Himajin Maou Isekai Chapter 13

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Translator: Silver

This city was situated between numerous cliffs, with the mining and selling of minerals acting its main export.

While I wondered why anyone would build a city at the bottom of a cliff, I suppose doing so made it easier to defend.

Due to its location, the only way to reach Saltberg and meet the salt demands of the surrounding territories was to go through this city. As a result, this place was packed with merchants.

Since we hadn’t decided on this trip’s purpose, we chose to stay in the bustling city for a while. I tried bring up our current situation to Rue.

“I think we need to decide on a course of action.”

“We have money, so let’s play and live every day.”

“Yes, rejected. The corruption is plain for all to see. As a quota, one person…… Well, let’s earn the price of this inn.”

“It’s for one month, so 30 days. Then that’s……”

“It comes to 110,000 per person. This is a pretty good inn, but we received a discount, thanks to Mr. Cromwell.”

“I see. 110,00, I can make that much in a week if I feel like it.”

The streets surrounding the guild were lined with inns.

This particular high-class inn offered private bathrooms and three meals a day.

Of course, this wasn’t a place where aristocrats and the upper-class stayed. It was frequented by well off adventurers.

Just like in the previous town, this inn was selected after taking the area into consideration.

However, we wound up in the same room again.

…and again, the room only had one bath.

“I want to hunt a lot of different monsters, but what about you, Rue?”

“What should I do…… I want to go with you, but that won’t be a competition.”

“We’re not competing, but we don’t always have to be together, do we? It shouldn’t cause any problems.”

“Okay, I’m readjusting to the outside world. I’ll be fine in this era.”

“Then, it’s fine if we act separately. If either of us leaves town for an extended period, we have to let the other know. Okay?”

“Okay, okay. Then let’s go out to eat together today.”


The atmosphere of this city was quite different at night.

Until recently, peddlers were openly hawking their wares, and the streets were filled with carriages and foot traffic. However, there was a drastic change after sunset.

Fewer street stalls remained open, and most of them focused on selling food. Most of the crowds were composed of rougher-looking miners.

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Sometimes I could hear arguments and fights breaking out.

A few doorways were full of working women who openly targeted the miners. Every now and again, I caught sight of vendors selling dubious products.

It was a completely different world compared to how it was before.

“Kai-kun, doesn’t this look fun?”

“Well. Don’t get lost, Rue.”

I urged Rue to be careful, but there was no reply.

This gave me a bad premonition, and when I turned around, I saw her rushing into a store by herself.

Kai-kun, look! They have cockatrice chicks! And they’re different colors!”

“Don’t go off on your own…… isn’t that just a dyed chick!”

I haven’t seen those in a while! There were those types of stores in this world!

“Look, look, there’s something strange over here! Wait, is that ice magic?”

“Hmm? Oh, it’s shaved ice. Let’s buy some.”

Strangely enough, the place was starting to resemble a festival.

Let’s take a good look around today.


After a bit of wandering, we got hungry and started searching for a place to sit down and eat.

We went to several full restaurants before finding a little tavern that would take us.

“Hey, Rue. It’s time for another prediction.”

“Mmm, this is sudden. Let’s hear it.”

A young woman enters a tavern late a night.

Do you know what happens?

“First, the two of us will enter the tavern together. We’ll attract a lot of attention as we’re shown to our table.”

“Well, Kai-kun is quite handsome. That’s understandable.”

“The same could be said for you too. After a while, a drunken man will approach us.”

“Ho, I think I can see where this is going.”

“Yes, this is――”

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“Okay, I’ll be sure to protect Kai-kun’s ass!” (TN: Yes, she did say this in the Raws)


Never mind, let’s just go in.

While avoiding the crowd, a clerk led us to a table in the back.

There was no menu, and we could only order from a set of fixed dishes, all of which came with optional alcohol refills.

Looking at what kind of food was served, most dishes consisted of fried vegetables and a chunk of seasoned meat. Mugs of dark colored liquor were in ample supply.

I also caught the sight of something like a salad composed of alternating slices of cheese and vegetables.

It looks delicious.

More than anything……Unlike a certain someone, I haven’t drunk a drop of alcohol since I came to the world.

Although I was a matchless drinker.

“This is gonna be fun. Rue, you went drinking a few times in Saltberg, right?”

“Ah. I didn’t drink anything but wine. Do you like alcohol, Kai-kun?”

“I love it.”

I enjoyed liquor in general, but I loved a good sake above all else.

Even back in my previous world, I remember mail ordering a local sake brand a guild member recommended.

Chalk it up to homesickness, but nothing beats a good rice wine.

“Hey brother, those are some cute sisters you got there.”

While I was lost in the sea of my own thoughts, a vulgar voice called out to me.

My prediction has come to pass!

“Kai-kun! Your prediction actually came true!”

“So it seems. Then again… what are you――”

However, the prediction seems to have been slightly off the mark.

“Kai-kun, it’s happening over there, not to us.”


The voice wasn’t directed at us but at the group of four that just came in.

“What are you? Don’t touch my women.”

A single black-haired young man was accompanied by three girls.

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They were like a stereotypical hero and his companions.

“Well, you’re sure to stand out with three women.”

“That’s right. But I can’t believe this is actually happening.”

If you looked at the young man’s face, he appeared to be more Japanese than the people around him.

Also, he had the characteristics of an ikemen.

At most, he was 17-18 years old.

What looked to be a short-sword was stripped to his waist, and the girls behind him were quite pretty.

It was highly likely that he was one of those heroes Cromwell was talking about.

“There’s such a thing――”

“Kai-kun, watch out!”

Thanks to Rue’s warning, I move out of the way just before a sword and a body flew past me.

Unfortunately, the employee carrying trays of food and liquor wasn’t so lucky, and it wasn’t long before everything, bodies included, were spread across the floor.

“Well. Do you understand now? Don’t touch them!”

“Ren-sama! Are you hurt?!”

“Ah, I’m alright, Rayna.”

If you were going to get violent, at least take it outside.

Seriously, think of the trouble you were causing for those around you.

Indeed, it couldn’t be helped if you were entangled with a girl, right?

But couldn’t take the briefest second to observe your surroundings.

“Kai-kun, suppress it.”

“No, this needs to be handled as an adult.”

I stood up and walked over to the young man who was still talking to his followers.

“Can I have a moment of your time?”

“What! Are you still trying to pick a fight with Ren――”

An incredibly courageous girl turned around and glared at me.

But she immediately lost her momentum.

“What is it… you still trying to start something?”

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“No, shouldn’t you apologize to the people for making a mess? You see, you ruined several peoples’ meals just now.


Looking around, it wasn’t just me that had a grudge with this group.

The aftermath of this young man’s attack had flipped over a few tables and ruined many peoples’ night.

“I know you have to be vigilant because of the three pretty girls in your party. But you shouldn’t be so hot-headed that you bother everyone else.”

“But he was――”

“You could’ve easily taken this outside, right? Instead, you lost your temper and stuck him here. That fact won’t change.”


Grudges formed over food were frightening.

You’re lucky I bought some snacks beforehand! If I was starving, I would’ve thrown you out without question!

 ……What a boomerang.

“Just a second! Are you saying Ren is in the wrong?! If it’s about compensation, that man should do it!”

“In other words, I was a little drunk and messed up the tavern in a rampage. It’s easy to understand, isn’t it?”

“…… I understand! Hey, clerks! We shall pay for the damages as well as the ruined food!”

One of the girls was about to argue with me, but my last statement seems to have reached the young man. He pulled out a large bag of money from his breast pocket and passed it to a clerk.

…Although it looked like he just pulled it out of his pocket, it was obviously impossible based on the bag’s size. Did this kid also have a character screen?

“I have no problem with that! Shit, let’s go, guys!”

“I’ll remember this!”

“I’m very sorry…”


The young man and his party stormed out in frustration.

At the very least, he paid for the mess he made.

After being thanked by the people who watched everything play out, I returned to my seat by Rue.

“Hehe, nee-chan you’re quite beu――”


Rue, what are you doing?!

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