After exiting the hot spring, I joined Wraith and Rue, still rubbing her head, and headed to enjoy our meal.

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Wraith seemed to be in a good mood after the interaction at the bathhouse.

Indeed, that situation also involved me, and we acted like an old married couple back there.

Well, I couldn’t recommend doing that given a chance to hit people.

“I was hurt by Kai-kun. Take responsibility.”

“It can’t be helped.”

Nariko Nariko.

Wasn’t slightly wet hair really appealing?

Being cheekily sexy is Rue’s habit.

Nariko Nariko.

Following previous trends, I pat Rue’s head for the time being.

“……Actually, the soap hit my head as well.”

“I don’t remember learning to duplicate items.”

Wraith, you’ve been poisoned by Rue, haven’t you?

However, I lacked the courage to pat Wraith.

Her post-hot spring yukata look was already too destructive.

It was a vector different from Rue, and it’s a condensed version of my other taste.

Not to mention that she had my type of personality.


As expected, dinner was a Japanese-style meal.

Everything was arranged like a high-end Japanese restaurant, and each dish was satisfactory.

Just who was Iguzo-san? The miso soup was made with genuine soup stock.

“The sake is so good. There’s nothing I can say.”

“It’s really delicious. It has such an amazing fragrance.”

“This is a good inn, Kai-kun. Let’s stay here for a while.”

“Yes, we’re gonna stay here for some time.”

Then let’s go adventuring to earn our accommodations here tomorrow.

I had plenty of money, but it seemed wasteful to laze around without working.

I know it was dangerous. However, this body’s specs made me more willing to be aggressive and make money through battle.

Of course, as long as I’m aware of it, I’ll try to hold the reigns on those feelings.

Should I check my equipment a little when we return to the room?


After dinner, we returned to the room to discover that someone had put out futons.

Or rather, someone had laid out one irregular-sized futon.

Wow, such beautiful futons existed.

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Why were three pillows lined up?

As expected, the onee-san’s, who’d been acting erratically recently, eyes shone when she saw this.

“……Naturally, Kai-san will be in the middle, while Rue-san and I will be on both sides.”

“Not good. Rue is in the middle, and I won’t take any objections.”

“Huh? If you’re still next to me, there shouldn’t be any problem with you in the middle, Kai-kun.”

No, it’s different, Rue.

The last of my rationality would disappear if I was hugged underneath the sheets.

However, if I vehemently refused here, it seems that I’d be disliked by Wraith, and she looked so cute.

……I should’ve laid down on the edge before the sleeping positions were decided.

And like that, I was pushed down and boxed in from both sides.

Maybe I should have the inn put out regular futons?



The shock of being kicked in the leg woke me.

As expected, Rue was sleeping with one leg hanging out of the futon.

And my right arm was being hugged by Wraith.

Though I felt happy being wrapped in her arms, I took a peek at Wraith’s sleeping face.

“……Are you still anxious?”

It looked like she had a nightmare.

Seeing her quietly weeping figure was enough to explain why she always asked to share a room.

She was still afraid.

Because Wraith waited so long, a deep-rooted anxiously had formed in her heart.

I’m sure that her unconscious fear, “that I’ll be forced to wait again.” was tormenting her while she slept.

That’s probably why she clung to Rue.

Well then, I’ll be the substitute today.

While feeling like a father, my couscous was drawn to the soft sensation wrapping my upper arm before slipping back to sleep.


Perhaps because I slept lightly, I was the first one to wake up the following day.

Rue, probably because her legs got cold last night, was hogging the futon.

Because of that, Wraith’s body was half exposed.

And her appearanceー.

“Don’t worry. This is really just an older sister.”

The empress had been surrounded by many adults and reigned as an adored mother.

The woman was sleeping with a relieved face as she clanged to her father.

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As usual, my arms wrapped in her softness were so stimulated that I couldn’t maintain my composure.

Then her face began to move.


She’s too sexy.

The arm Wraith was holed had already been completely buried.

Take a guess what it was buried in.


“Good morning, Wraith.”

I called out to her for the time being, pretending that nothing had happened.

As refreshingly as possible, I’m trying project that I wasn’t thinking about anything wrong.


In a hurry, Wraith released my arm and turned away from me.

No, isn’t she a cute girl?

Was it possible to fire back at her at last?


“Then, after breakfast, we’re gonna take requests at the guild?”

“No, it’s unfair to have Wraith go along, so how about you two work together.”

“2 to 1? It’s a good handicap, and two-person requests are nice.”

After Wraith finally rebutted and Rue exited speed mode, we talked about our future activities.

As a result, I decided to earn a month’s worth of accommodations fees as before.

It should be noted that the price for one month’s lodging for three people came out to 800,000 lux even with the discount.

So the Wraith and Rue pair and I needed to earn 400,000 respectively.

“Well, I’ll wash my face first.”

“You’re welcome.”

Wraith, who still had a slightly flushed face, headed to the washroom first.

After seeing that, I turn my attention to Rue.

“Thank you. Wraith seems strong but isn’t on the same level as us. You should be there in case something happens.”

“Something……like what? The minions of that lord might show up.”

“That right. Rue, in the unlikely event……do your best.”

“Copy that. I’ll freeze the whole area around here if I must.”

Don’t call it overprotection.

I already decided last night.

No matter what happens, I’ll protect Wraith.

However, shouldn’t we always stay together?

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Well, if the enemy made a move this time, it’s difficult to determine if they’d prioritize Wraith or me.

And even if I wasn’t there, Rue, whose strength already reached an astronomical level, would always be together with Wraith.

It’s easy to forget because of her usual behavior, but Rue was a woman capable of sealing away the worst of the seven stars for a millennial.

“In the meantime, shall we check over our equipment?”


When I examined my sword after a long time, both its attack power and mana had increased.

『Attack Power 666 → 711』

『Mana 666 → 667』 『Elemental Attributes: Darkness』

This may have resulted from that incident in Endresia when I destroyed that vault door.

After all, it seems that its attributed can be increased by destroying rare metals and alloys, not just rocks.

The attack power has increased, and it graduated from those ominous numbers.

And the mana also raised 1 point. Wasn’t that material too good?

“I’ll leave 『Assimilation』equipped for a while.”

I also reviewed my ability loadout.

Most of the abilities were selected to suppress my overwhelming power. The rest of the slots were set aside for auxiliary.

『Back of The Blade』

『Mark of the Weak』

『 Training 』

『Attack Power Conversion』

『Guardian Sword』



『Five Senses Enhancement』

『Presence Detection』

『Increase Luck』

Luck made his long-awaited return.

In the game, the effect of that ability was only reflected in the item drop rate, but maybe there were other effects in this world.

However, it felt like I only ran into trouble when equipped with this ability.

Mainly, it was that case is Saltberg.

“Well, I got a lot of money out of it……can that be considered luck?”

Because of this ability, the drastic reduction is attack power, and 『Back of The Blade』, my enemies shouldn’t die in one hit.

This was the best configuration for Training in the truest sense.

The 『Enhance Maximum Vitality』 ability was also removed this time.

My stats were slightly lower than when I was lv 200, except for my defense and mana, which were increased as the trade-off for lowering my attack power.

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I’m interested in what’ll happen when I use magic in this state.

“Should I wear these glasses?”

It was the pair of glasses with the appraisal skill.

……But if I put these on, Rue would glare at me.

As it was a convenient ability, I wanted regularly use them by all means.

While I held my sword above the glasses, someone approached me from behind.



“……Please forget about this morning, alright? That happened while I was asleep.”

When I received a happy hug from behind, the momentum transferred was enough to turn the glasses into two monocles.

Wow, they were cleanly divided in two.

……It’s a lie.

“A-AH……I-I’m, those…… sorry. Are you hurt? Those glasses……”

“I-It’s a lie……

“Aaaahhhh! Sorry, sorry!”

It’s not possible. This can’t be real.

Wraith, how could you……!

『Ability Acquired』

『Detailed Appraisal』

【Able to obtain the subject’s detailed stats and abilities. Not applicable to inorganic materials.】

What an incredible discovery, Wraith!

Seriously, I just broke those glasses with my sword, but 『Assimilation』 actually activated and took the ability?!

It’s a lie. Weren’t those inorganic?!

Then…… can I gain new abilities just by destroying magic items?!

“I’m sorry…… please forgive me……I’ll look for new glasses…… please…….”

“Oh, I’m not angry. I was just surprised because I made an unexpected discovery.”

“Really……? But I broke your glasses…….”

“Oh no, those were a magic item. The glasses could increase perceptiveness, but when I broke them, that ability became mine.”

Let’s hold back for the time being.

It’s not good if Wraith realized just how much of her information, including her three sizes, I’ve seen.

No, it’s an unavoidable accident, and I didn’t do it deliberately.

“Is that so?”

“It’s true. That’s why you don’t have to worry. Rather, this was a big discovery. Thank you, Wraith.”

Now, let’s start by breaking the more eye-catching items in my item box.

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