It was already deep in the night, but the Imperial study was still brightly lit. The palace guards who kept watch waited at the door ready to be summoned by their Emperor at any time.

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‘Creak’ The door opened and an attendant with his hands up his sleeves chanted loudly, “Prepare the carriage. His Majesty, will depart!”

Immediately a well-built, tall and slender young man with a serious and stern appearance appeared at the door. His fine eyebrows showed signs of exhaustion from examining and approving Memorials to the Throne 1 all night in the past few days. But that did not detract from the wisdom and great ambition that flashed in his eyes.

He sat in the Emperor’s carriage, and commanded the palace attendants, who were standing with their heads bowed, “We will not go to Lan Xin Palace 2 tonight. Go straight to the Imperial Sleeping Palace!”

“As you wish, Your Majesty,” the head attendant replied respectfully.


The palace attendants accepted the order and immediately lifted the Emperor’s gorgeous and solemn sandalwood carriage. Two rows of female palace attendants carried lanterns to show the way ahead, and the pitch-black corridor of the palace was illuminated in orange and yellow in a split second. From a distance it looked like a wandering full moon.

The procession avoided the long corridor leading to the palace inhabited by beautiful women 3 , then passed through the Imperial garden with luxuriant flowers and green grass, finally stopping in front of a spacious palace with glazed tiled cornices 4 . This was the Imperial Sleeping Palace of the Emperor ―― Ming Xiao Palace 5 .

Hong Xu stepped out of the Emperor’s carriage on the back of a palace attendant. As soon as his feet touched the ground, a palace attendant came from the side to welcome him.

Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 3 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

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“This servant 6 pays his respect to His Majesty!”


Hong Xu could not help but frown. “Are you not the attendant of Lan Fei?”

“Yes, that is right, Your Majesty. Imperial Consort Lan Fei knows His Majesty is tired, so she personally cooked a cup of Edible Bird’s Nest Congee 7 and Lotus Seed Soup 8 . Now she has specially ordered this servant to deliver it to His Majesty as a midnight snack.”


“We understand, you may leave,” Hong Xu interrupted his endless jabbering, had the attendant behind him accept the small food box and then entered the palace.


Before he could enter the gate of the palace, another palace attendant came up to meet him and said, “This servant pays his respect to His Majesty!”


“What is the matter? Can you not report it tomorrow?” Hong Xu could not help but reprimand coldly.


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“This servant deserves to die. Please, Your Majesty, calm your anger,” the surrounding female palace attendants all fell to their knees in fear.


Hong Xu took a deep breath and after a while said slowly, “Get up! All of you, get out and let Us be alone in peace.”


“As you command, Your Majesty, then these servants will excuse ourselves.”

The light in the large bedroom was reflected by more than a dozen pearls placed on the lampstands, penetrating the night. However, these sun-like rays of light could not bring him a trace of warmth and on the contrary, made him feel extremely cold.


“Your servants are here. What is Your Majesty’s command?” A couple of female palace attendants and eunuchs pushed open the door to enter and came in. When they came in contact with Hong Xu's cold expression, they became frightened and trembled with fear.

“Who lit the lamps for tonight?”


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“Answering Your Majesty, it is these servants.” Two trembling maids stepped forward and bowed their heads.


“Drag these two mongrels out and punish them with 30 flogs with a stick, then send them to the laundry room.”


Two Imperial Bodyguards quickly accepted the order and took the two frightened maids with deathly pale faces away.

“Remove all these annoying pearls and lampstands and replace them with candles.”


“Yes, as you wish, Your Majesty.” As instructed, the palace attendants immediately placed and lit the candles made from sheep fat, which glowed red and orange.

The people in the room were once again dismissed and Hong Xu, left alone, stared lost in thought at the flickering candles.


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Translation Notes 

 Essays used as official communication to the Emperor of China.   兰馨殿 - LánXīn Diàn - Literally in English: Fragrant Orchid Palace - Palace of the concubines.   Refers to concubines.   飞檐 - Fēi Yán - Literally in English: Flying Eaves.
Something like this, I think:

 明霄殿 - MíngXiāo Diàn - Literally in English: Bright Heaven Palace.   奴才 - NúCái - Literally in English: slave.   Something like this, I think:
 Something like this, I think:


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