Translator: Silver

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「Chapter 017」

With every swing, ten or more monsters died.

Once I cleared enough space, I stabbed my sword into the ground and pinpointed the underground worms’ location.

It didn’t seem to need oxygen so I injected a compound ice and darkness spell into the ground through my sword.

A black mass spread through the ground like thick tree roots, killing the worms everywhere they spread.

“I have to teach them about proper road management later.”

My item collection and combat logs had been going off nonstop for a while now.

Nevertheless, there was no sign of the monster horde stopping anytime soon.

There wasn’t any problem physically, but if a single one passed me, it’d run amuck in the city.

The mental pressure was to be expected.

But, I still had my pride.

“I can’t afford to lose in this form.”

――Even though it’d been a game, I was the demon king that slew numerous powerful enemies.

No matter how many came, my will power will keep me fighting to the end.

No matter how painful things were in this world, I refused to lose this game.

In this world, I fight so that I never have to lose anything.

This form that aims to be the strongest is never allowed to be defeated.

As long as I still draw breath, I absolutely can’t lose!

“War Cry”

After uttering the skill’s name, I unleashed a magically enhanced shout.

My yell carried throughout the area, causing every monster to lock onto me.

At that moment, I activated another skill.

“Terror Voice.”

The power and determination behind this shout froze the monsters in place.

My voice seemed like it crawled up from the depths of the abyss.

All of the enemies that had been focusing on me were now too afraid to move.

This was a trick a few genuine vanguards had mastered.

Terror voice was an auxiliary skill that reflected and amplified all hostility back at its source.

It temporarily paralyzed enemies, but I honestly didn’t use it during the game era.

That’s because, in the game, you had to shout something into the mic to activate the skill……

It was really embarrassing.

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“It’s stiff, isn’t it? Well, let’s start here, shall we.”

I brandished my sword and cut into the group of enemies.

The sword beams traveled all the way up to the tunnel entrance.

There were still plenty of monsters inside the mine, but thanks to the paralysis, I was able to push back the enemy front.

Once I reached the mine entrance the rest was easy enough.

“You can’t escape when the passage is so narrow.”

I raised my sword and repeatedly fired off wave motion.

The wave traveled straight through the narrow passage, which drastically increased its effectiveness.

My sword didn’t stop until the enemy numbers dramatically fell.


“Hee! Oh, oh! Since the advance of the monsters outside has stopped, Kaivon-san can take a break!”

I didn’t notice the guard until he spoke up.

“Oh, I’m sorry. There may still be some enemies here, but it should be manageable.”

“Yes! Really alone…… thank you!”

My physical condition was still MAX, but I felt drained.

My head was pounding, and I immediately accepted the offer.

When we went down to the city, several adventures and citizens were waiting.

Everyone bowed their heads with misty eyes.

Have you been watching this entire time?

Hey, hey, stop it! I might get drunk off my ego at this rate!

Wait, they were watching when I used War Cry and Terror Voice!

……What did I shout? I don’t remember.

“Thank you… thank you so much……”

“Thank you, Maou-sama! That was cool!”

“T-This! I’m sorry, adventurer.”

What Maou-sama?

No, I didn’t feel that bad hearing it.

After all, since everyone was bowing, I didn’t have to suffer the damage from their stares.

“Are you all alright? Did any of your friends, family, or acquaintances get hurt?”

Nobody looked sad.

That alone made my hard work worth it.

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After receiving a couple more thanks, I went back to the guild.

“Crap, I have undone the demon king look.”

I should’ve undone it after leaving the mine.


“Kai-kun, I heard from Cromwell! Why did you keep silent.”

“Because Cromwell told me. You can complain to him.”


Rue, Cromwell, and I were sitting in his office.

I was giving a report and an apology for the fact that I abandoned my post without permission.

“No, it was due to our insufficient investigation. Perhaps there was a place where the tunnels could easily intersect.”

“If so, the monster that broke through must’ve been intelligent. I’m not blaming you.”


“What happened to the originally expected exit?”

“There were no abnormalities. I have people keeping an eye on it……”

Then they were aiming for that specific tunnel from the start?

Where monsters always this creative?

“Maybe the sudden increase of undead in that tunnel wasn’t a coincidence. The undead are drawn to the undead……”

“But that tunnel should’ve been cleared out by Kai-kun and me?”

“That’s the case, but maybe something hidden there was the cause of this outbreak.”

“Something like that…”

I don’t know whether this mess was merely a coincidence or someone’s intention.

But, at the very least, something in that tunnel caused this.

Since the number of monsters has decreased, an investigation was in order.

“Fortunately, there’s a group of priests among the reinforcements the capital sent, so we can leave this matter to them. The two of you must be tired, so please rest your wings.”

“I understand. But if anything happens, contact us immediately. I’m going to stay in this city for a bit longer.”

“That’s how it is. By the way, there’s a reward for this, right?”

So greedy.


When we left the office, the people that had been fighting rushed to Rue’s side all at once.

It’s Rue again.

Apparently, she focused more on support instead of offense and significantly minimized the damage on our end.

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She treated the injured, debuffed the monsters, and opened up holes in the enemy line. The effect she had on the swarm battle was immeasurable.

Placing Rue on the frontline was the right call.

“Thank you, Kai-san! If it weren’t for you, we might not have had a place to return to.”

“That’s right! It would’ve been a nightmare for the city to be destroyed without us knowing.”

“Is it true that you defended the city all by yourself?!”

This time, I also had a crowd! Either the citizens or the adventurers that were protecting them had already spread the story.

The man that accompanied me back into the city was also here.

Did he live in this city?

“Did you really prevent it? Not her?”

“Oh, is that Ren the liberator?”

Ren, the famous (to me) man who searched the mines every day for a dead earth dragon, showed up.

For some reason, the hostility I felt directed at me had slightly increased, did that one incident cause this.

“I wonder how Rue, who was on the frontlines, could defeat the monsters in the city.”



If you’re stuck, just think about it for a little bit.

Wasn’t it interesting that Rue took an active role in the external battle and was credited for what I did in the city?

However, this guy did take part in the battle too. Let’s not make fun of him too much.

“More than that, are you Rue-san’s associate? Why don’t you join me?”

“Why would I do that? I have no reason to be your companion, nor do I know your objective.”

“I’m not just a liberator. I’m the man who will challenge the strongest of Seven Stars and make them acknowledge me.”

“O-Oh…… good luck.”

If you’re recognized, you can do anything!

Ah, I sorry I already killed that guy, tehee.

How fun would it be if I could say that!

But yeah, I wondered why you were in such a remote city, but that’s the reason?

……If I hadn’t killed him, Rue would’ve never allowed this guy anywhere near the Star.

“It seems like you can handle yourself well, and Rue-san is undoubtedly strong. I want you to join me.”

“No, I refuse. I’m not interested.”

“Likewise. I’m not going to travel with anyone but Kai-kun.”

Maybe this kid obtained great power after coming to this world.

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In such a situation, growing impudent was inevitable, wasn’t it?

He was strong, and everybody treated him like a hero.

For a child his age, it wasn’t strange that his ego became inflated.

I’m sure he became used to having yes-men following him around.

Also, he’s handsome, he’s handsome, and he’s handsome.

“Hey, this is a rare opportunity?! I mean, you’re just incidental! But try to convince that woman!”

“So noisy. Shut up.”

I’m worried about Rue.

All of this talk about the Seven Stars was putting me in a bad mood.

Also, dealing with men lusting after Rue was troublesome.

“Just give up. Besides, even if we look at things from a strength perspective, both Rue and me… are your superiors. Do you understand?”


Fluting your position or power…… it would be a lie if I said it didn’t feel great.

We presented our guild cards.

“Silver?! And, black?!””

“It’s a lie…… S-rank……black?”

Hey, wait a minute. Is a black card that obscure?!

“I’m an S-rank adventurer, and Kai-kun is even higher. I didn’t want to say this, but it’s an entirely different league.”

“It may sound bad, but there’s no merit in joining you. Or do you want to rely on us to obtain recognition from the strongest beings?”

I wouldn’t fucking admit it!

Even if you insist, I’ll decided if speak or not.

……Even if I die, I won’t admit it!

“……You’ll soon see. If my true strength is recognized, I will――”

“Ren-sama, it’s about time.”

The tearful girl looked uncomfortable.

If you look at it, the gazes of the watching crowd had gradually turned cold.

The party left when they noticed the unwanted attention.

“Was that childish?”

“No, I don’t mind. I don’t like him that much anyway.”

“Do you hate him, Rue?”

“I simply don’t like children whose spirits are too pure.”

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