are rather choppy since they kept alternating between FQN and JFJ’s POV. Well, AR QN and JFJ, but Since AR QN had been yeeted out, there’s only FQN’s own honest thoughts.


“[a1] What are you two looking at?” Fu Qiuning flashed a glance at the maids.

Yu Jie and Aunt Yu [a2] cowered, “Uh, Madam, what should we make for dinner tonight?”

Fu Qiuning frowned, “Since he called me stingy, just steam some Wowotou for dinner. [1]”

The maids exchanged a look with each other, but did not dare to tease the madam while she was in such a strange mood.


Jin Shi, the Second Old Master of the Jin family, was finally promoted to a Third Rank official and was now the new Lesser Secretary of the Ministry of Justice. It turns out that the previous official had retired early, which was why Jin Shi was able to take office early.

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At that moment, the entire dukedom was enlivened with joy. Not only were Jin Fengju, Jin Pengzhang, Jin Luanfeng and others accompanying the dignitaries celebrating with a banquet at the outer court, the inner court was also very lively with many titled noblewomen coming over to celebrate.

Naturally, these people were graciously received by Old Madam Jin, Madam Fang and Madam Jiang. He’shi was not particularly experienced at managing the estate, but since her husband was the one who had received the promotion, she took the dominant role on the surface even though Jiang Wanying was the one organising everything in the background.


The sound of firecrackers and drums reached even the remote Night Breeze Pavilion. Fu Qiuning saw her servants all stretching their necks to catch a glimpse of the excitement, but Night Breeze Pavilion was truly far away and nothing much could be seen from there. Finally, she dismissed them and sent them all out to watch the excitement. Young at heart Yu Jie also ran off to join the rest. Only Aunt Yu and Fu Qiuning were left in the house, and somehow, they two began to talk about Aunt Yu’s coming marriage.

It turned out that Mother Zhang had gone to Jiang Wanying to beg for grace just the day before and the betrothal between Aunt Yu to Third Brother Zhang was finally realised. After the wedding, Aunt Yu would continue to serve beside Qiuning and Third Brother Zhang would enter the household as a long-term servant. The couple would be given a small yard and house behind the estate. That way, they could still carry out their duties whilst still having a bit of privacy for themselves.

The wedding was scheduled to be held after the Dragon Boat Festival. Right now, Aunt Yu was rushing to prepare her wedding veil, pillows etc. As for the wedding dress, Jin Fengju had already mentioned that he would send her a complete set of phoenix crown and caped dress. Naturally, since it was a gift from the Marquis, how could it be shabby? [b1] However, Fu Qiuning could not help but wonder if part of the reason for this gift was due to a guilty conscience. Could that man even feel guilt in the first place? Or was it merely some kind of compensation related thing?

[b1] After all, it was thanks to his petty inaction that Fu Qiuning was nearly kicked out of Night Breeze Pavilion. Jin Fengju had thrown all blame on Jiang Wanying when he made his impassioned speech at her, but it was obvious to anyone with a few working brain cells to realise the chain of actions that lead to the revelation of the embroidered handkerchief. This action was also in line with his habit of buying affection with material things. Well, at least Aunt Yu did not have to worry about preparing a dress for the wedding.


The festivities in the dukedom lasted all day. As the sun slowly set, Fu Qiuning brought a folding stool to the courtyard. As the sun sank on the horizon, her hands absently put an incense bag together, her mind busily thinking: Would Jin Fengju actually turn up? With such a happy event going on, surely they would also want to hold an evening banquet? [a3] If that’s the case, she would be spared one more day…

A leisurely drawl interrupted her thoughts, “Beauty in the setting sun, one reflects upon the other in splendour. Qiuning, have you been waiting for me?”

Fu Qiuning looked up to see Jin Fengju in a silver-blue spring outfit, his steps as smooth as his voice, even the very breeze doing its best to show off his elegance and dashing suaveness.

[a4] Fu Qiuning could not help the thump in her heart. It’s here. This offensively beautiful man, secure in his ego and knowledge of his own desirability, who had never been challenged in love until her arrival, was now in front of her. Well, at least this high-grade natural-born scourge of women was easy on the eyes.


Jin Fengju, still beaming at Fu Qiuning, even as he thought sadly to himself: Is being the number one most handsome man worth a fart? I cannot even make my own woman fall for me, ugly men are not as miserable as I am, ah.

“Has the party in the outer court dispersed? [a1]” Fu Qiuning stood up. She turned around and stooped a little as she put the folding stool to the side. She straightened to see [b3] JFJ standing still with his eyes fixed on her. She thought: Was he staring at her bottom just now…

“[b3] N-naturally it is still ongoing. However, I recalled my dinner promise to Qiuning and, naturally, I’d rather let those officials down than miss a promise with you, ah. Hahaha!” Jin Fengju’s laughter was very loud in the empty yard.


He had been [b3] drinking and toasting with officials all day and was now a little tipsy. Earlier, when Fu Qiuning asked if he would come for dinner, thoughts of her had plagued his mind during the entire celebratory banquet. It was so rare that instead of a dinner promise, it sounded like something so much more. Whenever he thought of the way she had called him back… how could he not be excited and happy?

“[a1] If you wish to eat, you may stay and eat. Yu Jie steamed some Wowotou for tonight, it’s up to you if you wish to eat it,” said Fu Qiuning as she studied the food box in his hands. “Where is your tail?” 

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Jin Fengju blinked for a moment, before realising she was talking about Jin Ming. He laughed and said, “Brother-in-law sent a congratulatory gift. So, I sent Jin Ming to the Royal Palace with some return gifts for Elder Sister.” Then, he beamed and added, “I know you’re the petty type, but since you’ve invited me, to avoid offending a certain someone and making them regret the invitation, I even brought a little food tribute.” 

“Is that so? It looks like the Marquis knows how to plan,” Fu Qiuning openly rolled her eyes at him. She accepted the box and placed it on a table. When she uncovered the first layer, a strong fragrance assaulted her nostrils, and found herself looking at several exquisite pastries.

“There are a few plates of side dishes in the layer below,” said Jin Fengju as he sat down. “At noon today, Elder Brother had especially transferred a few new cooks from the restaurant to make the banquet. I found the food quite agreeable and bade someone to set them aside to bring to you. Where are Feng’er and Jiao’er? I remember they especially liked flaky pastries. That’s right, I have also asked them to pack those red bean snacks you like.” 

“Many thanks to Lord Husband for your thoughtfulness and benevolence.” Fu Qiuning replaced the lid on the food box and yelled out, “Matron Liang! Take this to the kitchen. Warm them up and start the meal.” Then, turning a serene face at Jin Fengju, she said, “Feng’er and Jiao’er are still working on their essays. Once they finish, we’ll have dinner together. If they were to eat the snacks first, they would not have any appetite for their meal.”

Jin Fengju laughed and said, “That is the right thing to do. No wonder the children are so well brought up.” As he spoke, he gazed at Fu Qiuning and thought: Am I deluding myself? Is Qiuning treating me differently today? Did I anger her with the gecko? Also, why did she talk so candidly about her chastity? Could it be that she wanted me to…

“What are you staring at?” [a6]

[b4] “Qiuning is very beautiful,” he blurted out. He then shook himself and, pulling up the worldly, dashing gentleman style, said leisurely, “En, light pink suits you very well. With your skin so white, pastel, gentle colours like this suit you best. Indeed, since such colours suit you most, why do I rarely see you in them?”

[a5] “Perhaps it is because I could not afford them before,” [a6] Fu Qiuning looked towards the setting sun. [a7] She was running out of time to make her decision. To Jin Fengju, she must be testing and flirting with him, blowing hot and cold confusedly. However, this decision would impact not only her life but the lives of the children as well. Not to mention, those poor deluded women in the marquis’ inner court…

[b4] “That is… that is, well, it suits you…” Jin Fengju finished lamely. His dashing and suave attitude wilting as old facts were thrown at his face. “Y-you should wear these colours more often.”

[b3] Jin Fengju was staring at the hair by Fu Qiuning’s temples. A few strands had gotten loose, floating past her cheek as she lowered herself to pour tea. After a moment’s hesitation, he boldly reached over to brush those hairs back, tucking them behind her ear. Fu Qiuning paused. [a5] She did not look at him. However, she did not evade him either.

His heart started to thump wildly again.


“Have some tea first, you must be thirsty [a6].” [a8] her eyes looked up once, but then looked away. However, instead of saying anything else, she sat down.

Jin Fengju’s [b3] tongue stuck out to lick his lips. He thought: Was it his imagination? Was Qiuning really… giving in finally? How odd, back during New Year’s Eve, when I used the Mourning Soldier Strategy [2], she remained unmoved, but why is she loosening up now? Or… could it be that her love had grown for me over time?

He was about to test her further when a child’s voice cried out, “Father, father, look at the words I wrote, the teacher praised my writing today!”

Jin Fengju violently withdrew the hand that had been inching towards Fu Qiuning’s waist. Blushing with some embarrassment, he feigned a cough and said, “En, good, let Father have a look. Only… Jiao’er, ah, in the future, you must knock on people’s doors before entering their rooms, understand? Even Father and Mother’s room, you must remember to knock. [3]”

Jin Changjiao twisted her head around, looking at the open doors before flattening her mouth aggrievedly, “But, Father, the doors are not closed. If the doors are not closed, why should I knock?”

Fu Qiuning coughed into her fist. The [a7] weird atmosphere from before was all but broken by a mulish Jin Changjiao. She smirked at Jin Fengju, thinking: [a5] Look at this despicable man. You tried to get fresh with me and were stopped by your innocent daughter, and yet you try to lecture her on etiquette? Tch, I can’t believe I’m considering sleeping with you just to stay in this horrible place.

“En, that is… Jiao’er is very sharp. Naturally, this advice is for times when the doors are closed. It is only polite to knock before entering.” Luckily for Jin Fengju’s dignity, the blush that burned through that thick face was covered by Jiao’er’s homework. That way, he was able to barely maintain his dignity as a father.

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Not long after that, Yu Jie and Aunt Yu called them in for dinner. After dinner, Jin Fengju diligently went to the study and personally sat with Jin Changfeng and Jin Changjiao, helping them with their studies. It was only after Aunt Yu tended to the twins during bedtime that Jin Fengju finally crept over to Fu Qiuning’s bedroom. In the past, whenever he stayed overnight, Fu Qiuning would always pointedly and expressly announce their bedroom arrangements before going to bed. There was no such announcement that night, which made his gut swell with courage as he entered his wife’s room. 

The first thing he saw was Fu Qiuning tracing patterns under the lamplight. [b3] He crept closer and said, “Can’t you do this during the daytime? Why tire your eyes at night?” Then, he made for the kang bed and made a show of sitting on it and yawning expansively. He laughed and said, “I had thought of resting here after lunch and enjoying this wonderful yard filled with flowers and fragrant herbs. Ah, it must be so pleasant. Too bad my Second Uncle happened to receive his windfall on this very same day. I ended up having to play host and work hard all day instead.”


Gumihou: … Jin Fengju being obvious about wanting to bed Fu Qiuning was… annoying but not strange. What was strange was Fu Qiuning (AR Qiuning, really) blatantly fluttering her eyelashes at every moment and poking the bear with a tee hee~ at every other moment, going ‘mu’ and ‘pui’ in others, blowing hot and cold like a hornee teenager.

It was so, so nope.


[a] Destroy the AR Qiuning:

[a1] looong paragraph that is basically ‘humph, pui, humph’ followed by ‘kyaa~~’

[a2] Maids’ reactions to FQN (once AR Qiuning had been yeeted)

[a3] Reduce the sad ‘woo…’ in FQN’s thoughts

[a4] Yeeted ‘AR Qiuning throbbing and salivating with desire for JFJ’s charm’

[a5] Yeeted all deliberate and overtly obvious flirting from AR Qiuning to ‘wait and watch’ FQN.

[a6] Yeeted a looong paragraph about ‘kyaa~~ why are you staring at this thin and ugly me~~? Muu, uwu, muu, haha~~’

[a7] It was all ‘kyaa, kyaa teasing thoughts’, switched it to ‘should I really do this…?’

There was no ‘agony of decision’ at all. It felt like AR QN was all ‘tee hee tee hee’ all over the chapter, teasing ‘poor JFJ’

[a8] Very obvious AR Qiuning’s thoughts: Second Madam Wan, weren’t you trying to harm me? It’s just having sex. All I had to do was give up my body in exchange for you smashing your own feet with a stone, and I even get a cute handsome guy to go with it. Hmph hmph, why would I not happily take such a deal?

Fu Qiuning: *points at the above paragraph with a trembling finger*

Gumihou: *places a comforting hand on Fu Qiuning’s shoulder*

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[b] Nope to Ass Polishing:

[b1] Wow, JFJ so generous to give the maid wedding clothes… add ‘could it be that he has a guilty conscience’?

[b2] What is this weird and OOC humility from?

Jin Fengju, however, never dreamed that he would be able to move Fu Qiuning. He still always thought that in her mind, he was a selfish and hateful man. So when someone praised him for being the number one most handsome man at that time, his heart would particularly not like to hear it, secretly thinking: Is being the number one most handsome man worth shit? I can’t even make my own woman fall for me, ugly men are not as miserable as I am ah.

Even here, the author did not miss an opportunity to try and make readers feel sorry for him

[b3] JFJ being a lecher, a deluded lecher

[b4] Due to [a6], adjust response, still under ‘deluded lecher’ mode


Pill Bug TL Notes:


[1] Wowotou: Chinese Cornbread.



[2] 哀兵之策 Basically, puppy dog eyes. Feign weakness to win sympathy, then strike.

Gumihou: Didn’t I say it was all a ploy?

Fu Qiuning: It was all a ploy

Pill Bug: An obvious ploy


[3] ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


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