Translator: Silver

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「Chapter 19」

“That’s everything that happened in the abandoned mine.”

“……I will investigate the origins of that curse.”

“It was an unfortunate sacrifice, not a curse.”

“Yes, that’s right.”

The results of our investigation will be reported to the higher-ups and another team would carry out an in-depth sweep of the area.

I guess that was it. Since the area was artificially created, a third party was involved somehow.

As far as I could tell, that place didn’t have an exit.

Ah, except for the one I made.

“Then, may I be excused?”

“Ah, before that, along with the investigators, the national guild president will soon be visiting. They want to meet your, Rue-sama……”

“Hmm, is it my fault?”

“Perhaps. A card from the Genesis had appeared…… all information eventually flows to headquarters.”

“But, they’ve come rather quickly.”

“It seems they arrived in a neighboring town by magic car.”

Magic car? Was it powered by magic instead of horses?

During the game era, the only movement options were to walk, set map markers, and the teleportation magic my guild used to hunt down the original Seven Stars.

I was feeling somewhat nostalgic now.

Well, back then, everyone joined me for our final undertaking.

I was only able to beat the original Seven Stars in such a short amount of time because my guild members logged in to help.

“I really miss it.”

Strangely, I didn’t feel worried or sad about my family in my former world.

Though, I only had my mother in my immediate family. After she passed away, I slowly lost contact with the others.

I wasn’t a mothercon.

Conversely, however, I spent more time with my guild members.

“What do you miss?”

“No, it’s nothing. So, why don’t we meet the president?”

“Hmm, isn’t it okay with me alone?”

“Ah, that’s right. Why don’t I just wait nearby, then?”


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After the meeting, Cromwell sent us to wait for the president at a nearby café.

He was a rather frank person when he wanted to be.

Rue was waiting across the room while I killed time by eating some pound cake that carried a strong liquor fragrance.

“Now that I think about it, I wonder if anyone else crossed over like I did……”

Even now, the only explanation for my crossing was that it had something to do with the 『 Rights of The Usurper』 series of abilities.

At the time, equipping all of them didn’t have an effect, but what if I came here as a result……?

It was then.

A woman with long black hair, wearing a white suit jacket and tight skirt, approached Rue.

I arranged my abilities accordingly and began listening in on their conversation.

This was pretty bad, wasn’t it?

“I can’t believe it really was you.”

“Hmm? Are you the president?”

“Fufu, you didn’t notice? When this world became a reality, you can’t tell?”


Huh? Hey, hey, something that shouldn’t casually be thrown around popped up.

“……Umm, do you not understand me?”

“……Are you a human from the Genesis?”

“Perhaps…… were is your birthplace? The truth.”

“Where I come from…… I woke up in the forest at the end of the north. Maybe…… are you a human from the age of divine servitude?!”

Sure enough, the conversation wasn’t on the same wavelength.

Should I step in?

This woman was probably――.

“Rue was born pure in this world. I don’t think she understands what you’re saying.”

“Eh?! There are two of you……?”

“That phrase. You seem to know who I am first and Rue second. Who are you?”

“What are you saying, Kai-kun?”

No doubt, this guy was a player like me.

I didn’t even speak with my relatives about my personal life. Therefore, only a select few people knew that Rue was my secondary character.

But I didn’t know any character that resembled this woman.

Her black hair contrasted with her pure white skin, there was a hint of red in her black eyes, her nose was small, and her thin lips had a light layer of lipstick on them.

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She was a beautiful woman, no doubt, and her curvaceous body could capture any man’s gaze.

When did I have such a beautiful acquaintance?

“……I’ve spent a lot of time here, so you may not know for sure. Then, how about this?”

After saying so, she cleared her throat before opening her mouth again.

“HEYO! It’s been so long! How ya been?”

“This pig!!!!”


I kicked it off out of conditioned reflex.

I’m sure of it…… this pig! Oink! (T/N: Oink is one of the characters mentioned in the prologue, although their appearance was never described back then.)

Well, the black hair and white skin……but the body used to be on the large side.

The pig was based on a character from a particular stand-alone complex!

“As outrageous as ever…… I’m a woman, you know.”

“Does that mean your soul was pulled into that body? Or was this always the case?”

“I’ll leave it to your imagination.”

To be honest, either one was fine.

I’m just happy.

I’ve been in this world for a while now, and I’m sure there was only one person that could induce such outrage in me.

“Oink, I have a lot to tell you.”

“Me too. And I want to hear about it.”

“Uh-huh, are you really Oink? You’ve so skinny?”

“Wow, do you know each other?”

“We often adventured together. I’ve changed my speech patterned since then.”

It seems Rue also knew Oink.

But Oink seemed to be in the same situation as me.

Does that mean…… Does that mean people from Earth came to this world as the characters they were using during the shutdown?

“Maybe, what you’re thinking is the same thing I thought of. Let’s talk about that later.”

“Alright. This feels awkward, though.”

“For the time being, I’m just the guild president. Even so, you’re doing quite well, aren’t you?”

“Well, I need to know more about that.”


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Once her goal was fulfilled, Oink returned to the guild.

At the same time, I explained the situation to Rue as best as I could.

“In other words, Oink is from the same higher plane as Kai-kun?”

“That’s it.”

“I see…… and that’s what you need to talk about.”

“Sorry, but let me take care of this.”

“No, I’m just glad that my companions are still around in this era, so I don’t mind.”

I left Rue at the inn and headed from the restaurant where the pig was waiting for me.

The restaurant in question seems to be a high-class place that even had a dress code.

Oink had already arrived, and I was lead to the VIP room by a waiter.

She was gracefully standing in an isolated room perfect for telling stories that you didn’t want others to hear.

“The pigs are shipping!”

“Enough! ……Please stop.”

“No way.”

“I hate the habit that’s been ingrained in me.”

“Very well. So, can I order some food?”

“Yeah, let’s talk while we eat.”

“Then I’ll have the pork sauté, pork stew, and pork terrine.”

“Come on!”

What’s a little teasing between friends.

Pigs are shown no mercy here.

However, this guy certainly looked like the definition of ideal Japanese beauty.

But the contents were still pork, no matter the casing.

“It’s a bit awkward looking at you with that appearance.”

“That’s because we’re a beautiful man and woman. By the way, I was a yakuza on Earth.”

“Yeah, and I lived on the Iberian Peninsula.”

“So Iberian pig.”

After our meals were brought out, we began reminiscing about our past adventures.

Eventually, we reached the main topic.

She opened up about what she’s been doing and the other players.

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“In conclusion, there are some beings that have been alive since the Genesis. However, besides you, I’ve only managed to find two other people that remember being players.”

“How are they……?”

“It’s Syun and Daria.”


I leaped to my feet and dropped my silverware when I heard that.

They were my IRL friends that I spent more time with than my (non-deceased) family members.

Those two were still alive!

“Before that, when did you cross over, Bonbon?”

“About a year ago.”

“……I see. I’ve been here for 30 years or so. Before I realized it, I was standing in the middle of this country’s capital city.”

“That’s a considerable gap…… you had enough time to slim down and correct your speech pattern.”

“That’s right. I really had a hard time.”

“Let me make a prediction. You became a merchant.”

“How did you know?!”

During the game era, this guy loved making money above all else.

She was the type of player that would do partially every activity available to generate enough funds to strengthen his equipment.

She had a knack for business, or rather, she was a businesswoman at heart.

That’s why she was known as the “Capitalist Pig” in the guild.

“Anyway, you seem to have adapted to the world quite well…… is it thanks to her?”

“That’s right. Somehow, she doesn’t seem to remember being a player. However, she refers to the game era as the Era of Divine Slavery. She even has memories of living during that time.”

“It’s the same for the other survivors of the Genesis. Maybe they’re all secondary characters like yours, or they could be the characters of the people that weren’t logged in.”

“I see. You never made a second character, so you never experienced what I have with Rue.”

But, Syun definitely had a secondary character.

Was it rare to come into contact with them?

“Nevertheless, didn’t you struggle at first? The money from the game era can’t be used for anything.”

“Luckily, my stats were the same when I crossed over, so I had a way to make money.”

“I see…… then I have to tell you about something more in-depth.”

Oink spoke with a serious face.

“There are no pigs other than me in this world. I am the original♪”

“Annoying pig!!”

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