Chapter 5 (Pledge and the Dragon’s Jewel)

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In this age, demonic monsters were identified as inferior demons.

For that reason, people thought demonic monsters obeyed instructions from high- rank demons.

Therefore, unlike a devil who was a high-ranked demon with high intelligence and mana pool that came in the form of a human, non-human form demons and monsters were recognized as unintellectual beings.

But as the war progressed, doubts about this information gradually grew among soldiers.

The demon and the human race were hostile toward each other.

Demonic monsters were a part of demons. 
Still, some monsters chose not to attack humans. 
Isn’t this strange? People raised questions like this.

Some people suggested that a part of demonic monsters were used to collect information and reconnaissance, as they all played a different role.  

Various theories were raised, causing a great controversy debt.

The argument came to an end before it drew a conclusion as the heroes appeared on the scene and brought down the curtain.

One of them, who was called to have great wisdom toward the end of the war, Eternal Sage, Archmage Wiseman · Nacolle announced a correct answer to that argument.

In other words, the theory stated that demonic monster belonged to another category different from demon race that humans despise.

According to that, only demon race such as Majin was hostile to mankind, and demonic monsters were distinctly different from them.

Of course, this statement was initially counted as one of the hypotheses in society. However, when the hero and the saint visited the capital and rescued people from demon attacks, it turned out that the theory was definitely true.

The hero and the saint were accompanied by a demonic monster and stood before the royal crown after saving the capital.

A gigantic wolf with silver fur and sharp fangs that carried powerful mana. It was a mighty monster which was mentioned in the fairytale that devastated humanity for many times and could even bite off god’s right hand.

Shirakami wolf(White wolf god) Fenrir, its existence could even be counted as a pillar of gods, but the brave hero and the saint treated such monster like a pet, even an outsider would notice their connection and deep intimacy.

Moreover, the Shirakami wolf Fenrir had revealed a remarkable fact that it could also take the form of a human. Human form Fenrir uttered the history of demonic monsters and demon race to the king on the spot. It was a conspicuous news that stood out even in my previous world.


In other words, demonic monsters and demons were different. Although demonic monsters would surely attack people, but it was a matter of necessity, there was no intention whether to destroy mankind or not.

Rather, it was an undeniable fact that they were just playing their roles in the ecosystem, just like animals.

Shirakami wolf Fenrir told the king that the intelligence of demonic monsters was mostly depended on the type, but the basic way of living wasn’t differentiated.

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Crystal Wolf was the same.

These wolves were smart individuals with high intelligence comparable to humans.

Therefore, it was possible to communicate.

Crystal Wolf turned his attention to me whose existence was much smaller like a dwarf in comparison to its large body.

Furious eyes. However, those eyes were telling that it wasn’t planning to attack immediately.

There were few occasions where the national soldiers were dispatched to subjugate demonic monsters not because of their population increased but to diminish demon king army.

The ecological system of nature was a master piece delicately created by god’s virtue.

Nature was clearly out of balance in those days when human beings unnecessarily went and killed demonic monsters.

As a result, problems such as fewer creatures and abnormal growth of trees in the forest surfaced.

I didn’t intend to cause the same thing in this timeframe.

I held such a determination as I made the first move and tried to converse with the Crystal Wolf.

“…Listen to me”

In order to express no hostility, I inserted the weapon back to the sheath on my waist and raised both hands up in the air.

Maybe it had seen through my determination, or because I was a child, calmly, It stared at me with its crystal clear eyes.

This might work.

That’s what I thought and continued talking.

“Crystal Wolf… I know the reason why you attacked us…you have children here right?”

When this was said, Crystal Wolf’s facial expression changed, even though it was slightly, but definitely did.

This creature understood my words.

I gazed at Crystal Wolf. There was no need to hide anything. I had to convince the monster.

“Crystal Wolf. Wise wolf. I heard that you treasure your family, especially among the demonic monster race. You raise and protect them by avoiding others to step into your territory. Stand Peak was your last resort when dealing with powerful enemies. Although this magic would harm you, you still made sure these children were away from the casting zone…..Hey, Crystal Wolf. We do not intend to do anything to your children, we will not come into your territory anymore. So, could you stop that dangerous magic.?”

After saying all in one stroke, I inclined my head and waited for the Crystal Wolf to react.


“Child of a wise man. I don’t know where you heard my story, but for the first time in my life, I encountered a fearless child like you.

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The voice was a mixture of both male and female, but no evil sense could be felt from it.

The voice softened lacking in hostility.

I knew demonic monsters that speak human language existed in this world., but this was the first time I actually talked to one.

I was surprised, but as long as we could communicate there’s a chance to negotiate. I continued my words.

“Will you listen to me?”

“Ah, I will listen. I don’t intend to purge the forest for no reason…..By the way, is everything you said earlier truthful?”

“Of course”

I put my strength and said it. Those eyes were indicating that I would be killed if I tried to lie.

“This is the first time we have met. I do not know your personality, position, or where you live, I cannot trust you.”

Crystal Wolf said that and waited for my words.

It must be telling me to introduce myself.

“I….I am John Celias from Taros Village. Allen Celias--the son of the warrior who fought you before.”

Crystal Wolf who had heard it went silent for awhile, then asked to me to confirm it.

“The son of that tough guy…Then that courage of yours is also understandable. Taros Village is… that small village next to the forest?”


“Then that’s where you, your family, and people you previous lives?”


Talking to this point, I noticed that this was bad, my face was blushing.

On the other hand, the wolf was having a bit of fun and smiled.

“Kukuku…Son of man, John. Believing in demonic monsters, frankly, you can be trusted. However, it might be better to change that upright characteristic of yours.”

In other words, it’s hinting that I should only blame myself if the village was attacked by demonic monsters. 

“…..Pure eyes. You can even see through demonic monsters……Human’s child, John. You obtain the qualification to be my friend.”


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“That’s right. Friend….and we will never hurt our friends. If you can swear it, I can also reinforce you in a time of need…..Do you understand the meaning of it?”

If I became friend with Crystal Wolf, that meant it would withdraw Stand Peak and receive help when necessary. Then I would also reach out my hand when needed.

“Yes, but this pledge is not as light as a human contract. Betraying would be given a reasonable punishment.”


“Yes, punishment…..but as long as you can keep your promise that’s nothing to worry over. What’s your respond, son of a courageous warrior, John.”

There’s no way I could refuse the proposal.

The Crystal Wolf was obviously trying to provoke me.

A man would not withdraw here.

So I spoke out aloud.

“I understand. Crystal Wolf, I will be your friend and I will lend my power to you, I will rush to your distress and bet my life on you.”

“You said it, human’s child, John. I shall vow too. Lend my strength to you, rush to your side and betting my life for you. Ok…..A proof of pledge has been exchanged here!!!”

The Crystal Wolf immediately stopped the rampage magic Stand Peak after those words. A shockwave trembled through the forest.

Then Crystal Wolf beat of the two horns that grew on its head to the ground. It broke apart from the root, as it rolled and stopped right in front of me.

“John. That is a proof of my pledge… What about you?”

The Crystal Wolf looked at my eyes with clam eyes. I had never come across a situation like this besides the one time I vow against the sword for the king when I became a soldier.

I was in a puzzlement and lost in thought.

When I turned my head around, my father was standing there. There was Ted next to him.

“If you need a proof, use this thing.”

By saying that, my father hand out a beautiful crimson stone from his chest.

It was grasped into my hand. I looked at my father with a surprised face.

“This is… ….”

“It’s a dragon’s jewel. Although it is subliminal… … it will be enough for this testimony”

Dragon’s jewels. It was a high-quality magic stone that was said to be made by condensing all its magical powers when the dragon dies. It was an incredibly expensive item that was popular as a material for weapons and accessories and also as a symbol of wealth, this was a rare thing even in the market.

“Dad, is this really okay?”

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“Even you ask me… don’t have anything on hand right?”


“It’s fine just use it. Don’t worry I have more in stock to gift it to Emily.”

A stock of dragon’s jewels. I wanted to ask just who exactly are you, but in the current situation, it’s better to keep that aside. Anyway, if that’s the case.

“I will take it with appreciation and return it someday.”

“Don’t worry.”

Then I walked toward the Crystal Wolf and said

“This is my proof…..the dragon’s jewel”

The Crystal Wolf gripped the jewel using its mouth. Furthermore, it cried out a mysterious intonation song. Then, the red jewel that was in Crystal Wolf’s mouth disappeared.

The jewel replaced the missing horn.

“You, that horn”

“Our crystal horn is also a type of mana stone. There no difficulty in synchronizing with another one.”

Crystal Wolf’s missing horn revived, and it was dyed red.

“This oath is completed…farewell my friend.”

“Ah, you too”

“Oh I forgot to mention, our base is in the depths of this forest, in the void of the spiritual tree. Come visit us. My children and I will welcome you.”

When saying so, the Crystal Wolf disappeared back deep inside the forest.


“…..Huh! Hey, John! What is that! What is that!”

I confirmed that Crystal Wolf left. My other friend Ted was shouting in excitement running out of breath.

While looking at that figure, my mood was delighted.

Just like this, my friends were increasing one by one.

That was why I decided to make up my mind to never let them lose their life this time.


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