After hearing Welde’s story, two things crossed my mind.

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This person really cared about Wraith from the bottom of his heart.

And he cared just as much for his daughter and his late wife.

It’s because of him that I could understand his daughter, Ada’s, position.

The things she’d been saying and doing might’ve hurt her own mother.

Her distorted sense of justice denied her mother and father’s expectations.

People weren’t strong enough to bounce back from such a realization.

Yes, people could be frail and shallow. They were creatures that did cruel things without hesitation.

I know that best after living in my original world.

That’d been a world with less physical danger than this one and full of ways to damage a person’s heart.

That’s why various forms of entertainment were created to heal those wounds.

There was less entertainment here than in my last world.

But still, Wraith and Welde’s late wife were some of the few healers that specialized in matters of the heart.

Ada had yet to understand that area.

Buy, I’m sure she was trying to understand now.

Then, all I could do was wait.

People were weak, but that didn’t have to be the case if they weren’t alone.

The number isn’t fixed, but people didn’t have to stay weak so long as they were there.

“Welde-san, please give me another go.”

“Yes, let’s play as much as you want.”


“So, what happened after that?”

“Listen, Kai-kun! Wraith is actually their grandma!”


In a rare act of aggression, Wraith pinched Rue’s cheek when she blurted that out on our way back.

Did you guys also hear the whole story on your side? No, Wraith should’ve known already.

Had Ada been the only one that didn’t know?

Since Rue was an outsider, she didn’t count.

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“I also heard about it. So, did Ada accept everything?”

“Yes. I think she’ll change little by little from now on. I also encouraged her to visit my store once and see what it’s like.”

“Oh, that’s good. Wraith, is everything fine now?”

“Well…… it seems that the weight I’ve been carrying in my heart is finally gone. Thank you again, Kai-kun.”

“I didn’t do anything.”

Basically, I just moved with my mood.

And Rue, what have you been thinking about for a while now?

“In the end, she’s still a child. The parents couldn’t ascertain the child’s growth.”

Oh, she was sharp.

That was true.

He said that he was weak, but his daughters seemed to be much stronger than he imagined.

Welde-san had misjudged her and tried to hide the truth from Ada.

That’s all it was to it.

Why could Rue sometimes get to the heart of the matter?

“Rue, I’m not an old lady. Just remember that.”

“Alright. Fufu, Wraith finally looked like that.”

“Certainly. You can relax that much.”

Honestly, I’m no match for this person.

The next day.

We decided to leave town early in the morning.

Weld-san arranged a magic carriage instead of a horse-drawn one, so it seems our trip to the next city will be somewhat comfortable.

I don’t think I’ve contributed anything to this city, but that forgivable seen I removed some of the lord’s family’s clumsiness.

Well, a lot happened, but for the time being, I’m relieved.

Wraith served as the coachman, and our journey calmed down for a while.

Well then, I should talk about it too.

The coachman seat was wide enough for the three of us to sit on it.

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There was open farmland on both sides of the flat road we were slowly traveling down.

“So, there are a few things to talk about, but is it fine to do it now?”

“Yes? What happened?”

“Yes? Is it about what you said at Wing Rest?”

Rue seemed to remember.

Why was there a strange familiarity between Rue, Wraith, and me?

I said we had to talk about this mysterious connection sooner or later.

The time seemed right, so we stopped the carriage at a small hill next to the main road and took a break.

First, I informed Wraith about the mysterious connection we felt, and then I brought up what Rue referred to as the upper world.

“Umm……In other words, a god created an avatar for himself to walk around in…… So you can no longer free yourself from this body or return to your original world?”

“Rather than a God, I was an ordinary person in that world. You’re right that I can’t go back, nor have I ever thought about returning in the first place.”

“This is somewhat sudden…… but, you’re living normally as a person, right? There’s nothing wrong with that. right?”

Suddenly, Wraith bombarded me with questions asking for confirmation.

It’s okay, it’s okay. There wasn’t an issue right now, and there shouldn’t be a problem anytime soon.

“Wraith, calm down. Well, Kai-kun, will you finally tell me?”

“Oh, to put it bluntly, I built more than one body.”

As an explanation, it was a rough approximation.

I couldn’t declare the exact truth, so please forgive this kind of lie.

For me, it was a lie infinitely close to the truth.

“What! Then there are a lot of Kai-kuns!”

Well, that’s……depending on how you look at it, one or two more should be fine…….”

Wraith, what were you going to do with them?

“It’s not like that. I was creating completely different bodies. But, in the end, I never used them.”

The two of them quietly listened.

I always had a strange feeling when I looked at these two.

They were like daughters, like siblings, like family.

I wasn’t married nor had children. So I couldn’t fully understand what this feeling was.

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……I had younger sisters.

“Now those bodies have their own wills. They have a connection to me, but they’ve lived their own lives.”

Yes, they were alive.

Both of them stood on their own, moved by their will, and lived their lives.

After explaining things, Rue and Wraith finally realized what I was trying to say.

“Eh…… is that me……?”

“Me as well?”

“That’s right. In addition to my item box, do you two remember having a place you could store items in?”

“Oh, I can’t pull anything out anymore, so I just use it as a sealing location.”

“Ah…… that’s impossible.”

Rue’s remake caused Wraith to notice something.

That pocket dimension signified the connection between the three of us.

“That’s right. I gave Rue a sword and armor, and I gave Wraith clothes and accessories. Rue, surely you’ve thought about it before, right?”

“W-Well…… that Kai-kun was a fan who paid tribute to me……?”


Tribute, a fan?

“So, I think it’s fate that I came to this world and was able to meet with both of you so quickly.”

“Indeed, that’s for certain…….”

“I asked Rue about it before. When I met Kai-san, I asked about the legend of the godly era.”

“I see.”


Once again, Wraith boldly stares straight at me.

And Rue also looked at me with a confident expression.

“I’m sure I would’ve been drawn to you even without that connection.”

“Some for me. I can assure you that that year was a fun, happy, and irreplaceable treasure, with or without that connection.

“……Why do you guys say something that makes your brother cry?”

Of course, I didn’t expect this to break our relationship.

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Still, worrying about things was nerve-wracking.

The only thing I know is that I’m really uncomfortable.

That’s right, I want allies to be on my side forever.

I wanted them to know everything.

My expression was a little blurred because of the proximity.

“Um, I have a question.”


“Which one was born first, Rue-san or me?”

………That was a good question.

“Actually, I was born last, onee-chan!”

“Really?! Then, from now on, Kai-san is Kai-kun……I’m an older sister……?”

“Kai-kun, you can tell her, too? Look, onee-chan.”

This was a mess!

“Do you want me to lie? I was the first, Rue was second, and Wraith was last.”



“That’s a brother’s joke. Please laugh and forgive me?”

After that, I couldn’t speak for a while.

Wraith taught me simple commands and how to maintain speed, so the coachman seat might belong to me in the future.

At present, I have the greatest companions, which can be called my relatives.

So, how do I never lose them?

……It wasn’t difficult to show overwhelming power and make them swear inviolability.

But then, it would be difficult to live with myself afterward.

Living with limited relationships with others is too wasteful in this vast and free world.

Then what to do?

“Looks like the only choice is to shut up those who are hostile…….”

Well, let’s continue our journey while maintaining the status quo.

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