“Booohooo— Jing 1 ―― he― he hit me!” the beauty in red said, with a tearful face from crying, as he hugged Mo CangJing’s neck and sobbed spasmodically. “It’s all right, it’s all right! Does it hurt a lot?” Mo CangJing frowned and caressed his slightly red cheeks, after which he could not help but chide him again, “It was mostly unbecoming of you. Not only did you disregard your status and go out of the palace alone, but you also got into a fight! Is this how an Emperor should act? Fortunately, it happened in my residence, but if word of this had gotten out, what would have happened to your reputation?”

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The Emperor of Chi Xiang looked at Mo CangJing with pitiful eyes, his beautiful eyes swirling with tears and looking as if they were about to burst again. Since he was a child, he had never been able to do anything about his unusually handsome, yet arrogant and headstrong ,younger cousin 2 , and even if he was the Emperor now, he still reverted to his childish ways whenever he faced him. Mo CangJing hurriedly put away his lecturing attitude and said softly and comfortingly, “Don’t cry, let’s go inside and get some ice to reduce your swelling!”

The servant, who had hung his head down and dared not look directly at him, immediately, tactfully understanding, went down to the cellar to get some ice.

ZiLi watched dumbfounded as the others extremely nervously escorted the two towards the main hall, then he lifted his dangling wrist and shook it. There was no more feeling, so he could not feel any pain!

Walking slowly back to his room and lying down on the quilt, ZiLi felt it was time for him to think about what he should do next! Now that I have escaped from Chu Jing, should I now blend in as a commoner in Chi Xiang? Or should I continue to flee and choose a small, remote village to live in seclusion?

Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 58 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

*Knock, knock, knock* At that moment, there were a few knocks on the door.

“Who is it?”


“Boss Su, it’s us.”

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“What’s the matter?”


“Can we go in?”

“Hehe, when did you two brats become so polite? Don’t you usually just kick in the door?” There was a moment of silence before they heard him say from inside, “Just come on in, okay!”

CunGong and CunShou gently pushed the door open and found ZiLi sitting at the sandalwood table, looking at them with a smile.

“Ho, what’s with the looks on your faces? Have you lost your wallets or something?”

CunGong raised his head, looked at ZiLi with some unease and said, “Boss Su, are you, all right?”

Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 58 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

ZiLi gave him a strange look, “Why wouldn’t I be?”

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CunShou said worriedly, biting his lower lip, “We― we were hiding behind the rock garden and saw what just happened. You know, when you were slapped in the face by that exceptionally good looking brother, but Prince Mo not only didn’t help you, but even pushed you aside――”

"Wait, wait, wait,” ZiLi immediately interrupted them, “so you two think I’m being sad?”

“You aren’t?” the two asked in the affirmative while simultaneously cocking their heads.

“Ha, why would I be sad? By the way, didn’t you see? I also slapped him in the face. I didn’t lose!”

When he turned around and saw the two brats still looking skeptical, ZiLi said with an unhappy face, “Damn it, I’m not a woman, I just got slapped on the face, and just got pushed a little. It’s not like I lost a piece of meat, what should I be sad about? And you two brats, have you nothing better to do than to meddle in someone else’s business?” ZiLi pretended to be angry and stood up to give them a thunderous kick!

Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 58 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

“Whoa― whoa―― you wouldn’t dare, boss Su!” CunGong and CunShou immediately dodged and hollered.

The three of them messed around for a while, eventually ending up with ZiLi’s legs held tight and unable to move.

“Okay, still not letting go?” ZiLi said with a helpless smile, “I still have some important things to discuss with you!”

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CunGong and CunShou looked up and saw that their boss Su did not seem to be joking, so they obediently let go.

“Sit down!” ZiLi looked at the two brothers who were sitting quietly opposite him, waiting for him to speak, and said, “Actually, I have wanted to ask these questions for a long time. You must answer truthfully, don’t try to fool me.”

CunGong and CunShou glanced at each other, then nodded solemnly.

“What is your purpose for going to the Capital?”

Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 58 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

“In order to see the Emperor to bring an accusation against someone.”

“What is the reason?”

“Our father 3 was originally the county magistrate of our hometown, but one year there was a major flood in our hometown and many farmlands were destroyed, causing the people to starve and suffer. Our father could not bear the suffering of the people, so he asked the court to allocate funds for disaster relief. But when the disaster relief funds arrived in our father’s hands, it was only one or two tenths of the original amount. Our father resented the higher officials for taking the life-saving money from the people, so he submitted a letter of impeachment, but who would have thought that those officials were birds of a feather 4 . They not only rejected our father’s impeachment, but also made up a charge to remove our father from his position and put him in prison. In the end, our father fell ill and died in prison. At that time, CunShou and I were just ten years old, and the year after that, our mother 5 became depressed and died, but before she died, unable to let go, she requested us to go to the Capital to bring an accusation before the Emperor and bring justice for our Lin family!” CunGong told bitterly, clenching his fist.

After hearing this, ZiLi sighed, “Since ancient times, officials have shielded each other and framed the loyal. This is a deep-seated problem that cannot be eradicated even in today’s society! Since this is the case, you must not delay here and return to Chu Jing immediately. So, pack your things now!”

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Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 58 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

CunGong and CunShou hesitantly stood up, “Then, Boss Su, we――”

“What’s wrong with you two? This is your family’s resentment, aren’t you in no hurry at all? Didn’t your mother tell you before she died that you must seek justice?”

“Will you come back to Chu Jing with us?”

ZiLi was stunned for a moment, then said: “This, I’m afraid we will have to part ways! But I will give you enough money for the journey, and I will hire a few armed escorts for you. Eh, armed escorts, that profession should exist in this era, shouldn’t it! All right, go and pack your things, I’ll give you half a stick of incense 6 !”

CunShou, who had been pushed to the door, turned around and asked questioningly, “But, Boss Su, why are you in such a hurry?”

“In a hurry? Who’s in a hurry? Well, apparently you’re not in a hurry, so you stay all right. I’m getting out of here right now!”

“Huh, why?”

“Why? Why ask if I don’t even know why. You could have packed your things long ago during this superfluous conversation!” And with that, he slammed the door behind him.

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