While Hong Xu and Hong Qing were discussing how they would seize 1 Bei Ling, ZiLi, out of breath, finally returned to his palace after running through six wrong palace corridors and three wrong halls. Ever since ZiLi had suddenly received an Imperial order and left this morning, Ming Yue and Chun Lan had been in a state of uneasiness and anxiety. They did not know whether the summon for Their Highness had something to do with the incident with the male attendant last night or not. That incident was the fault of their own good intentions and had ended in a huge, unexpected mistake. If the blame would fall on Their Highness's head, it would truly be a great injustice!

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Ming Yue twisted the silk in her hands while on the one hand rebuking herself that she should not have acted recklessly, and on the other hand worrying about ZiLi's safety. Chun Lan was also anxiously 2 looking at the gate of the palace, fervently hoping that Their Highness would return safely! The two of them had waited for several hours, until they finally saw ZiLi's figure at the end of the long palace corridor.

As he approached, huffing and puffing, profusely sweating, his face flushed red and his clothes disheveled, both of them were even more alarmed by ZiLi's appearance, and they quickly stepped forward to help ZiLi, who was about to collapse on the ground.

“Your Highness, what happened?”

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ZiLi waved his hands weakly and said out of breath, “Don't― don't mention it! Damn, this was more tiring than a five― five-kilometer 3 run! *Huff* Water, give me a glass of water!”

After assisting ZiLi, who was out of breath from exhaustion, return to his room, Chun Lan patted his back comfortingly to help calm his breathing. ZiLi took the tea that Ming Yue had brought and after drinking three large cups, he felt more at ease in his chest.

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“Your Highness, why had His Majesty summoned you? Does it have anything to do with the incident with the male attendant from last night?”

“Well, if it was just for that matter, it would have been fine, but do you know why he had summoned me?"

Ming Yue and Chun Lan looked at each other nervously and shook their heads simultaneously.

“It was because of an assassin! The man clad in black from last night has said that I―, This Highness was behind planning the assassination! It’s not as if I have nothing to do, so do I look like I have the free time to devise such a conspiracy? Besides, do I even have the guts to do that?” ZiLi, who was standing, finished speaking panting with rage, then sat back down on the chair and took a few sips of tea.

The eyes of Ming Yue and Chun Lan had already widened with shock when they heard about the assassin, and when they heard that Their Highness was suspected of being behind it, they had become too panicked to speak.

ZiLi wondered why those two who usually always loved to make a fuss about nothing were so calm after hearing this shocking news. As soon as he looked up, he found that the two flower-like faces in front of him had turned into two big flower faces 4 .

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Ming Yue and Chun Lan were both pale and shedding tears.

When ZiLi saw this, he panicked. What he was most afraid of was seeing girls crying. As Jia BaoYu 5 said, ‘All women are made of water.’ 6 Seeing such gentle and beautiful girls shedding tears, watching those crystal teardrops fall, ZiL felt his whole heart sink, which was very distressing!

“Ming Yue and Chun Lan, my beloved big sisters 7 , why are you crying?” ZiLi clumsily wiped the tears from their faces with his sleeve, but soon another endless stream of teardrops flowed down their faces.

“Booohooo~~~~ Your Highness, it’s all our fault. If we hadn't carried out our stupid idea, Your Highness would not have been wrongly accused. We deserve to die, Your Highness! Booohooo~~~~~~~” The two knelt on the ground and cried.

“You two― sigh, get up, it’s not your fault. Why should you two take the blame?” ZiLi was anxious and hurriedly pulled up the two people who were crying so much that they were having trouble breathing. To be honest, the tears on their faces had made the makeup on their faces look like a cat, which could be seen as funny, but ZiLi could not laugh one bit. Instead, he felt heartbroken and comforted them.

These two girls were like family who really cared about him and would worry about him!

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“Don’t cry, come, stand up! I said they are suspecting me, not that it was certain I was behind it. Think about it, if His Majesty really believed the assassin's words, wouldn't he have just had me tied up immediately and beaten with a stick fifty times and then thrown me into the Imperial Prison to have me later disposed of? Would he just summon me to first intimidate and confront me and then in the end just let me return? Doesn’t this indicate that he doesn’t believe that I am the mastermind behind the assassination either! He is only making such a fuss to scare me!” Since ZiLi acted like an old fox 8 at school and all the teachers considered him a bad apple 9 , he definitely had experience with these kinds of situations. It's just that compared to the threats from the teachers, which went in one ear and out the other, this iceberg Emperor's threats really made him feel scared.

Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 20 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

“Rea― really?” the two maids asked, who had burst into tears, sobbing.

“Yes, This Highness is sure of it. If not, with His Majesty's temper, do you think I could have come back without missing an arm or a leg?" ZiLi could not help but add secretly in his mind, although I almost lost my virginity.

Thinking of that scene just now, ZiLi shuddered. ZiLi was sure that if the Ninth Prince had not suddenly barged in, that man would have definitely gone all the way!

After being consoled for a while, Ming Yue and Chun Lan both stopped their tears.

ZiLi relaxed his shoulders and heaved a sigh of relieve. Ah, so tired! I should be the one who needs comfort, but somehow, I ended up being the one comforting the others.

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Translator Notes
Apparently, many translations of stories published on jjwxc are being deleted or locked due to the announcement of an international website (◡﹏◡✿)
I guess we will have to wait and see what kind of consequences this will have in the long run, when the website actually launches.

Translation Notes 

 蚕食鲸吞 – Cánshí jīngtūn. - To nibble like a silkworm or swallow like a whale.   忧心忡忡 – Yōuxīnchōngchōng. - Deeply worried and sick at heart.   3.107 miles   大花脸 – DàHuāLiǎn – Painted Face – In Chinese opera, the actors have their face painted according to the role they play. – This was probably a play of words because this word has also the character of flower in it. Unfortunately, I am not creative enough to create a pun in English. – It probably refers to their faces that are smeared with makeup, as a result of their tears. – Some examples of Painted Faces, I think:
 贾宝玉 - Jiǎ Bǎoyù - Protagonist in the novel Dream of the Red Chamber.   Refers to the tenderness of woman, which is like water.   姐姐 – JiěJie   老油条 - Old fox/slick customer - Cunning   老鼠屎 - Lǎoshǔ shǐ – Literally in English: Rat Feces. 


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