Translator: Silver

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“There are signs of a monster tide forming in the abandoned mine?”

“Yes. Apart from the site you visited yesterday, there’s a sealed mine not too far from the city.”

“Oh, it wasn’t just next to the city.”

It’s been about two weeks since we arrived in Maine Valley.

While we had surpassed our earning goals, Rue helped me with the Earth Dragon, Mine Lurker, and tunnel collapse investigation requests I’d already accepted. One day Cromwell called me into his office alone.

“This matter hasn’t been revealed to the public, but investigators found signs of a large number of monsters, not just undead, conjugating in the abandoned mine.”

“Then, are you requesting further investigations?”

“No, I can’t place this responsibility on you alone…… Well, it might not be impossible for you, Kaivon-dono. Still, it’s dangerous to have multiple teams crowded in such a narrow place.”

“Then, what kind of request is it?”

“The tide will be unleashed in about a week. Therefore, I’m gonna issue a mandatory request to defend the city. The problem is that the mine is connected to the cliff on the opposite side of the city.”

“In other words, you want me to defend that area.”

“I’m sorry, but could you? To be honest, it’s impossible to defend both halves of the city even if we divide our forces in two. I was planning to abandon the northern section of the city, the one leading to Saltberg. Fortunately, there are only a few shops and warehouses with very few permanent residents in the area.”

It seems like quite a severe, but this was probably the mindset of a person entrusted with defending the city.

“Even more fortunate, the ‘liberators’ the lord summoned are still residing in the city. It’d be great if they defend the metropolitan district while the guild focuses on the southern area…… With Kaivon-dono’s help, the entire city can be protected.

“I promised that I’d help. Maine acts as the gateway to the capital, so it’s okay. What about reinforcements?

“I’ve already contacted the guild leaders in the surrounding towns and sent word to the capital. The request for aid should go through today. It’ll be a pincer attack.”

By the way, Saltberg hadn’t been contacted.

According to him, Rue’s forest churned out monsters regularly. It would’ve been impractical to draft their forces into this fight.

……It’s possible that that manager was just too unreliable.

“Can I inform Rue of this secret?”

“Yes. I wanted her to join in defending the southern area.”

“That would be convenient for me, too. When the time comes, not a signal soul shill pass through the northern gate.”

“Yes. However, please escape if things become too hectic, Kaivon-dono. We’ll evacuate the citizens in your region and set up a barricade.”


When I left the guild master’s office, I went to the receptionist’s area to see what quests people were fighting over.

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I could see the “Liberator’s party” mixed in among the regulars.

In fact, the black-haired young man I pegged for a stereotypical hero from that tavern turned out to be the “Liberator”.

Apparently, he’d been summoned into this world from the royal capital of Lark.

No matter how I looked at it, that guy was Japanese.

“Excuse me, do you have any request recommendations?”

“Kai-sama! It seems that the earth dragon you’ve been searching for has been found. Since it’s also responsible for the tunnel cave-in, the reward has been properly re-adjusted.”

So the Earth Dragon caused that cave-in.

Yesterday, someone went to investigate that area and discovered the dragon.

Well, even though they hadn’t taken the request, they seemed confident in their ability to subdue the monster.

“We found the dragon yesterday. Why can’t I take the request to subjugate it?”

“I’m sorry, the previous request had been issued weeks ago, so another party has already accepted it……”

“Even so, is it impossible for us to take it?”

“You’ll have to negotiate with the other parties directly……”

Suddenly, I caught a bit of a nearby conversation.

When I turned to the source of the exchange, it was none other than the liberator party.

“Hey, thanks for the other day. I hear you found the Earth Dragon.”

“Hey, you…… Are you the one that took the request?”

“Correct. I would subdue it even without the request, but do you guys want the reward?”

Since the receptionist looked troubled, I went over and throw them a lifeboat. It wasn’t like I was short on money, so I didn’t mind giving them the request.

“We do not want the money, but the point is to raise higher by taking this request. I’m a man aiming for the top.”

“That’s why you should just let us handle it.”

“Umm…… both of you are being too forceful.”

Again, the unyielding girl stepped in. A girl that seemed to be on the verge of crying tried to stop her companions.

There was another one, but she was dozing off by herself.

“I’ll let you have the request. But I also have business with the dragon, so don’t go complaining when I kill it.”

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“You can’t beat it faster than Ren! At best, you can run away without getting hurt.”

“I’m not proud, but I’m already a rank B ‘silver’ adventurer. Dealing with an Earth Dragon is no problem whatsoever. I won’t stop you. Just don’t get in our way.”

After saying that, the party started the procedure with the receptionist again.

Oh yeah, I didn’t have a receptionist……


『2x Movement Speed』

『Agility +15%』

『Escape Success Rate +50%』

『Rigidity Reduction』

『All Attributes +5%』

『×2 Ability Effect』

『Conqueror of The Heavens』


The start dash was a primary strategy.

I haven’t used this configuration since I explored around Saltberg, but I needed quickness to navigate this city.

I overtook the carriage and chose less busy roads by relying on Sonar. The rigidity reduction allowed me to avoid obstacles with ease. In no time at all, I found myself in front of the tunnel 5 entrance.

Less than five minutes had passed since I left the guild.

I immediately entered the tunnel, pulled out my sword, and stabbed it into the ground.

A slightly jarring sound echoed throughout the area before a new map appeared on my view screen.

“There’s only a small number of monsters. Did those guys hunt them yesterday?”

The number of red lights was small and 『Sonar』didn’t pick up any adventures.

I was the first to arrive, so I might as well wrap things up.

“There it is. Why is it so close?.”

Looking at the map, I could see that the largest light was located in an open area, not that deep inside the tunnel.

This would be the first time I used 『Conqueror of The Heavens』.

What did the power of the Dragon God amount to?

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“No way, it didn’t even survive the first encounter.”

I discovered a new fighting strategy!

All I needed to do was dash forward while watching the map!

Since the dragon was eating, I held out my sword and tackled it!

That’s it!

The attack power multiplication was on a whole other level.

Being too overwhelming wasn’t good for my mental health.

The body began to disappear, only like a few parts behind.

Honestly, the dragon resembled a sizeable black lizard with two horns.

…Wait a second. 『Conqueror of The Heavens』should only affect flying enemies.

While it was a dragon, I doubt he had anything to do with the sky.

In other words, its instant death had nothing to do with that ability’s effects.

Unfortunately, you had to wait until next time.

Perhaps the sword recognized that the battle was over because I suddenly heard a voice in my head.

【Ability Acquired】


【When destroying inorganic substances, there is a slight chance of increasing the weapons base stats.】


Wasn’t this an incredibly unique ability?

Apparently, that dragon had also been eating minerals because of this?

Wouldn’t breaking rocks with this sword with weak stats turn into the strongest weapon under the sun?!

“Ehh! Why wasn’t this ability available during the gaming era?!”

If this ability was present, it might’ve brought some attention to that shitty game.

In any case, I got a new ability and recovered the dropped items.

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Just in case, I activated Sonar again and noticed four new lights near the tunnel entrance.

It was probably them.

“Let’s take the long way around.”

Should I tell them that I already killed that guy?

I don’t think so.


After passing them by, I leisurely walked back to the city without using any abilities.

While it was still early, peddlers and stall owners were busy setting up for the day’s business.

People were leaving the city, people hawking their ware, and people exploring the marketplace.

While this city had workshops that could refine iron ore and other materials into ingots, there were few weaponsmiths to process them into weapons.

While watching the situation, the thought, “There’s not much reason to fight, might as well travel as a peddler.” crossed my mind.

“But I don’t really have a mind for business…… ah, I can turn a profit as a carrier with my item box.”

It turned into a dull game in the end.

When I returned to the guild, Rue was already here.

She was messing around with the small shrine that connected to her warehouse.

“What’s wrong, Rue?”

“Look, Kai-kun. Do you see what happens when I offer this stone?”

She took a stone from her pocket and placed it on the altar.

It vanished immediately.

“What do you think happens if I turn my bag over above this shrine, and will the stone to come out?”

“……Infinite loop.”

The stone disappeared, then fell, then disappeared, then fell……

I was reminded of a poorly made GIF as I watched this scene play out repeatedly.

“So, what’s the problem?”

“It’s really fun!”

…I see.

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