ZiLi immediately took a few vigilant steps back, glaring at the local ruffians who had quickly surrounded him, and said, “Why are you doing this? You want to rob me? I’m telling you, my stuff isn’t that easy to steal!”

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“Yo, listen guys, the great me hasn’t even opened my mouth yet, but this kid is already screaming!” the leader of the local ruffians said with a fake smile. The others also sneered and roared with laughter, as they slowly closed the circle.

In fact, he was scared to death, but ZiLi had to put on a calm and collected expression. Was this not what they teach you in safety education classes? When you encounter an assailant, you must remain calm, not reveal your weaknesses, and when you find an opening, immediately break out or call for help!

“Heh heh heh, you think you can escape?” the local ruffians laughed evilly, while saying, “If you are smart, hand over all the money you have on your body, or else you will have to suffer!”

He pressed the bundle with his belongings against his pounding heart and glanced in all directions. All the ways of retreat were blocked by them, making it impossible to escape. There were no passers-by in the pitch dark here either, so he did not know whether shouting for help would have any effect, but it was better to shout than not to shout at all!

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Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 60 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

With this in mind, ZiLi immediately shouted at the top of his lungs, “Aahh―― help, robbery, murder――” his voice traveled quite far in this silent night, but the only response he got was a few dog barks.

When the local ruffians heard him scream, the leader immediately grabbed ZiLi’s right wrist and yanked him forward, then covered his mouth and whispered viciously in his ear, “Kid, if you don’t behave yourself, be careful or I’ll break your neck. Drag him into the alley.”

When his red and swollen wrist was grabbed, the piercing pain was so unbearable that it immediately made ZiLi’s scalp tingle. *Bam* The back of his head slammed into the perimeter wall, causing his eyes to glaze over.

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When they pulled away the bundle of belongings that ZiLi was holding in his arms, the local ruffians were still not satisfied and kicked ZiLi, spitting, “We originally just wanted to get our hands on your money, but who would have thought that you, kid, are just simply begging for a beating. Since that’s the case, heh heh heh, then let’s practice our fist well today!

Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 60 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

“Ughh――” ZiLi put his hands on his head and curled up in pain. The blow to his abdomen had caused his whole body to spasm! The constant kicks and blows to his body left him with no room to get up and fight back, and just when ZiLi thought he was about to be beaten to death, he suddenly heard the agonizing howls of the thugs around him.

Curious, he looked up and found the thugs who a second ago had been on a rampage, now rolling on the ground in agony as if they had been subjected to purgatory, and a tall, dark figure with a black veil hat standing motionless at the side.

Watching, trembling with fear, as the man moved towards him step by step, ZiLi coughed up blood and pressed himself firmly against the wall, saying, “Don’t― don’t kill me, I’m not a bad person!”

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The man stopped in front of ZiLi and looked down at him, then suddenly crouched down and pressed on ZiLi’s carotid artery and said, “You are hurt!”

“You― you don’t say,” *cough, cough*, “You, let them beat you up like this and see if you get hurt!” Knowing that this man meant him no harm, ZiLi rolled his eyes and said weakly and without strength.

Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 60 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

“It looks like it is about to reach the heart meridian!” the man said again something perplexing. “I have met you twice in one day, so we can be considered to have some relationship. Here, this pill is for you, take it, so you can still save your heart meridian.”

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ZiLi looked at the white jade bottle in his hand in confusion, but when he looked up, he found that there was no sign of that man, who had just stood before him.

*Cough, cough* He stood up with the help of the wall, staggered towards the local ruffians who were still howling incessantly, and picked up his bundle with his belongings. As soon as he walked out of the alley, he saw a group of officers and soldiers with torches coming his way, and the person on the horse was none other than Mo CangJing.

He quickly jumped off his horse and ran over to catch ZiLi, who was falling limply forward, and said with a pained face, “I am sorry, ZiLi, I am sorry!”

ZiLi looked at the pale Mo CangJing in front of him with dazed eyes, and then fainted――

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