「Chapter 05」

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“…… What’s with this body.”

My head still ached as I stood up and took in the wreckage of the iceberg.

As I stared up at the empty sky, the life or death struggle that had just occurred seemed like a lie. Only when I checked my status screen did I realize what happened.

【Level: 399】

That was the first thing that caught my attention.

200 was the level cap in game.

I’d just gone up 199 levels.

No, this wasn’t the game or a dream, it was possible that the upper limit no longer existed.

I understood that I received ten times the usual amount of experience, so this should’ve been expected, right?

“So that combo had managed to kill it.”

For the sack of taking a single woman into the outside world, I come here prepared to die, only to settle matters with an instakill.

It was anticlimactic to the highest degree.

However, I was a bit sentimental about the fact that my sword had become so strong.

You (Depriving Sword) have genuinely become great……

【Abilities Acquired】

『Conqueror of The Heavens』

『Dragon God’s Protection』

『Maxim Vitality Enhancement』


Could you still become even stronger?

With my newly acquired skills and stats, I could’ve easily slain that dragon without breaking a sweat.

But the question remains, “Was that the thing that bound Rue to this place?”

This uproar was sure to have attracted Rue’s attention, but what’s gonna happen when she arrived?

“Should I go and see her first?”

No, I’d better wait here.

For the time being, let’s review the effect of my new abilities.

『Conqueror of The Heavens』

【×5 Damage to flying enemies. 1/5 Damage from flying enemies. Cannot acquire experience.】

So the effect wasn’t limited to dragons?

I wouldn’t gain any experience while using it, but I’ve lived here for a year at LV200 and never once struggled against any of the monsters.

Not to mention the depriving sword covered any potential weaknesses.

In other words, using this ability had no demerits.

『Dragon God’s Protection』

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【Nullifies abnormalities stats effects of the mind. Increased resistance to all forms of attack.】

It was an undeniably powerful effect. It would be regular in my line up.

No matter how strong I became, there was always a threat of underhanded methods.

Suffering friendly fire because an ally became confused was a traumatic experience every gamer sustained.

Although it was somewhat vague ” Increased resistance to all forms of attack.” was an attractive enough on its own.

『Maximum Vitality Enhancement』

【Double Maximum HP. Automatic HP recovery. HP recovers at 3%/1s.】

…… Waa.

This was terrible.

This 『Depriving Sword』had grew closer to perfection.

The 3% a second recovery was funny.

Originally, only MP recovered automatically, while support magic was required to restore HP.

Even then, the best rate of recovery was 2%/5s, and it only restored a limited quantity.

However, there was no mention of such a limit here. Perhaps it could heal without limit.

By the way, my as a result of the leveling my max HP was 『9022』.

In the game, a 『Defensive Knight』with 『8000』HP at LV 200 was considered exceptional,

In other words, using this ability would double my HP 『18044』,

With the 3% value,  it restored『540』HP every second.

……This was dangerous.

Since most of my equipment was appearance based, I took 988 of damage from one of『Creator God Astral』normal attacks.

You couldn’t help but cry at the thought of healing more than half a boss’s damage output a second.

Despite obtaining such incredible power, there was no enormous enemy to aim for or great ambition to pursue.

If this were still a game, there would’ve been other players of comparable strength to challenge.

…… I could probably get drunk off my power, but the fun of that would only last an hour or so.

“This…… Kai-kun, what have you done! The seal, where is the seal!?”

I placed my worries about my power in the back of my mind and turned toward the source of the voice.

She looked disheveled and on the verge of tears.

“I-I…… what have I stayed her for…… ah, what in the world should I do?

…… what?

Is it possible that I’ve misunderstood something?

“Kai-kun…… why…… why would you undo the seal……?”

Rue swayed on unsteady feet as she approached me with a ghostly expression on her face.

Her behavior was unusual.

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Was it possible that I misunderstood something.

“Rue, you have to calm down.”

“……I don’t know what to do anymore……”

“Rue, was that thing the reason you couldn’t leave?”

“That’s right. Ah…… why did you set him free……? Ahaha, it’s pointless now, hahaha.”

“No, he didn’t escape.”

A particular kind of insanity came off her as she looked towards the sky and began to laugh.

What was it about the dragon that had upset her so much?

No, its form and prescience set the dragon apart from other monsters.

…… was it alright for me to have killed it!?

By any chance, had I just killed some ancient protector!?

“I invested almost all of my mana into that seal. No one else could’ve suppressed it but me……”

“I-Is that so? However, I already――”

“…… what should I do? A year, a few decades, a couple of centuries! All of that time for what?! Just so the world can fall into the concealed god’s hands again?!”

Concealed God……?

She didn’t appear to be sane at the moment, even if I told her I killed the dragon, I doubt she would register what I said.

Could anything ground her?

……Mmm, if she’s connected to the Rue from the game then I knew of a possible solution――

“Rue, do the names Daria and Syun mean anything to you?”

I spoke the names of those I played with the most.

Those two were always with me when I played with Rue.

It’s possible that the memory from when I was a player remained within her.

“So abruptly…… Daria? Syun?”

“A short blonde elf and a tall human warrior! I magician with a strange way of fighting and a chatty warrior!”

“…… I knew them, what about it? No, how do you know that Kai-kun?”

“After all…… what do you know of my name!?”

I was anxious.

It was impossible for Kaivon and Rue to be in the game at the same time.

When I controlled one, the other was asleep somewhere else on the server.

But, if they were somehow aware of each other――

“I know. Kaivon the emancipator. He was my friends’ acquaintance…… ah, that’s right. I haven’t seen them since the new dawn.”

“I don’t know about this new dawn or being an emancipator. However, I am the Kaivon from those days!”

“…… what are you saying? The legends said they he wasn’t human――”

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She seemed to realize something when she looked at me.

I could only draw upon my true power in this form.

Jet-black wings, golden horns, blood red purples and black irises,  and a white mask that covered half of my face.

“I don’t understand what’s happening. However, I slew the dragon that was sealed here.”

“…… that’s a lie.”

“I thought that we could travel together if he were gone.”

“There’s no way a person could even scratch a dragon king. I’ve existed since the dawn, and the best all I could do was――”

“Don’t insult me! I am Kaivon, the processor of the seven stars, slayer of the god of the old world!”

I made my sword appear as I boasted about my accomplishments.

She got caught up in my flow and reluctantly asked me a question.

“…… You killed it?”

“Do you require proof.

In this world, monsters disappeared after killed.

Some of the useful parts remained, like meat and bones, but those things immediately entered the item box for anyone capable of accessing stats screens.

People with access to this ability were the target of jealousy and persecution.

Recalling her previous explanation, I checked my system log to check what Items I’d collected.

『Dragon King’s Crystal』

『Dragon King’s Fang』

『Dragon King’s Wrath』

『God Sword (Dragon)』

They all seemed like rare pickups.

If this were still in the game, they would’ve been considered Max Rare.

Hmm, even if I pulled any of them out, they wouldn’t necessarily be considered proof.

“Uh, how about this?”

After tapping on an object, it returned to my hand in its original size.

It was a completely transparent blue crystal.

I guess it was a valuable material. But I thought it could make an excellent decorative piece.

“Eeh! I-Its true? I can finally leave this place!?”

When she fell to her knees and burst into there, I decided it was time to return home.


“I’m sorry I upset you. So, are you really that Kaivon?”

“I don’t know which Kaivon though. To be frank, I don’t know anything. The world ended shortly after I obtained the last of the seven stars.”

It seems that my actions on the final day of operation were transmitted to this world.

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The contents were as followed.

【One day, God decided to bring an end to the world. To accomplish this, God deployed the seven apostles to return the world to nothingness. However, one of the apostles refused to obey the god’s command and gathered his allies to opposed him. Before long, the group managed to slay the other six apostles, and the magical swordsman Kaivon engaged the incarnate of the God’s will in mortal combat. After the battle, God yielded to Kaivon and surrendered the world to him. For the first time, the world of man would be freed from God’s control. But, the God betrayed his oath at the last moment. He secretly left seven new apostles behind so that they could one day reclaim it for himself. Then, as a final insult, he trapped the legendary swordsman in the realm in-between worlds.】

…… though an over-dramatized retelling, the story was mostly accurate.

In any case, this world was intrinsically linked to the game world, wasn’t it?

Rue was the Rue that I had created after all.

I wanted to know what she’d been up to all this time.

I’d been flung into an unknown future, but she’s lived here since the game was shut down.

“I’d been walking in a forest when I noticed something was wrong. Initially, I searched for others like me, but I couldn’t find anyone with the memory of ‘God’s Servants.’ I eventually gave up and decided to live in an elven village. But――”

She didn’t age.

Though longevity was a racial trait of the elves, she outlived their lifespan by a wide margin.

But, instead of chasing Rue out of the village, they entrusted her with an important task.

“My mana recovery could not be compared to that of an ordinary person. Therefore, with my seemingly infinite magic, I was tasked with sealing away the dragon king.”

Rue was bound to this land by that contract.

But, they broke their promise.

No, in fact, that was the last thing they wanted to happen.

The had told Rue “We want you to stay” and she did so.

Therefore, they bound her to this land and sought out a new peaceful home――

I couldn’t suppress my emotions when I heard that.

Rue was simultaneously my benefactor…… and “daughter.”

She was the very Rue I created, raised, and cherished.

She had a will of her own and lived in this world.

How much happiness could well up from the deeps of my heart?

Those elves had……

“I was stupid. I assumed ‘We want you to stay’ meant wanting to live together with your companions.”

“May I go exterminate the elves?”

“S-Stop! Not all the elves are to blame, it was the decision of the chieftain of the time. Some of them remained and cared for me till the very end.”

I was relieved to hear it.

I liked elves in general. That’s the reason I made Rue one.

I didn’t have to change my natural disposition now.

“But that ends today. I ask you once more. Rue, would you like to explore the world with me?”

Nothing else tied her to this place.

Then, she should be able to come with me――

“Of course. Don’t leave me alone anymore.”

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