“No don’t, ah――" ZiLi tilted his head, wanting to avoid Hong Xu's kiss, but the big difference in strength soon made him fail. The other not only took hold of his lips, but also captured his tongue and fiddled with it like a blender. ZiLi’s blood froze 1 and he stared at the man who was taking his malicious revenge. As soon as the man’s lips parted, ZiLi immediately shouted from the top of his lungs, “Motherf•cker, you big pervert! I warn you, this laozi has a red belt with a black stripe 2 in Taekwondo. (It's actually a white belt.) If you don’t stop, this laozi will beat you up――"

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Hong Xu turned a deaf ear and restrained ZiLi's wildly struggling legs. His warm, sticky, intimate kisses moved swiftly like the wind 3 from ZiLi’s lips to his delicate neck. Nibbling, sucking, and biting as if he were conquering a city, leaving behind a trail of conspicuous marks.

“Don’t kiss me, this laozi will warn you again, in Taekwondo I have a― ah ―” ZiLi quivered all over his body as he felt his sensitive spots on his chest caught in the other’s warm mouth and the nimble tongue swirling teasingly around his nipples.

“It’s f•cking disgusting! Let go of me――" ZiLi's face turned red with shame and anger. This kind of behavior between people of the same sex was really hard for him to accept.


Upon hearing these particularly resistant screams, Hong Xu finally raised his head to look the young man below him straight in the eyes and was satisfied to see that those dark eyes of him were filled with unconcealable shame, resentment, and disgust. A sinister smile appeared on Hong Xu's lips. “We want you to feel disgusted. The more you are disgusted, the more We will be happy!”

When he finished speaking, he pulled off the last piece of clothing around Zili's waist with a ‘swish’ sound. He rolled the sleeves up in a ball and stuffed it into ZiLi’s mouth.


Hong Xu clasped ZiLi’s waist, lightly rubbing his own crotch maliciously against the sensitive part between ZiLi's legs. His cold calloused palm climbed along ZiLi’s waist to his slightly curved snowy buttocks, and then used a finger to slide down to the secret area between the two parts, to reach the tight chrysanthemum, as if ZiLi were a palace maid 4 .

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ZiLi’s body was trembling incessantly as goose bumps rose layer after layer on his skin. He looked at the man in front of him with his gaze in panic and fury.

“Don't look at Us with such an expression. Do you know that such a look is very seductive? So seductive, it makes Us want to――” Hong Xu grabbed one of ZiLi’s long white legs and pulled it to the side, and continued to say, “eat you right away!”

“Mmph ~~~~~~~~~~” A thin layer of sweat exuded from ZiLi's forehead as he haphazardly shook his head in an attempt to stop Hong Xu's next move.

“It's already too late, Third Prince!”


ZiLi gasped in fear as he watched Hong Xu get between his legs and striking a pose ready to take him.


Just at that crucial moment, a large hole suddenly appeared in the roof.

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Then a human-like object came crashing down, moving wildly with its hands and feet in the air, uttering high-decibel ghostly screams along the way.


The body finally hit the ground.

“Ouch, that hurts! Why are these tiles so damn loose?” An unkempt person with fluffy hair and stubble shouted loudly.

Hong Xu’s face darkened.

No matter who the person was who had suddenly appeared, ZiLi was in any case greatly relieved! He glared furiously back at Hong Xu, who was still intending to continue his action, and said, “Mmph mmmph mmph, mmph mmmmph ――” (Which can be translated to: Get the f•ck off me――)

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“ Imperial Elder Brother 5 , why haven’t you found someone to repair the Imperial study yet? It looks like a ruined temple. What a disgrace to the Imperial family!”

One, and then two veins started to pop up on Hong Xu’s forehead.

The man who had just arrived got up with a crooked grin, massaging his painful bottom from the fall, limped over, and shouted as if he had suddenly realized what was going on, “Ah―― Imperial Elder Brother, so you were actually busy! Heh, heh, I’m really sorry I interrupted you. I’ll be going now, you two take your time, but take it easy, ha. It's not good if you sprain your back!”


After hearing this, ZiLi immediately wanted to flatten his pig head 6 , not to mention Hong Xu who was restraining himself and about to explode. As Hong Xu turned his head, a glare consisting of unstoppable sharp icicles was shot in the direction of the man who had just arrived.

“Imperial Elder Brother, why are you looking at me like that? I 7 was only speaking out of good intentions!”

“Damn―― you, Hong―― Qing! Can you not just walk through the front door for once? Why is it that every time you arrive it is either by jumping through a window or breaking through a wall, and this time by piercing through the roof? Next time you dare to destroy a brick or tile of the Imperial Palace again, We will lock you up in the Imperial prison with Black Iron 8 !” Hong Xu said, while fuming with rage and grinding his teeth.

The person who had just arrived merely waved his large hand and said unconcernedly, “Imperial Elder Brother, I've heard that hundreds of times already! Can’t you think of something new?”

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Once again, a vein popped up on Hong Xu’s forehead.

ZiLi, who was enduring his situation until his lungs were about to burst, pressed his tongue against the cloth and tried to move it. Finally, he got rid of the cloth stuffed into his mouth and he shouted with his eyes flaming with anger, “You two f•cking perverts! If you want to drink tea and have some small talk, you have to let go of this laozi first――

Translation Notes 

 頭皮發麻 - Tóupí FāMá – Literally in English: to feel numb in one's scalp. - Very frightened or shocked.   A red belt with a black stripe is a degree under the black belt. A red belt with covered black stripes is the highest degree someone can achieve in Taekwondo, who is below 16 years, as they are considered too young to be a full Black Belt.   雷厉风行 – Léi lì fēng xíng. - Pass like thunder and move like the wind. - Swift and decisive reaction.   禁女 – Jīn Nǚ   皇兄 - Huáng Xiōng - The general term for how the Emperor's brothers address the Emperor.   猪头丙 - Zhūtóu Bǐng – This is used as an insult to call someone stupid.   俺 – Ǎn – ‘I’ spoken with a northern dialect.   玄鉄 – XuánTiě – High-grade iron – Similar to Tungsten Steel. 


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