Hong Xu raised his eyebrows and watched ZiLi for a while, who was frowning like he was having a hard time and mumbling like he could not figure it out, taking in every trace of change of expression on ZiLi’s face. Suddenly he got the thought that the change of expressions on ZiLi’s beautiful face were really interesting.

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The assassin felt that it seemed that ZiLi would rather die than save him. His instinct to survive allowed him to endure the intense pain and he slowly crawled towards ZiLi with his broken hands on the floor. The carpet underneath him became stained with his dark red blood as he moved with great difficulty while staring at ZiLi with burning eyes.

“Your― Your Highness, This― This subordinate has done a poor job, but― but please save this subordinate. This subordinate will definitely serve as a cow or horse to repay the kindness.”

ZiLi was really shocked and frightened after hearing this and fearfully resisted the bloody hands at his feet that kept trying to grab the hem of his clothes. While muttering to himself, he was trying to distance himself from the assassin.


“I will be really killed because of you! You― You, don’t come any closer. I told you I don't know you. Even if I knew you before, I don't remember you now. And even if I remember you now, I cannot save you. Who ordered you to kill the Emperor? Besides, I am in a difficult position myself now, so how could I save you? Furthermore, you are clearly saying this because you want to use me as a scapegoat!”

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Hong Xu satisfactorily caught the fear flashing in ZiLi's eyes, and after a while he said in a cold voice, “Third Prince, what do you have to say now?” The arrogant tone of his voice faintly revealed a sense of certainty that the prey would fall into his hands.

“How― How can it be concluded that I am the mastermind behind the assassination just based on only his side of the story! Besides, looking at his current condition, how can it be proven that he did not make the confession because of the torture?”

“Humph, are you still making excuses now? According to your words, if We did not witness you coming with a double-edged sword to kill Us Ourselves, We cannot declare you guilty?” Hong Xu’s gaze was so cold that it seemed he wished he could tear ZiLi to pieces on the spot.


“Eh, that is not what I meant! I meant― that― if you want to determine whether a person really did it, you should at least combine several testimonies. Someone’s oral confession alone cannot be strong evidence, let alone the basis for judging a crime.” ZiLi was so anxious that his brow beaded with sweat. At this point, the witness testimony and oral confession had come to the conclusion that he was the mastermind behind the scenes, making his current situation very unfavorable. “Your Majesty, the charge of assassination is not something that ordinary people can take upon themselves. My humble self is just a nobody, without power and authority. How could someone, who is willing to risk their own life or even risk Execution of Nine Relations 1 , be sent by my humble self to kill His Majesty?”

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“Well, this is a question We were about to ask you! Tell me, why would someone disregard their own life or even risk Execution of Nine Relations and listen to you, a nobody without power and authority, to assassinate Us?”

ZiLi, who had intended to ask this question to divert the Emperor’s attention, had not expected him to respond so quickly by asking the same question back. Not only was ZiLi caught off guard, but he was also unlucky enough to have put himself in a situation where he could not think of an excuse.


*Gulp* ZiLi could not help but to swallow his saliva, but he still summed up the courage and said, “Your Majesty, it’s impossible for my humble self to do it and furthermore, my humble self has no motive to do it. To speak of the worst-case scenario, if this assassination had been successful, what benefits are there for me? The answer is that there are none. Not only does it have no benefit for me, but it will also lead to the death of me. Only a fool would risk his life for such an unprofitable undertaking.”

Hong Xu’s gaze had grown cold after listening, then he stared at ZiLi with a meaningful look.

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ZiLi felt that his sharp gaze was like a laser scanning his entire body from top to bottom, inside and out. Which made him feel goosebumps all over his body spreading at a rapid pace.

Hong Xu looked at him silently for a while and suddenly said to the few Imperial Bodyguards on the side and Steward Lin, “We want you all to leave.”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”


Author Notes

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This chapter is written so that you want to vomit blood 2 !
~~ ╯﹏╰?????????????

Translation Notes 

 株连九族 - Zhūlián Jiǔ Zú - Punishment that involved the execution of all relatives, which were categorized into nine groups, of an individual – More information .   To make you angry. 


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