His Eccentric Wife

Chapter 6

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"What made you get this tattoed?" Wang Yong held Xin Qian's hand in his as he traced the tattoed script on the side of her wrist. The sudden touch, the out of the box gesture had Xin Qian go still for a moment. She tensed and her body stiffened slightly. She raised her head slightly, now focusing on Wang Yong's face instead of her hand in his.

The stiffness in her body left as she stared into Wang Yong's eyes. He had this genuine curiosity in his expression that made Xin Qian loosen up a bit and ignore the skip that she had felt in her heartbeat and answer the question that he asked.

Though he might seem to be cool and collected on the outside Wang Yong was also experiencing the after-shocks of his actions. Initially, it had felt like the most natural thing to do, they were about to become husband and wife after 10 days so it had to happen someday, no? So why not now? But it took him another 5 seconds to realize that this was the first time he had held her hand, what would Xin Qian think of it.

Both of them had conflicts going in their minds but the moment their eyes met, every trace of awkwardness vanished, "It was a dare actually. My friend Regina, who is a tattoo artist, dared me to get a tattoo on her my birthday given that the tattoo design was going to be her choice."

"And you weren't scared about it?" Wang Yong asked, still holding her hand.

Xin Qian chuckled, "I was more scared of the pain than the tattoo design. I had full confidence in Regina that she won't tattoo something awful on my skin."

Wang Yong smiled and did something that is natural for couples. He placed a kiss on the back of her hand and said, "It suits you. You are one of a kind indeed."

Xin Qian felt her heart beating faster than the normal rate, her cheeks reddened and a shy smile curved onto her lips, "Thank you."

Wang Yong couldn't help but admire the beauty in front of him. Just 5 days, since the moment they had met, Wang Yong had witnessed different shades, different sides of Xin Qian. He saw the confident, sarcastic and a strong woman in the video recording from Yu Yan's room. He saw the sly fox like creature under the guise of a sweet innocent rabbit the day it was decided that they will get married. He got to meet the little bit crazy, humble and kind woman yesterday when they went to meet his parents and today, today he got to see the kind, shy and gentle Xin Qian. He could actually write a book on her and the title will be "Many Shades of Zhao Xin Qian".

Their staring session lasted for a minute until they were disturbed by a servant. Xin Qian removed her hand from his and gulped down the remaining juice in a go.

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"Master, Miss Ye has arrived." the servant informed.

"We will be there in few minutes." he said dismissively.

"Miss Ye?" Xin Qian asked while Wang Yong just smiled in return.


Ye Yi Yi was sitting on the sofa seat, doing something on her cell phone when Xin Qian and Wang Yong entered. Yi Yi smiled at the sight of Wang Yong but when her gaze fell over the woman standing behind him her expressions changed. She felt as if she had seen that woman somewhere but wasn't able to pinpoint as to where had she seen her.

"Miss Ye, this is Zhao Xin Qian, the one I am going to get married to." Wang Yong started the introductions, "And Xin Qian, this is Miss Ye Yi Yi, she's a fashion designer. I asked to bring some of her best wedding dress designs for you to chose the one you like the most."

Xin Qian could feel the conflict of emotions raging inside her. She wanted to laugh out loud, feeling smug that Wang Yong and others didn't know who she exactly was and what she actually does because had he known that he wouldn't have called this designer Ye. She was also feeling a bit guilty for hiding this from Wang Yong but she was actually waiting for the right moment to strike. And then she was also feeling happy that Wang Yong took the initiative for their wedding preparations to start this way.

Ye Yi Yi shrugged off the momentary confusion about Xin Qian and passed her the catalogs that had the best and costliest wedding dress designs. "All these dresses are ready and will just need some alteration to fit your body. We can also make you a fresh dress as per your preferences if you like."

"Uuumm," Xin Qian looked at Ye Yi Yi and then at Wang Yong before placing the catalogs on the table, "Actually I have the dresses with me already." said Xin Qian making Wang Yong a bit confused while Ye Yi Yi looked a bit annoyed.

"You have?" he asked.

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"Well, yeah." she smiled, "I designed then and got them stitched a few months ago. There are matching outfits for you as well which will need to alter a bit." Xin Qian looked at Wang Yong trying to gauge his reaction.

"So, I guess I am not needed here anymore." Ye Yi Yi collected the catalogs and stood up, "I will take your leave then."

"Sorry for the inconvenience." Xin Qian had a sheepish smile on her face but Ye Yi Yi just walked away without giving them another glance.

Xin Qian looked at Wang Yong apologetically, "I am sorry for not telling you about this before.." but was interrupted by Wang Yong as he said, "You don't have to apologize. It's your wedding and you have all the right to take such decisions. Now tell me about these outfits that I have to wear."

Xin Qian then began telling him about their wedding attire. The outfits that they were going to wear on their Chinese wedding was inspired by her parents' wedding attires and those that they were to wear the next day for their church wedding was based on Cinderella theme.

"I am not going to show you mine outfits but I do have pictures of yours. I came early today to show them to you and get your approval. Wanna have a look?" she asked and he nodded.

Xin Qian then showed him the pictures of his outfits, "I got some accessories for you as well." said Xin Qian making him chuckle, "Accessories? For me? What kind of accessories?"

"Nothing much, just a Cinderella shoe brooch and a silver wrist watch which is Cinderella themed as well."

"So do you like it?" she asked and once again Wang Yong just responded with a smile.

"I will ask my tailor to message you my measurements. Give me your contact number, I will ask my tailor to message you." asked Wang Yong making Xin Qian giggle, "I will wait for your message." she smiled making Wang Yong blush slightly.

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"Ah! I just remembered! You wanted to make some changes in our bedroom and create a workspace in that other room, no? I have called an interior designer as well, you can discuss your requirements with her." he said before turning around and moving away leaving behind a giggling Xin Qian who couldn't help but admire this cute side of Wang Yong.

"He's so adorable!" she chuckled to herself and stood p to follow Wang Yong to his room, their room to discuss the changes that she wanted to make.

The interior designer came an hour later and was told about all the changes that Xin Qian wanted to be made in her new home. The designer was impressed by Xin Qian choice and had commented that the changes that Xin Qian asked to make will only make this house look more homely. A perfect place for a couple to live, love, raise their kid and a dog as well.

"A dog? You want a dog?" Wang Yong asked making a face.

The interior designer had left half an hour ago and Xin Qian thought that it was the perfect time to bring up the topic of having a pet. "What's with that face? I am not asking you to get me a tiger as a pet! It's just a dog."

"I am not opposed to the idea, it's just that I haven't had a pet ever. This is going to be my first time, so I have the right to be a bit skeptical about it." Wang Yong reasoned.

Xin Qian rolled her eyes as if it was the most natural thing to do. She was suddenly reminded about the change in their relationship, they were now another step ahead of being familiar with each other. All this time that they had spent together and the coming hours that they will spend in each others presence had affected the awkwardness between them. They were no longer strangers now.

Xin Qian smiled and held Wang Yong's hand in hers, something that she had wanted to do since he let go of her hand this morning when they were informed that Ye Yi Yi had come. She kinda liked the warmth radiating from his hand, "Don't you worry! It's just a dog."

"Fine! We will get one later, after our marriage okay?" he relented.

"Aaww, thank you!" in her excitement Xin Qian leaned down and kissed Wang Yong on the cheek but froze the moment she realized what she had done.

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She quickly moved back and ran away making an excuse leaving behind a wide-eyed Wang Yong who could actually hear his heart pounding against his chest beating like a drum. He felt a tingling sensation as a blush crept onto his cheek. Raising his hand he caressed the area of his skin that was just touched by Xin Qian's soft lips.

"I should get two pups instead of one." he smiled to himself.


Xin Qian bolted the washroom door closed and leaned against it. She closed her eyes, cursing herself for what she just did. The memory of the kiss flooded her brain making her open her eyes in shock. She covered her mouth with her hand and made a crybaby face, "Why in the crazy world did I do that!?! What would he think about me?"

"Ish! How would I face him now?!" she cried.

While Xin Qian was berating herself for what she did, Wang Yong, on the other hand, was quite happy with the show of affection from Xin Qian's side. He had never been kissed by a woman (except his mothers) before because he never liked it when someone touched him or kissed him like that. It was indeed a surprise for him that he didn't feel uncomfortable when Xin Qian kissed him, instead, he actually liked it.

"Uumm, I need to go." Wang Yong was brought out of his thoughts by the sudden announcement made by Xin Qian.

"Actually something important came up so I have to leave. Bye, then." Xin Qian was about to walk away but stopped when she felt Wang Yong hold her hand. She turned to look at him with a questioning gaze.

Wang Yong gestured her to lean in and close and when Xin Qian did that, he swiftly placed a soft kiss on her cheek, "Bye." he whispered into her ear.

Xin Qian tilted her head and looked at Wang Yong with a dazed expression, thus commencing a staring session that lasted for a minute. "Bye." Xin Qian repeated before finally walking out of the house.

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